10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

In 2017, the horror film “Away”, which attracted the attention of the audience with the excitement that was raised around him.

The film received several major awards and critical acclaim. The plot of the thriller keeps you in suspense from the first minutes to the very end.

Chris comes to meet his girlfriend’s parents, but it seems that nothing good will come of it – her parents are from an elite society, and he is an ordinary photographer from New York.

But if he knew that it was necessary to be afraid of a completely different person, he would have rushed away …

The film is worth watching for those who haven’t seen it yet. And for those who have already watched it and want to see a movie with a similar plot, a list of thrillers is presented. These are the 10 most interesting films similar to Get Out.

10 Gothic (2003)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

Criminal psychologist Miranda Gray (played by Halle Berry) works in a department for the insane.

But one day she finds herself locked in a cell. Miranda wakes up in a straitjacket as her colleagues discreetly explain to her that she is accused of killing her husband.

But Miranda does not remember this, and tells her colleagues that she had a good relationship with her husband. Gradually, her memory returns to her, she begins to remember something …

For example, the one that knocked down a girl when she was driving from work in a heavy downpour. The people around do not believe her words, since the girl Miranda is talking about is long dead …

How will this story end? Find out in the movieGothic».

9. Dark Child (2009)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

Film “Child of darkness”of those that surprise, with an unpredictable ending. An excellent film that is definitely worth watching. It might seem like it’s about a typical devil-child story, but it’s not.

Husband and wife Kate and John Coleman have recently lost a child and decide to take the baby from a shelter. When they visited the shelter, they really liked the 9-year-old girl Esther. Her parents died in a fire, and she was left alone.

The couple consult and take the girl with them. Kate and John show her a new home, give her time to get comfortable… But after a while it becomes clear that Esther is not as harmless as it seems…

8. Out of my mind (2018)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

Many girls face unwanted attention from certain men in their lives. This happened to the heroine of the film “Not in yourself».

The girl moves to another city to forget the past and tries to find a job. The move is connected with the pursuit of a stranger who made her life a real nightmare.

Against her will, she finds herself in a psychiatric clinic, in which she has to face horror … The same man works as a nurse in the clinic.

But what is reality, and what is its morbid fantasy?

7. Visit (2015)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

Rebecca and Tyler are teenagers but have never seen their grandparents. They collect their belongings and the guests go to them, taking a video camera with them to film their journey.

The brother and sister come to their grandparents and get to know them. At the table, grandfather talks about the rules of the house – you can’t go to bed after 9:30 and go into the barn in the yard.

When Rebecca and Tyler go to bed, they begin to hear strange noises… They leave the bedroom to see what’s going on and see their grandmother walking around the house without clothes. It’s like sleepwalking. But the next night, they notice something even stranger…

Rebecca Skypes her mother and shows her the video she made earlier. Paula says with horror that she does not know these people…

What is going on and who are these people? Watch in the movieVisit».

6. Dark Forest (2006)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

It is believed that the farther from civilization – the cleaner the air and easier to breathe. But what if the forest is not very favorable to you? Or rather, its inhabitants …

«Dark forest” tells the story of girls who study at a boarding school in the middle of the forest. Among the students there is a gloomy and strange girl named Heather, who is wary of both her peers and teachers. Heather is on the verge of despair, because of the tyranny she begins to hallucinate …

However, not everything is her imagination, girls begin to disappear in the boarding school, and Heather, turning to her imagination, believes that some evil forest force is taking them away …

What actually happens in the forest more often?

5. Invitation (2015)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

Once Eden and Will – the heroes of the film “Invitation, were a happy family and they had a son. But a tragedy occurred in their lives – the boy died.

Blaming each other for what happened, their life together became unbearable, so Eden and Will broke up. Everyone went their own way, Eden got a new husband, David.

Once Will and Eden met on the street, but the woman did not say a word about what happened once, but only invited her ex-husband to a party.

Will comes by invitation with his girlfriend Kira, but gradually begins to realize that Eden is hiding something…

What is the horrifying plan that Will’s ex-wife is up to?

4. Strangers (2008)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

«Strangersis a classic of the horror genre. In the United States, according to statistics, thousands of people go missing every week, and violent crimes are constantly occurring. The tragic fate touched the heroes of the film.

Kristen and James went to a country house to take a break from civilization and enjoy each other’s company.

They began to sort out their things upon arrival, as a strange stranger knocked on the house. James and Kristen told her she had the wrong address and closed the door.

After some time, James leaves for shopping, and Kristen is left alone … She notices strange masked people near the house, and then hears a knock on the door. Gradually, her fear grows …

James returns from the store and together they try to figure out what’s going on…

Will the heroes be able to stay alive?

3. Echoes (1999)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

There are films that you watch in one breath, and you can’t “break away” from the screen. “echo echoes‘ are among them.

Tom Witzky never believed in hypnosis, but he changed his mind after he was hypnotized at a party.

It turned out that hypnosis can awaken the demons that are in the subconscious. Because of the séance, Tom encountered the world of the dead, and this was the beginning of a nightmare…

The demons woke up, and the person who had been confident in himself until that time began to panic …

Will Tom Wicky be able to escape from the nightmare?

2. We (2019)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

Gabe and Adelaide are a married couple who go on vacation with their children. They chose a house on a sunny beach in California.

The family was supposed to have an unforgettable vacation – enjoy delicious food, sunbathe and swim, but Adelaide’s premonitions overshadowed the holiday. Gabe doesn’t take his wife’s premonition seriously, but he should…

At night, strangers appear on the doorstep of their house, the man asks them to leave, but they do not seem to understand. It soon becomes clear that the strangers are not going to leave at all, and have come to do harm…

When they make their way into the house, the whole family realizes in horror that the strangers are their doubles…

Who are these people and for what purpose did they come? See in movieМы“.

1. Key from all doors (2005)

10 Horror Movies Similar to Get Out

«The key of all doors“is an intriguing, mystical and dynamic film that keeps the viewer in suspense during the entire viewing.

Caroline Ellis is a 25-year-old girl who takes a job as a carer for Ben Devereaux, an elderly disabled person from Louisiana. His wife gives the girl the key to all the doors.

Caroline is attracted to a secret room that contains mystical items. Violet, the owner of the house, claims that these things belong to former residents of the house who were fond of black magic.

Soon, Caroline begins to notice strange events taking place in the mansion. The girl decides that she will solve the mystery of the room, no matter what it costs her …

Will Caroline be able to understand why inexplicable phenomena occur in the house?

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