10 hurtful things younger children have to endure

10 hurtful things younger children have to endure

The cost of age, you know. Family hierarchy is a serious matter.

In the pandemic, many decided not to waste time and gave birth to children. Here is at least a list of stars whose families have grown in 2020 and 2021. For some mums and dads, this is not the first child. And if you also have two or more children, you probably know how difficult it is for the younger ones. First-borns traditionally receive more attention, experiences, even photos in a family album.

Being a junior also has its advantages: there is always a company, and protection in case of anything. But there are also disadvantages. We have collected these most important troubles.

They get used and worn

They buy everything brand new for the first-born. Parents are simply pleased to buy for the long-awaited all the best. And then – don’t throw away the good thing. Will stay for the youngest. This is almost always the case. And it’s also lucky if there is only one senior! If you, for example, are the fourth in the family, things sometimes come in a form that is far from glamorous. And new clothes, toys and other joys – except for the New Year and birthday.

They do not squeak over them

No, well, they cackle, of course, how could it be otherwise. But it’s not at all the same as above the first, when my mother jumped up every half a minute and ran up to listen to her breathing: the baby was asleep painfully quietly. The clothes were ironed, the nipples were sterilized after each fall, not even on the floor, but into the crib, wet cleaning was done five times a day, the floor was washed so that you could eat from it. With the third child, everything is like in a joke: “If a child eats a cat from a bowl, this is a cat’s problem.”

They are rarely called by their first name.

When in the summer our mothers gathered us, three sisters and four brothers, together, they usually addressed me like this: “Ugh, Natasha!” This is because at first my mother called me by the name of her sister, then by the name of one of my sisters, and then they got to my own name. True, now, when I myself have a daughter (Alexandra, this is important), the situation has not improved: now they remember my name after Sasha’s.

“Because I’m older and smarter”

How many times the youngest child has heard this phrase, do not count. After all, the elder hears it only from parents, grandparents – the maximum. And the youngest – from everyone. We have to recognize the authority of mom and dad, and even older brothers and sisters to boot. And to any question to hear this: “Because I’m older!” As if this is really a weighty argument. It would be better to honestly say: “I am stronger.”

Mom and Dad spend less time with them.

Well, too, not right away. At first, the mother belongs to the baby entirely and without a trace. But then the baby can already be left with the older one. If it was scary for the first-born even to hire a nanny (what if it was bad?), And the grandmother did not always agree to sit with her grandson, then it is quite logical that he got more attention from the parent. True, this is some kind of trouble for the elder, but not all the same for the cat Maslenitsa.

The younger ones are considered spoiled

Small time, it means that they are babysitting with him. Nothing of the kind! Younger children begin to get used to independence much earlier than older children did. After all, now mom knows for sure that it is not at all necessary to put a child to sleep on handles and feed from a spoon until school. Giving gifts? Come on. After all, the older one needs to prepare for school, the middle one needs to pass the graduation ceremony in kindergarten, where does the money come from so that the younger one just needs to fill up with gifts.

Always compared to elders

Everything. Always. The grandmother will remember: “But Timosha went a month earlier,” Mom will remember that Timosha began to speak at once purely and in poetry, and in the memory of the teachers Timofey is an example of angelic behavior. The ghosts of the elders will constantly haunt the younger, despite the fact that psychologists beg not to compare children with anyone. Even with brothers and sisters.

They rarely get their own room

It’s rare there. Never practically. After all, not every family can afford an apartment with two or three children. You have to resort to zoning tricks, for example, to separate the personal spaces of children. But they are unlikely to live separately. Sometimes it’s upsetting for everyone, and sometimes it’s not bad at all. And funny.

Seniors strive to shove off their part of household chores

And sometimes the responsibility for their own antics. The youngest can be bribed with a promise to play together, you can just persuade, you can even push. And in response to the threat to complain to his mother, he will be so ashamed that a potential sneak will take out the garbage for another year instead of the older one, just to stop teasing.

They always lose TV arguments.

And for the computer. And for the prefix. They are forced to watch what the elders like. Because see the item “I am older and smarter”! However, even this trouble has its own plus. If a child spends less time in front of the screen, his eyesight will not deteriorate, and his imagination will develop better. After all, you still have to figure out what to do with yourself!


What do you think of the “troubles” accompanying younger children?

  • I myself am the youngest child and I perfectly understand what this is about.

  • I am the youngest, but I have never been offended.

  • I am the oldest child. I do not understand what are you talking about.

  • I am the only child in the family. What a thrill!

  • I have two children, I try to treat them equally.

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