10 habits of people who are always unhappy (and how to avoid them)

We all know a person who is still unhappy, no matter the circumstances. This attitude, sometimes involuntary, can in the long run have sad consequences for the people concerned.

However, do you know that one can belong to this category of people without even being aware of it?

There are several factors that can indicate that an individual is constantly unhappy. I proposed to make you discover 10 behavioral traits specific to an individual still unsatisfied.

Then I’ll share with you some tips on how to avoid these habits. So, are you ready for therapy?

  1. Get upset over nothing

Although it may seem a little surprising at first, an individual who is dissatisfied all the time usually tends to get upset over nothing.

This state of mind is often caused by the fact that this kind of person has difficulty in positively appreciating the efforts of others, which sometimes leads them to misinterpret certain situations.

Have you ever been made a joke that made you angry for the simple reason that you did not understand it? In such circumstances, we get angry first before realizing that our interlocutor was intended to make us laugh.

The discontented are continually faced with such situations, because they are inclined to get carried away over nothing, and lack patience. If you find yourself getting angry over seemingly mundane things, you should start by sounding the alarm bells.

  1. Being (too) critical of yourself and others

This is one of the first things to determine if an individual is unhappy all the time. In fact, such a person cannot help but be critical, often of others, and worse, of himself sometimes.

If you notice that your language is full of: “You could have …”, “You should have …”, “No, that’s not exactly that”, “I think I missed a bit of … “Damn, I shouldn’t have …”, and that the remarks you make are often negative, even counterproductive, know that you are part of this category of people.

Being critical of yourself and others allows you to improve and challenge yourself, but as the saying goes, “Excess in everything is a fault”. This is precisely one of the characteristic traits of people who are always dissatisfied, because their often harsh criticisms end up having the opposite and above all negative effect.

To read: Watch out for manipulators: 13 signs to know

  1. See the bad side of things

One of the most negative habits of being a person who is always unhappy with everything is that you never (or almost) see the bright side of anything.

Most of us are used to saying that perfection is not of this world, but that assumes that we nonetheless recognize that there is good, even if it is not perfect.

People who are always unhappy are naturally driven to pick up on the bad side of every event. “The overall picture is pretty, but Mr. X didn’t smile”; “The party was beautiful, but there was a lack of good music”; “I liked the wind on the beach, but the too large crowd spoiled the walk.”

I would like to clarify that it is not a bad thing to make observations or suggestions for future improvements, but when the focus is systematically on what went wrong, did not go well or was done badly, there is a problem !

Read: Being Too Kind Can Lead To Depression

  1. Constantly blaming others

10 habits of people who are always unhappy (and how to avoid them)

Here, we will find in part some manifestations of a point already discussed: always being critical of oneself and others. However, things are worse here.

By dint of nurturing discontent, we end up resenting the whole world. And at this point, we are clearly taking a step in the wrong direction.

When you’re still dissatisfied, you tell yourself that others aren’t making the effort to be happy with you, and worse yet, they realize it. Such thoughts eventually lead you to resent everyone around you.

Obviously, in such conditions, we see strained relationships with others, especially since you might not be the only person who is constantly unhappy.

There may be one or more other people around you who have the same “problem”. It is easy to imagine that this mixture of negative feelings will do no good.

  1. Feel unloved

This is a recurring problem among people who are never satisfied. It happens after a while that they declare that they are not liked by others. Why ?

“Jacqueline forgot my birthday, how is that possible? “,” I was connected to the social network, I saw Hugo online, but he did not write to me, he must not even know that I exist anymore.

The reasons that can lead these people to feel unloved by others are varied, and wrongly considered to be legitimate, which represents the main danger. The real problem is that sometimes their expectations of others are so high that they feel let down when they aren’t met.

  1. Always look for the little beast

It is always good to strive for the best result in what you do. However, it is abnormal to strive for perfection to the point of constantly denigrating what is done good. And it is also one of the characters that characterizes people who are always unhappy.

They are looking for the little beast everywhere. When you catch yourself criticizing even happy outcomes, for the simple reason that events didn’t turn out exactly the way you wanted them to, there is a problem.

To read: Do you have a toxic person in your life?

  1. Be constantly on the defensive

You will find that a constantly unhappy person is very often on the defensive. She always expects to be attacked verbally (or physically in the worst case), and thereby adopts a self-protective posture that her body language betrays.

All of this is helped by the fact that this person expects to get nothing good from the people they meet. Therefore, she regularly prepares to defend herself, even when the attack is not proven.

  1. Adopt inappropriate language

Having an inappropriate language is a logical consequence of the previous point. Expecting to be attacked by others makes these people a bit verbally aggressive. Among them, some say downright inappropriate remarks.

It should be noted that these people who are always unhappy do not do it knowingly, but it is indeed their psychological state which favors such sometimes regrettable deviations.

  1. Reproduce the same mistakes

Quite logically, people who are unhappy with everything cannot help but repeat the same mistakes over and over again. They fail to avoid feeling unloved, thinking that others are not giving them the attention they deserve, using inappropriate language with everyone, etc.

Therefore, when they find themselves in either of the configurations presented above, they almost always react in the same way. As they say, “The same causes always produce the same effects.”

  1. Feeling alone in the world and being depressed

When you disrespect people, verbally assault people who just want to steal a smile from you with a joke, always look for the downside in everything, there is nothing more normal than being left on your own at the end of the day.

Even the people closest to you will at some point find themselves forced to move away from you because they will think that you might feel better if you are alone. Not surprisingly, it can lead to depression.

A few tips for picking up the slope

  • Take life on the safe side.
  • Realize that the people around you don’t necessarily mean bad things to you.
  • Accept that everything may not necessarily turn out the way you want it to.
  • Recognize and praise the efforts of others.
  • Tell someone you trust how you feel.
  • Avoid people who have a knack for making you beside yourself.
  • Don’t respond to someone when you are angry.


As I explained to you at the very beginning, it is not impossible that you fall into the category of people still unhappy without even realizing it.

However, it should of course be specified that it is rare to come across people showing all of the 10 aforementioned habits.

Check in on your own, find out what’s wrong, and take action. If, despite your best efforts, the situation does not improve, consider seeking professional help.

Either way, remember to always strive for the best in everything.

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