10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

Modern man does not think about his safety. Indeed, bears and tigers do not run around the streets, and the police will take care of the criminals.

In fact, you should not neglect the safety rules and hope that this time it will “carry over”.

A lot of the time, people bring trouble on themselves. They willingly communicate with strangers, trust them with their secrets, post too many photos on social networks and do many other things that seem harmless at first glance.

Do not forget that at all times not only good people lived on earth, but also bad people. No need to flaunt your personal life or professional achievements, especially do not brag about your financial situation.

All this can cause envy of others. Some of them will not be limited to envy, but will try to do everything to make your life change for the worse.

Below are 10 harmless habits that are putting your money, health, and career at risk. Before you do something, learn to think about the consequences, then there will be much less people who want to deceive or offend you.

10 You do not cover your smartphone screen in public places

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

With the advent of smartphones, people’s lives have changed significantly. From anywhere in the world, you can work on a project, write a book, order goods from an online store, and even pay utility bills.

If you also actively use your smartphone, do not ignore the safety rules.

Cover the screen from others. You can learn a lot about a person by looking at it. “Specialists” easily determine the level of income.

Attackers may be interested in your person, attack you, or act more thoughtfully. You yourself will not notice how you tell a new acquaintance where you live and where you work. In this case, do not be surprised if one day you find that you have been robbed.

Covering the screen of a smartphone is not so difficult, but you will be able to avoid problems.

9. Do you like to discuss your life with strangers?

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

It is not in vain that the truth “The world is small” exists. You can share the details of your personal life or complain about your colleagues and boss, just choose carefully the ears that will have to hear all this.

Do not start conversations on these topics with unfamiliar people. Yes, they can also bring burglars into your home, but that’s not all.

If you love to complain about life to bartenders or a hairdresser, be prepared that soon this information will become public.

Fate may prepare you an unpleasant surprise. Your favorite hairdresser will turn out to be a friend of your boss or colleague, and the bartender will be the cousin of your new lover.

Even if you are confident in the honesty of the one to whom you pour out your heart, other people can hear your conversation. Be careful, talk on personal topics only with trusted people.

8. You can easily lend money to friends

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

If you don’t want to lose a friend, never lend him a loan. Another truth that everyone happily forgets about. “That’s a friend. How can I refuse him,” is what most people think. At the same time, they even forget to take a receipt.

Your close friend or colleague may turn out to be an unscrupulous person. You are ready to say goodbye to your money forever. Then borrow it without too much thought.

It is better to lend an amount that you are not afraid to lose. If your friend “forgets” about the debt, you will not be so offended. If you still decide to lend a large amount to a friend, take a receipt.

7. You answer calls from unknown numbers

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

No one urges you not to answer calls from unknown numbers. Just be careful.

Employees of banks and various companies that impose their services often call from unfamiliar numbers. If you don’t need anything, don’t waste your time.

Phone calls are also often used by scammers. They know how to persuade. You yourself will not understand that you told the criminals the card number and all your data.

Be careful when talking to strangers.

6. You allow the courier to enter

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

If you have to bring an order, it is quite possible to meet the courier at the door. Do not rush to let him into the apartment. You do not know what kind of person this is and what his intentions are.

Of course, you can say that he has only one intention – to give you an order. But are you sure that you have a company courier in front of you, and not an intruder who wants to rob or deceive you?

To avoid trouble, meet the delivery worker at the door. You don’t need to show him how good you are.

5. You post pictures of your tickets on social media

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

People love to brag. Now this is very easy to do, you just need to post photos on social networks.

If you have purchased tickets for a concert of your favorite artist, do not rush to share your joy. The fact is that every ticket has a barcode. Anyone can copy it.

When you come to the concert, they simply won’t let you in, and they can also accuse you of forging tickets. After all, most likely, the one who actually forged them will try to come before you.

If you can’t resist the temptation to brag, at least cover the barcode so no one can use your tickets.

4. Are you embarrassed to disturb people?

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

If you think about other people all the time and feel embarrassed to disturb them, it’s time to change your attitude towards life.

If, after long gatherings in a bar, a friend offers to accompany you, do not refuse. If you are afraid to come back late at night through the park, call a friend and ask for help. Don’t put your life in danger. Let you spend a little someone else’s time, but you will not suffer at the hands of criminals or a maniac.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If an unpleasant situation arises, and you feel threatened by someone else, go up to any passer-by and ask for help.

3. You leave keys to strangers

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

If you go on vacation and don’t know who to leave flowers for or your beloved Murzik, don’t rush to ask the neighbors for a favor.

Think about the relationship you have. Most likely, communication is superficial, and you have no idea what kind of people they are.

Leaving the keys, you risk becoming a victim of a robbery. Some unscrupulous neighbors may use your belongings and even throw a party in your apartment.

You should not trust unfamiliar people, neighbors or a colleague. Take the cat to an animal hotel, and the flowers can be left for a couple of weeks by arranging a watering system for them.

2. You do not know the numbers of loved ones by heart

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

Unfortunately, very often situations arise when people are left without communication and they need help.

Surprisingly, even if among the passers-by there is a person with a good heart who offers the victim to use his phone, nothing will work. Few people know the numbers of loved ones by heart.

In order not to find yourself in such a situation, remember a couple of numbers of the closest people, and you can always count on their help.

1. You deceive loved ones about your whereabouts

10 harmless habits that threaten your money, health and career

Many people do not consider it a crime to lie a little. They go to have fun, and they tell their parents, husband, wife that they will spend the night with a girlfriend or friend. At first glance, there is nothing terrible here, but the unexpected can happen.

If misfortune befalls you in a club or restaurant, no one will look for you. Time will be lost.

Learn to negotiate with your loved ones, do not deceive them. So you kill two birds with one stone: you can relax and take care of your safety.

You will know that they are waiting for you at home and, if necessary, you can call and ask to meet you at the entrance.

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