It’s no secret that every woman wants to stay young and beautiful longer. At the same time, not every representative of the fair sex has the opportunity to spend a significant part of her time and money on this goal.
If you want to maximize the benefits of your health without changing your usual routine, then experts in the field of a healthy lifestyle have developed 10 simple but very effective recipes especially for you, with which you can not only reduce the risk of various diseases but also prolong your youth.
All these procedures will take you no more than a few minutes a day, while the result will amaze you in a matter of days. So…
10 walking barefoot
Adherents of the teachings of oriental medicine love to resort to therapy through acupressure. At the same time, official medicine does not dispute the positive effect of such procedures.
On the soles of the feet there are special sensitive points that are in direct relationship with the internal organs.
If you do not have the opportunity to regularly do such a massage with a professional, then you can resort to a budget alternative to this manipulation – walking barefoot on embossed, hard surfaces: wood or bamboo. Sand (for example, on the beach) and lawn grass are also great for this purpose.
9. Airing the apartment
The air in an unventilated room is much more polluted than the air outside, even if your home is in an environmentally unfriendly area.
In the process of breathing, the human body releases end products of the reaction (for example, carbon dioxide), which can harm its own health.
Also, fresh air has a positive effect on the condition of the skin: it tones and improves metabolism. Therefore, thanks to regular ventilation, you will always feel cheerful and full of energy.
8. Gymnastics while visiting the toilet
When visiting the toilet every morning, you need to devote only a couple of minutes to gymnastics for the neck: slowly rotate your head in a circle and to the sides. This is enough to eliminate muscle tension and tune in to the working mood.
This exercise is especially relevant for young ladies who systematically suffer from headaches or lead an inactive lifestyle.
7. Face massage
Few women know, but the muscles of each of us have the ability to rejuvenate themselves. After all, for example, if you constantly train skeletal muscles, they will be dense and elastic, and the body will slowly age and remain attractive for a large amount of time. The muscles of the face have the same capabilities.
Massage is not without reason called passive gymnastics. With its help, you can relieve tension from the muscles and tone the weakened muscles. As a result, the oval of the face will acquire more regular lines, and folds and wrinkles will become less noticeable.
Also, thanks to the massage, local blood flow is enhanced, due to which the tissues will receive nutrients and oxygen more intensively. This, in turn, has a positive effect on complexion and skin turgor.
6. Soda in a cat litter box
Everyone knows that soda perfectly absorbs any odors, even very harsh ones. This property can be used to combat strong and unpleasant odors coming from the cat’s litter box. To do this, simply pour a little powder into the tray. Such advice will be very useful at the moment when you need to leave your pet alone for several days, and no one can clean the toilet behind him during this period.
5. Pulling
In a dream or when sitting for a long time in a static position, the muscles become numb – lactic acid, known to everyone since physical education lessons, accumulates in them. To eliminate discomfort or pain, you need to “disperse” it. This can be done with stretching. They help the muscles prepare for intense exercise.
But, most importantly, sipping is a great way to eliminate stress and improve mood. After all, stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure, disruption of the heart muscle and an increase in insulin levels in the blood. Sipping also accelerates the movement of blood through the vessels, which improves cerebral circulation, and this is very important for people engaged in mental work.
Therefore, scientists advise women to stretch regularly in the morning. And only then get out of bed. In addition, do not forget about yawning – they train the muscles of the face and enrich the body with oxygen.
4. Dry brush massage for the body
If you don’t have the time or money to regularly spend time in spas, you can use a dry brush of medium hardness. She can remove microfragments of keratinized skin as effectively as it happens during professional peeling procedures.
3. Drinking dark chocolate
Regular consumption of dark chocolate helps prevent the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. And since this product contains practically no sugar, it does not provoke the appearance of diabetes or obesity.
Well, and most importantly – dark chocolate improves mood no worse than antidepressants or laughter panorama! Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of feasting on fragrant tiles for fear of damaging your figure or health – dark chocolate will bring you nothing but good.
2. Use of dental floss
Food particles often get stuck between the teeth so that no brush can remove them from there. But, such a simple thing as dental floss copes with a similar problem very quickly. Thanks to it, you will be able to carry out effective prevention of caries and minimize the likelihood of bad breath.
1. Tongue cleaning
Many of us, having seen enough advertising, know that the bulk of pathogens accumulate not on the teeth, but on the tongue and cheeks. Therefore, leading dentists are strongly advised to clean the tongue in the mornings and evenings. With this simple daily manipulation, you can get rid of bad breath and reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the teeth and gums.