10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

Film “The spell” differs from many other “horror films” in that this story actually happened.

American paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine encountered a similar case in 1971.

The film is set in Harrisville. The Perron family moves to a new home. Everyone likes it here, except for the dog – she refuses to go there.

Soon strange things begin to happen. At night, the clock stops and the dog dies. A rotten smell appears in the house, and on the street, members of the Perron family find dead birds.

At night, someone grabs the children by the legs, and their mother Carolyn discovers bruises on her body. The Perrons turn to the Warrens for help.

Ed and Lorraine arrive in Harrisville and realize that the matter is very serious. Several ghosts live in the house, one of them is especially dangerous…

Interesting captivating movie. By the way, this is not the only film based on the Warrens’ research.

If you like to tickle your nerves, check out our selection of horror movies similar to The Conjuring.

10 Poltergeist (1982)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

The “venerable” age of the film should not scare you. “Poltergeist” is already 37 years old, but this is an excellent “horror movie”, where there are many interesting and original moments.

Strange things are happening at the Freeling family’s country house. Someone moves furniture, turns on the TV and drops various objects. The last straw is the disappearance of their daughter – a little girl.

The head of the family learns bad news – their house was built on a cemetery …

Interesting fact: the film was called cursed. The fact is that several actors of “Poltergeist” died during the filming of the continuation of the film.

9. Curse Box (2012)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

The Brennecks divorced. The girls’ father Clyde periodically takes them to himself.

One day at the fair, Emily asks to buy her a box. Clyde fulfills her daughter’s request, and from that moment on, their lives change.

Emily becomes strongly attached to the new toy, but her parents do not pay attention to it. Soon the girl begins to commit horrific acts.

After a while, it turns out that this little thing – curse box, she had too many owners, they all died. Clyde is ready to do anything to save his daughter from death…

8. Oculus (2013)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

The Russell family moves into a new home. The head of the family Alan buys an antique mirror, he intends to decorate his office with this vintage thing.

Alan begins to be haunted by the beautiful seductive Marisol, the visionary woman. His wife Marie goes crazy as she sees that her body is gradually decomposing. Tim and Kaylee’s kids don’t understand what’s going on with their parents.

When the spouses die, Kaylee makes a promise to herself: she will destroy the mirror that ruined her life…

«Oculus” differs from other horror films in an unusual original idea, which is why it is worth watching.

7. Sinister (2012)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

Allison is a writer. He and his family move to a small town. They move into a new house that has its own history.

Once upon a time, a tragedy occurred here: an entire family was killed. The body of the little girl (youngest daughter) was never found. She disappeared.

In the attic, the writer finds films. He learns that more than one family perished in the house under tragic circumstances. In all cases, one child went missing. Allison is interested in the investigation and does not pay attention to the children: something strange is happening to them …

Translated from English “Sinists“Means”sinister“. The distributors did not translate it into Russian, they decided to leave this version of the name.

6. The Rite (2011)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

Michael is graduating from the seminary. No, he does not want to become a priest, he just did not have the opportunity to pay for education. Now he is going to write a renunciation of the priesthood, justifying it by the fact that he no longer believes in God.

His boss tells the guy not to rush. He sends him to Rome, where Michael is to be trained by an Italian tutor. Everything is not so simple, his new mentor is engaged in exorcism. Michael has a tough decision to make…

Interesting fact: “Rite” based on real events. A similar story happened in 2008 in the Vatican. In addition, the participants in the filming had to be pretty nervous. On the set every now and then there were troubles. It is still unknown whether this is a coincidence or the influence of otherworldly forces.

5. Dead Silence (2006)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

Jamie and Lisa recently got married. One evening they receive a package. The box contains a ventriloquist doll.

On the same night, Lisa dies. The circumstances of her death are unknown, with Jamie becoming the first suspect.

The man tries to find out what really happened. He goes to his hometown, where Jamie learns the shocking truth…

Film “Dead silence” is definitely worth a watch because of the original ending. While watching, the audience makes assumptions, but the ending cannot be predicted, it is so unusual.

4. Ghosts in Connecticut (2009)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

Matt is seriously ill – he has cancer. In order not to torment the patient with long trips to the clinic, the family changes their place of residence.

They move to Connecticut. But they do not even assume that they will have even more problems. The house is haunted, they won’t leave this family alone.

«Ghosts in Connecticutis not a classic horror film. A very difficult topic is touched upon here – a sick child. The family will have to fight not only with a serious illness and financial difficulties, but also with otherworldly forces.

3. Curse of Annabelle (2014)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

The film is set in Santa Monica in 1967. John and Mia are young spouses, they are expecting a child. John gives his beloved a beautiful antique doll.

On the same night, tragic events take place in a neighboring house. The Higgins couple are attacked by their own daughter and her accomplice. They kill the Higgins and sneak into John and Mia’s house. A man is killed by the police, and the Higgins’ daughter Annabelle slits her own throat in the children’s room. She is found in the nursery with a doll in her hands.

After these horrifying events, Mia throws the doll away. Soon the family moves to a new apartment. Mia gives birth to a girl and it seems that all bad things are forgotten. But the ill-fated doll returns…

«Curse of Annabelle” is based on a case from the practice of Ed and Lrraine.

2. Six Demons by Emily Rose (2005)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

The film is based on real events. Emily’s prototype was Anneliese Michel, a young German woman who died during an exorcism.

This case received wide publicity. The priest and parents were accused of the girl’s death. The examination showed that she died of dehydration and exhaustion.

«The Six Demons of Emily Rose‘ is a similar story. After Emily’s death, the priest tries to dispute the accusation. To do this, he will have to prove the fact of the existence of otherworldly forces.

1. Astral (2010)

10 Horror Movies About Demons Similar To The Conjuring

The film became so popular that three more parts were made. Josh, his wife Renee and their three children move into a new home.

They did not even have time to unpack things, as they witnessed strange events. There is something in the house, frightening and dangerous.

Soon one of the Dalton children climbs into the attic and falls from there. It seems that everything worked out, but the next morning he does not wake up.

The boy fell into a coma. Traditional medicine is powerless here, paranormal experts say that this is not a coma.

Dalton came out astralbut failed to return. His father Josh can help the boy, but time is too short…

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