We can safely say that it is their habits that make people unhappy or happy. It is they who remain unchanged for a long time – in contrast to various life circumstances.
Happy people are not happy because they are lucky all the time. They just know how to easily deal with defeats, difficulties, it is easier to perceive them. So, let’s look at the useful habits of positive people that make life much easier.
10 Try not to be jealous
People very often compare themselves with those around them and try to compare their victories with the successes of others: acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, and even beloved soulmates.
If the competition is healthy, there is usually nothing terrible in it, but very often it develops into envy and a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.
You can only compare yourself to yourself in the past. So you can understand in which direction you are going: development or degradation.
Constantly comparing yourself to others is usually of no use, only a waste of time and a lot of energy.
9. Be grateful
Gratitude should not be on duty, but coming from the heart. The ability to thank creates real miracles with people’s lives.
When expressing gratitude, a person focuses not on what he is deprived of, but on what he has. It attracts positive energy into life. As a result, miracles begin to happen to a person, and failures bypass him.
Try before going to bed to thank life for all the good things that happened to you during the day, and the results will not be long in coming.
8. Don’t lose your sense of novelty
When a person achieves something, he usually enjoys it for a short time: the feeling of novelty disappears after a while. However, you should cling to it with your feet and hands.
Moments of triumph must be remembered and anchored. They become the generator of accomplishments that occur in the future.
Recall joyful events again and again, try to relive them. Achieving your goals is great, but it’s also important to learn how to remember triumphant moments for life.
7. Choose good friends
Emotions of other people can be “intercepted”, as well as some diseases. Someone else’s negativity is destructive even if it is directed by close friends. We can say that in such situations, negative emotions become even more dangerous, because a friend gets used to “merge” them to the same person and turns into an energy vampire.
To avoid such problems, you should learn to choose friends. Take a closer look at a new acquaintance: if he complains about life all the time and at the same time does not want to change anything, there will definitely not be positive from him, but you are guaranteed a bad mood.
6. Don’t focus on what others think
The mood of people is usually very much dependent on what others think of them, but it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to please everyone.
If a person tries to please everyone he meets, his life will turn into hell. It’s better to do what is right for you. Of course, no one can do without mistakes, but this is how experience is gained, and it is invaluable.
It is also worth noting that many people like independent and self-confident people, they are always highly respected (even if they are considered wrong). You need to go through life with dignity, and not fearing condemnation or seeking approval.
5. Don’t live in the past
People who live their lives thinking about negative experiences and past mistakes are usually constantly afraid of doing something wrong in the future.
It is difficult to call it life, because a person completely falls out of the present and loses control. There is no tomorrow, there is no yesterday: there is only what is happening now.
Unfortunately, many people do not realize this, and those who do, still lose precious moments of the present. If a person clings to the “here and now”, he will become almost omnipotent.
4. See the situation while moving away
There are no absolute defeats, no unconditional victories. The best option is neutrality in life. Being neutral is quite difficult, but it is worth learning.
Look at your life from a distance, and it will be easier for you to control what happens in it. Impartiality will allow you not to waste your energy in vain and always make the right decisions.
3. Constantly learning
For some reason, some are sure that you need to study only in schools and institutes, and in adult life you only need to work. However, this opinion is erroneous. It is better to learn something new every day: so you can feel the fullness of life at any age.
Get to know the world, study foreign languages, find new hobbies, travel, read books, watch educational films. It is useful both at 10 and at 80 years old.
Life should not be limited to work and family. Constantly developing, you will get the opportunity to maximize self-fulfillment and avoid the feeling of meaninglessness of life.
2. Give happiness to others
If you want happiness, you will have to become its source yourself. Give joy to other people: act and think positively, thank you as often as possible, smile.
As little as possible rudeness, complaints and discontent. So people will want to be like you and even begin to imitate you. When they see you smile, they will smile back. Do not forget one of the basic rules of life: what a person gives, he receives.
1. Self-irony
Irony is great, but self-irony is even better. If a person knows how to laugh not only at others, but also at himself, he becomes practically invulnerable.
Experts in the field of psychology are sure that only a person with a very developed intellect can laugh at himself.
Self-irony is inherent only to those people who are strong in mind and spirit. They are optimistic, cheerful and devoid of any prejudice. It is impossible to offend them, and this is a very important plus in modern life, when people constantly strive to hurt others as painfully as possible.