10 harmless things that were banned in the past

Modern man will never understand his ancestors. Now in many states freedom of speech and religion prevails, people live as they like.

Previously, everything was a little different, and you don’t need to go far for an example. About 100 years ago, Russian people were imprisoned for thinking differently from “the right way.” They were punished for forbidden books, they could even be shot.

Everyone must have heard about the “anti-Soviet elements”, people were killed for other views on life, faith in God. Just at that time, such a policy was carried out in the state.

All this is sad, but let’s not talk about sad things. Russia is not the only country with strange bans. In many countries, at the legislative level, it was forbidden to wear certain things, have fun or read books.

If you are interested in this topic, read our article. Below are 10 harmless things that were banned in the past.

10 Pants for women

Everyone knows that before women did not wear trousers, but few people know that this was prohibited at the legislative level.

In France at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, women were allowed to wear trousers, but first they had to get permission from the police. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, an amendment was made to the law.

Women could wear men’s clothes when they rode a bicycle or a horse. If the girl walked next to the “vehicle”, she was obliged to lead the horse by the reins or hold the bicycle. Otherwise, she could be fined.

After a few decades, women stopped observing this law, although it was still in effect. True, no one fined or detained fashionistas in trousers. The law was repealed only in 2013.

9. Credit cards for women

Women were infringed on their rights not only in France. In the US, they were forbidden to issue credit cards. Officially, the law was not approved, but all banks followed this rule.

A woman, before receiving a credit card, had to confirm the consent of her husband. The man put his signature on the document.

How single women got out of this situation, history is silent. They could only dream of credit cards. The loan amount for women was also underestimated. It should not exceed half of the earnings.

In 1974, a law was passed that established equality for credit card recipients.

8. Christmas

Surprisingly, Christmas was also banned! In 1644, English Protestants banned the celebration of Christmas. They explained this by the fact that the holiday has pagan roots.

It was impossible to decorate the Christmas tree, prepare festive treats. Heralds walked around the city and informed everyone about the complete ban on Christmas. The law was repealed in 1660.

In December 2018, it was decided to ban Christmas in China, in the city of Langfang. This holiday is not considered official there, but some people celebrate it. At least there are festive paraphernalia in the city: shop windows are decorated, souvenirs and gifts are sold.

It was forbidden to put up Christmas trees and promote religion. Such an act of the authorities surprised the whole world.

7. Coffee houses

In 1675, King Charles II of England banned coffee shops. It was impossible to carry out trade in coffee, tea, sweets. The official reason for the ban is a violation of public order and laziness.

Indeed, people who gathered in coffee houses spent a lot of time talking there, but they could devote it to work.

Actually, that was not the reason. Charles II was afraid of conspiracies. He feared that conspirators would gather in the cafe and stage an uprising. The law never entered into force, it was repealed.

6. Popcorn

When the first cinemas appeared, the audience did not even have thoughts about popcorn. The fact is that the cinema was the privilege of the upper strata of the population. Only those who knew how to read subtitles went there. Cinemas were equipped according to the highest class: expensive furniture, carpets.

When films began to sound, everything changed. Movie theaters began to be visited by people of the lower class. Before the show, they bought popcorn and ate it while watching the movie.

Popcorn was then sold on every corner. Soon sellers of goodies took their “place of honor” in cinemas.

5. Bathing suit

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, society was struck by the fashion for bathing suits. They existed before, but they were ordinary clothes that covered the entire body.

Fashionable swimsuits looked a little different, they completely fitted the body, the sleeves disappeared. Women who dared to wear such bathing suits were sent to the police station. Incidents took place in many cities.

In New York, two dozen women were recruited into the police force. Their main duty was to maintain order on the beach, they checked how vacationers were dressed, identified violators and detained them. In 1930, the law was repealed.

4. Bikini

If bathing suits were banned, then what about bikinis. It was the height of obscenity. Bikinis were even forbidden to be sold, let alone worn.

For the first time, the mayor of the Spanish town of Benidorm allowed to wear swimsuits. The fact is that the city was visited by tourists, and the ban on swimwear caused their discontent.

Pedro Zaragoza made sure that the bikini was officially allowed, because he did not want to lose tourists because of stupid bans. After a while, bikinis began to be worn throughout Spain.

3. Футбол

The birthplace of football is England and Scotland. Sailors from these countries traveled the world, staying in the port, they loved to play football. The game attracted the attention of people from other countries. Football became more and more popular.

But in England itself, the game was banned. This only applies to London. Edward II at the beginning of the XNUMXth century banned football because the players were making too much noise.

The king was also afraid of the consequences. The game was so exciting that it went on for a long time, and after that the players often made a mess. Mass fights at that time were not a rare occurrence, football was to blame.

Edward III also forbade the game. In his opinion, archery was much more useful. There is an opinion that the king also wanted to take part in the game, but the aristocrats could not afford such entertainment. Therefore, the king decided to ban football.

2. Шахматы

Chess was banned in many countries, among them France, Japan, Persia. Authorities explained the ban on the game in different ways. For example, the French king Ludwig IX called them useless.

Surprisingly, in some countries the ban is still in effect today. In Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, it is illegal to play chess because players may miss the prayer.

Also in these countries, chess is considered a game of chance. According to another version, the game is banned due to religion. In this game, the result depends only on the players, that is, they are not helped by higher powers, which the locals rely on in everything. The authorities are afraid that the influence of religion on people will decrease, they will believe in their own strength.

1. Bowling

Another harmless game that did not escape a similar fate. We will have to return to England again in 1366. Edward III banned not only football, but also bowling.

You remember that archery is much more useful. So did Henry VIII. True, he allowed the upper strata of the population to play bowling for the simple reason that he himself adored this game.

The owners of bowling alleys paid a state duty to the treasury. The path could only be used for personal use. Bowling clubs and other establishments where men could play for money were banned.

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