10 Habits of People Who Get Everything Done

The hectic world forces us to constantly increase speed. We run faster and faster, we try to plan, but many things remain unfinished. Punctuality becomes a rare quality, and people who possess it cause admiration and slight envy. How to become one of them?

Their motto is: “Early birds drink dew, late birds shed tears.” The widespread manner of being late everywhere is completely uncharacteristic of them. They are punctual people, and we are used to explaining their exceptional composure to ourselves by some unique personal characteristics. But is it?

Everyone knows that being late and missing deadlines can hurt careers and relationships. Here are ten habits of punctual people to learn from them.

1. Wake up before the alarm goes off

Those who always have time to do everything have an internal alarm clock set. There is a scientific explanation for this: in the intermediate part of the brain is the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which regulates the “biological clock” and can adapt to the daily routine. As a rule, punctual people follow a strict schedule, so their body adapts to the daily rhythm.

2. Think ahead

Punctual people in the evening choose clothes for the next day, so as not to waste time on this in the morning. Instead of frantically rummaging through the closet, they prefer to attend to more important things, such as breakfast. In addition, they know that something can go wrong in the morning, and they set aside time to deal with unforeseen difficulties.

3. Leave a margin of time

Punctual people always arrive ahead of time or exactly at the appointed time, because they are used to leaving time in reserve: if the journey takes exactly half an hour, they leave not in 30, but in 40-45 minutes.

4. Treasure other people’s time

Perhaps, deep down, you also agree that the “innocent” manner of being late is nothing but rudeness. Punctual people are firmly convinced of this. Accuracy is everything to them, as they believe that everyone’s time is equally valuable.

5. Be organized

They never have a very busy schedule, the information in the calendar is replenished in a timely manner, they always clearly know how much time it takes to get somewhere and not be late for a meeting or event.

6. Live without procrastination and multitasking

Punctual people plan ahead and lead structured lives. They are collected, everything is laid out on the shelves. If things are in order, there is no need to grab everything at once or finish something at the last minute. Multitasking only happens to those who have to catch up with yesterday.

7. Be realistic and always find the shortest path.

Punctual people not only know how to calculate the exact amount of time it will take to get from point A to point B or to complete a specific task. They know the fastest way to get to the right place. It is still the same habit of being organized and planning ahead: if there is a journey ahead, you need to study the route in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

8. Appreciate free time

Although punctual people waste a lot of time waiting for others (because they themselves arrive earlier or because acquaintances are late), this does not burden them. They either provided for this short rest, or quickly find a useful occupation for themselves.

9. Promptly respond to calls and messages

When dealing with punctual people, you can not worry that they will not answer a call, message or letter. They are obligatory in everything, including communications, and will not abuse other people’s patience. It is just as unacceptable for them to delay a response as it is to be late.

10. Never forget the birthdays of friends and family

Punctual people do not lose sight of anything, especially when it comes to important dates and loved ones.

Source: Business Insider.

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