10 habits that are hurting your smile

It happens that the interlocutor smiles at you – and as if the whole world around freezes. Of course, the point is in the emotions, charm, positive energy of such a person. But no less eye catches a beautiful smile, which is impossible without healthy teeth and snow-white enamel. Remember how often a pretty face is spoiled by blackened or “golden” teeth, plates or braces, with which they are forced to correct the consequences of illiterate dental care.

In fact, in the era of sweet soda, coffee and chaotic snacks, it is quite difficult to maintain snow-white enamel. At a minimum, it wears out from daily stress and improper use of the teeth (for example, biting nails or capping a pen). And besides, food pigments from beets, coffee, carrots and artificial dyes penetrate into its smallest cracks and settle tightly, without leaving even after manipulations with a toothbrush. The only way out in this case is a professional hygienic cleaning at the dentist, which is advised to be carried out every six months.

Today we will tell you which 10 habits most harm our teeth and affect the beauty of a smile.

10 To drink wine

10 habits that are hurting your smile

In addition to the fact that alcohol destroys our blood vessels, increases the risk of hypertension and stroke, it also affects oral health. The alcoholic drink contains organic acids, which, in combination with sugar, destroy the enamel, form microcracks and erosion on it. As a result, it is attacked by pathogens and carious bacteria, so wine lovers often change fillings and treat pulpitis. In addition, saturated red pigments eat into the formed micropores, densely and reliably staining the enamel. Whatever whitening paste you buy, if you drink wine regularly, you will need aesthetic dentistry services.

9. Biting nails

10 habits that are hurting your smile

To begin with, this habit is unaesthetic and unhygienic, and it will tell any psychologist that you feel insecure and worried. And how does it harm your teeth and bite! In the process of grinding teeth, enamel is damaged to the point that noticeable pieces can break off from it. The edges of the incisors of the “rodents” are uneven, which is very noticeable during a smile. It is also necessary to remember that in the process of biting nails and cuticles, a person often pushes the lower jaw forward, which, if unfortunate circumstances can lead to injury to the ligaments and even subluxation.

8. Play sports without protection

10 habits that are hurting your smile

Needless to say, mouthguards for athletes were not invented in order to cheat the consumer for money. In contact sports (hockey, basketball, American football, various types of martial arts, boxing, etc.), your jaw should be under reliable protection – a strong helmet on your head, as well as mouthguards on your teeth. If you neglect this simple rule, then after another blow to the jaw or hit by sports equipment, your teeth can simply leave their natural places, leaving you with a “cute” childish toothless smile. Remember that the full restoration of molars (building, restoration and implantation) takes a long time and can cost a pretty penny.

7. Constantly snacking

10 habits that are hurting your smile

As it turned out, chaotic snacking not only harms your metabolism and figure, but also your teeth. Each time a new food supply is introduced, carious bacteria also receive the carbohydrates, sugar, and other nutrients they need to reproduce. The more sweet, starchy, and rich in your snack, the more acid bacteria will release, and the more enamel will break down. If you want to postpone the replacement of fillings and more often shine with a snow-white smile without a yellow coating, eat according to a clear schedule. At a minimum, remove bakery and confectionery products, fried and fatty foods, sour-milk and dairy products, as well as sweet soda from snacks.

6. Smoking

10 habits that are hurting your smile

Tobacco tar, nicotine and other harmful compounds immediately rush to attack tooth enamel, destroying and weakening it. As a result, the smoker quickly develops a soft yellow plaque on the teeth, which, with normal oral hygiene, threatens to quickly develop into a hard, dark stone. Also, gums, mucous membranes of the tongue, lips, and the inner surface of the cheeks suffer from tobacco smoke. What a smile there is when you have a hotbed of pathogens in your mouth, including fungi and the stomatitis virus. Do not forget that a smoker is primarily given out by yellow, faded teeth and an earthy complexion.

5. Brushing your teeth too hard

10 habits that are hurting your smile

Sometimes hard doesn’t mean right. If you brush your teeth too aggressively and thoroughly, pay attention to hygiene more than 2 times a day, then you risk increasing the wear of the enamel and reducing its protective properties against environmental factors. Diligent cleaning often provokes the loss of old fillings, injures the delicate mucous membrane of the gums, causing them to bleed and associated diseases (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, etc.).

4. Drink sweet drinks

10 habits that are hurting your smile

As we mentioned above, sugar is the favorite food of carious microbes. The seasoning is found in abundance in modern industrial juices and sweet soda, as well as in energy drinks, sports drinks, and even flavored mineral water. Sweeteners and sucrose itself quickly lead to yellowing of the enamel, increasing the risk of caries. Well, citric and phosphoric acids in the composition of the soda completely weaken the enamel, corrode its surface and increase sensitivity to temperature and food irritants.

3. Gnawing pencils

10 habits that are hurting your smile

Along with nail biting, another bad habit can develop – putting foreign objects in your mouth. Most often, this is observed when a person is in thought or is very worried. Keep in mind that the teeth of a beaver that grinds down a tree grow 0,5 cm per month. Your molars are not restored in a lifetime and grind off irrevocably, so do not test them on wooden and other hard surfaces.

2. Grind your teeth

10 habits that are hurting your smile

When a person is angry, worried, focused, or simply cold, they often begin to tap or grind their teeth. This habit is one of the most dangerous, as it leads to overstrain of the muscles and ligaments of the jaw, chipping and destruction of the enamel. Unfortunately, even if you control yourself during the daytime, the habit can unconsciously return at night, so it is advisable, knowing about it, to wear a special mouth guard.

1. Use your teeth as a tool

10 habits that are hurting your smile

Of course, your dentition is a tool, but only for crushing, chewing and grinding soft and moderately hard food. The maximum for which the enamel surface is intended is for cracking already peeled nuts, as well as chewing an apple, carrot, and so on. But because of their natural laziness, people have learned to use their teeth for other purposes: they open bottles and packages, bite off a thread, hold a bag with busy hands, etc. Use your teeth for their intended purpose, since natural “instruction” does not prescribe to use them for any other purposes. Get yourself a portable multifunctional gadget that includes a knife, an opener, and other useful items.

If you do not want to become a regular at the nearest dentistry and take your uncle in a bathrobe a tidy sum every couple of months, then try to avoid the above bad habits.

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