10 ‘Harry Potter’ Child Actors Who Didn’t Happen Like in the Movies

The very first film about The Boy Who Lived was released in November 2001 (just think – more than 16 years have passed!), And the last – the eighth – in July 2011. The children who played in the “Potterian” during the filming of the first part were 9-15 years old. And all the next 10 years, while this (now cult) saga lasted, they grew and matured right before the eyes of the audience. By the time of the worldwide screening of the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry himself, and Hermione, and Ron, and all their Hogwarts friends were no longer babies.

Many of the young actors “Potteriana” gave a real “start in life” – they continued their careers in films and became very famous. The former “inseparable trinity” – Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint – appears especially often on film and television screens. They are loved by audiences and film critics alike. And there is a reason – these young people are very talented (which they have already proven many times). And, by the way, all three are trying very hard not to remain forever in the memory of movie fans like Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, choosing difficult, interesting (and sometimes even strange) roles.

A little less often in the public eye is Tom Felton – Draco Malfoy, Harry’s worst enemy at Hogwarts (and a friend of Daniel Radcliffe in real life). But he also has a great acting career. In addition, Felton is a very good musician, at the moment he has recorded two solo albums, travels with concerts, etc.

But about some other students of Hogwarts, something has not been heard for a long time (at least in Russia). What happened to them? How do they live, what do they do? Let’s find out.

10 Jamie Waylett (Vincent Crabbe)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies Draco Malfoy’s bosom friend and practically bodyguard, Vincent Crabbe, seems to have had a very strong influence on the performer of his role, Jamie Waylett. (Hmm … Although, who knows, maybe Jamie already had all the “makings” before that in order to become a “bad guy”?) One way or another, but in 2009 he could no longer act in “Potterian”, “thundering” for six months in prison after a whole plot of marijuana was found in his house.

In 2011, Waylett took an active part in the London pogroms, hitting the cameras with a bottle of Molotov cocktail in his hand, for which he was arrested again, but for some reason did not go to jail. But (how long skillfully?) In 2012, he still went to jail again – this time for theft – for two years. Waylett is now 29.

9. Joshua Herdman (Gregory Goyle)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies And here is another hanger-on of Malfoy – Gregory Goyle (in real life, quite a modest guy Joshua Herdman, son of actor Martin Herdman), turned out to be not such a “criminal” person. Joshua appears in films from time to time (albeit rarely, and far from in the main roles), – in November 2018, the film “Robin Hood: The Beginning” was released with his participation. And in 2016, Joshua Herdman, moreover, began his career as a mixed martial arts fighter in MMA. He has a wife, Jessica, and a son, Morgan. Joshua is 31 years old.

8. Hugh Mitchell (Colin Creevy)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies The “Muggle-born” young wizard (and a real fan of Harry Potter, who from time to time runs after him with a camera) Colin Creevy was played in “Potterian” by a funny blond boy Hugh Mitchell.

For those who do not remember this character well: he became one of (thank God!) The few defenders of Hogwarts who died in the last battle with the “death eaters”. It was because of him that Harry grieved the most (he did not keep track of his younger comrade).

Now Hugh Mitchell is a singer, composer (he wrote songs for several films), an avid traveler and photographer. In addition, he still sometimes plays in films and television series. Mitchell is now 29.

7. Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies The little Irishman Devon Murray already had a small “film career” before “Potteriana” – he played in the films “All About My Father”, “Angela’s Ashes” and “Yesterday’s Children”.

But Devon had no idea about Harry Potter until the very moment he was invited to shoot. Murray appeared in all 8 films. His role is Gryffindor Seamus Finnigan, who always set fires, explosions and fireworks at Hogwarts.

After Harry Potter, Devon Murray’s acting career gradually “came to naught”. Now he is mainly engaged in horse riding, takes part in competitions, has 6 own horses. But he also willingly comes to fan parties dedicated to the “Potteriana”, together with friends and colleagues in the saga. And, – Devon is already 30.

6. Cathy Leung (Chou Chang)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies Harry Potter’s first love Zhou Chang (and in life – a young actress of Hong Kong origin Cathy Leung) has grown into a real beauty.

Today she is considered one of the “hottest” girls in Scotland. Katie regularly acts in films and TV shows (alas, not in the lead roles), for example, in early 2017, the action movie The Foreigner was released (with Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan), in which Katie appeared as Fan. She devotes much more time to work in the theater.

In addition, Katie Leung is fond of drawing and photography, and is also seriously involved in playing the piano. Now she is 31 years old.

5. Harry Melling (Dudley Dursley)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies Most of the audience of the “Potteriana” with all their hearts could not stand Harry’s cousin – the fat and mischievous Dudley Dursley. Harry Melling managed to play this disgusting character so well (although this was his first film role) that his further career was literally predetermined.

Since then, Harry Melling has changed beyond recognition (in fact, he suddenly and greatly lost weight even before filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which almost disrupted the process – they had to dress him up in a very “fat” suit).

Melling studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and now plays mainly in the theater, but quite often appears in minor roles in films and TV shows (and since Harry’s appearance is still non-standard, these are far from the roles of hero-lovers ). He will be 30 in March.

4. Evanna Lynch (Crescent Moon Lovegood)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies Irish girl Evanna Lynch was perhaps the most passionate fan of the Harry Potter books among the children who played in the “Potterian” (and long before she got the role herself). She met JK Rowling in absentia at the age of 11, writing her a letter about a big personal problem – anorexia, she asked for advice. Rowling replied that she believes Evanna can handle it. And when the shooting of the fifth film “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” began, where a character named Luna Lovegood appeared, it was Rowling who advised Evanna to try for this role.

And the 14-year-old Irish woman, having beaten 15 thousand (!) Other contenders, did get it. The producers decided that other girls were trying to play Luna, and Evanna was Luna. But, having perfectly played the role of a strange student from the faculty of Ravenclaw, Evanna Lynch was never able to build a strong acting career.

Having received only a few small roles, she seems to have “tied up” with the movie. Evanna is now a model, designer, charity worker, conservationist, and more. Hmm… It looks like the girl still remained Luna at 27.

3. Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies Young Bonnie Wright (in the “Potterian” – the younger sister of Ron Weasley and the future great love of Harry Potter) decided to compete for this role because her brother said that she was – one to one – Ginny Weasley.

The producers seemed to think so too. Later, Bonnie continued her film career, starring in small copyright films. But, after graduating from the directing department of the University of the Arts London, she decided that she would still be engaged in directing and producing.

Now she has her own small film company, where Bonnie shoots short films and videos. In addition, she is also a model. Yes Yes! The girl still “wiped her nose” to all those who snorted, they say, “well, Harry found someone to choose …”, – she grew up to be a real beauty. Bonnie Wright will be 28 in February.

2. Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies

Who really surprised me! Either the guy still picked up some magic at Hogwarts, or he simply declared a real war on his own children’s complexes, but a muscular handsome man and macho grew out of a timid, chubby, toothy and funny boy (almost a real Neville Longbottom).

Once finding Matthew Lewis on the spread of a glamorous magazine in a “slightly undressed” form, the fans of the “Potteriana” in unison demanded: “A billion points to Gryffindor!” Slightly shocked by this photo shoot, JK Rowling told Matthew that she would support him in any endeavors, if only he would get dressed. And he promised. Now Lewis serves in the theater, sometimes plays in films and television series (for example, in “Streets of the Ripper”). He recently got married. Matthew Lewis is 29.

1. Oliver and James Phelps (Fred and George Weasley)

10 Harry Potter Child Actors Who Didnt Happen Like in the Movies It would seem that the roles of the fiery red twins Fred and George Weasley – Ron’s older brothers – in the Potterian are far from being the main ones. But now it is impossible to imagine her without this most charming hooligan couple.

James and Oliver Phelps brought an indescribable charm to many initially not very important episodes with their game. By the way, the guys went through 6 stages of casting in order to “make” all the competitors.

Now the brothers continue to shoot (both together and separately), constantly traveling between Britain and the USA. True, many of their roles are not known to the general public (but they are known in the UK).

The twins (and they’re actually not that redheaded) love golf, do charity work, and love to travel. In 2015, the eldest of them, Oliver, got married and has a son. Well, James is still single. On February 25, the brothers will turn 33 years old.

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