10 great people who had very strange habits

It is amazing how each person is unique and can be interesting with their views on life, habits, quirks.

How little we know about the great people in the history of mankind – mostly these are exploits, deeds and inventions recorded in handwritten and printed texts.

And who really cares about how the great scientist lived, what hobbies he had or life problems, exactly which way he went to his dream.

Today we will get acquainted with wonderful inventors and talented people of several eras, real geniuses who had their own strange quirks.

This will once again make sure that we are all people, and everyone is not alien to being a little strange, different from others, and sometimes shocking society.

10 Victor Hugo

10 great people who had very strange habits The greatest French writer and writer created unique works that will be passed down from generation to generation. This is a real classic and a rich heritage of human culture.

And who would have thought that the philosopher was doing in the most natural form – in a negligee. Yes, yes, it was nudity that Hugo needed in order not to be tempted to go out and spend the whole day in idle revelry.

He gave the order to the servants to bring out his robes only when the agreed number of pages of the work had already been created.

9. Stephen King

10 great people who had very strange habits The writer shocked the minds of many of the most sophisticated readers – it is not for nothing that his creations do not get tired of filming and releasing more and more remakes. The fantasy of this person is surprising – sometimes children’s fairy tales, then horrors, then comedies …

Did you know that everyone’s favorite science fiction writer actually dislikes adverbs as parts of speech. King believes that in the grammar of the Russian language they were invented by people deprived of mental abilities.

Even in personal notes, he mentioned (jokingly or truthfully) that his personal road to hell was paved with these dialects. The only pity is that the writer did not explain to his successors where such an unhealthy aversion to these parts of speech comes from.

8. Jane Austen

10 great people who had very strange habits The famous English writer, author of many famous works, loved to create in fruitful solitude. And if privacy is understandable, then the desire to hide the manuscript from prying eyes requires explanation.

Yes, yes, Austin demanded that the door to her chambers always creak, and she could hear someone sneaking around. We can say that this was the first version of the alarm and an attempt to protect against plagiarism. Or… Was the writer driven by other strange motives that were not preserved for the curious public?

7. Nikola Tesla

10 great people who had very strange habits Genius, real genius – and how can you do without quirks? The great scientist had plenty of them.

Firstly, the author of unique inventions devoted all his free time to science and projects, therefore he deliberately renounced the female sex until the end of his days, dying a virgin without a family and children.

Secondly, before going to bed, Tesla did a massage of the phalanges of the legs, believing that in this way he directly stimulates the brain cells.

Thirdly, the scientist did not want to spend valuable hours of his life on sleep, so he rested only a couple of hours a day.

The fourth oddity is the unwillingness to be in the company of people, preferring the company of feathered friends. Also, for some reason, the scientist had an antipathy for overweight women, as well as jewelry.

6. Igor Stravinsky

10 great people who had very strange habits The famous Russian musician created unique masterpieces, and a specific warm-up helped him in this.

Every morning, Igor did a headstand for 15 minutes, which allowed blood to flow to the brain and activate its work, improve productivity and concentration, enrich it with nutrients and oxygen.

A good healthy lifestyle idea is never wrong, because a healthy mind reigns in a healthy body.

5. Ludwig van Beethoven

10 great people who had very strange habits Speaking of brilliant composers, we cannot fail to mention Beethoven, whose oddities were talked about by many. It is known that in order to compose a masterpiece, the musician had to walk around the room, measuring it with steps.

And in order to activate brain activity, Beethoven (no, no, did not stand on his head) overturned a bucket of cool water. And then, with a real “cold” head, he came to work on a work, because crazy thoughts that distracted from productive activity no longer strayed in his mind.

Also, Beethoven did not really understand the meaning of shaving – it was too routine, distracting from creativity. The servants complained about the creator that creative chaos always reigned in the house. And the composer had to bring coffee strictly from 64 grains.

4. Alexander Pushkin

10 great people who had very strange habits We know the legendary Russian poet from various sides – something is true, and something is a blatant lie. Rumor has it that while composing, Pushkin liked to sip lemonade – who knows, maybe ascorbic acid helped to select rhymes so skillfully?

It is also known that Alexander was quite superstitious predictions, so he learned from the soothsayer in advance that he would die in a duel. That is why he prepared for a difficult moment, holding an iron cane in his hand, which helped to train his hand. So Pushkin, according to rumors, wanted to avoid trembling in the limbs at the destined fateful moment.

3. Pythagoras

10 great people who had very strange habitsThe great arithmetic and brilliant philosopher was one of the first people to officially bring vegetarianism to the masses.

Do you think the scientist got proteins from plant analogues, for example, legumes? Not at all, he also couldn’t stand them, and he forbade his followers to eat the hated fruits of the earth. Until now, the reason for the strange preferences is not known.

2. Leonardo da Vinci

10 great people who had very strange habits There are many different rumors about da Vinci, and not all of them are true. But we know the information that the Italian architect and artist was that rare type of people who fit polyphasic sleep.

Da Vinci preferred to sleep in short intervals during the day for greater concentration of the mind, and, as we see, this method worked in his case.

1. Charles Dickens

10 great people who had very strange habits The famous English creator showed a pathological passion for his hair, combing it daily more than a hundred times.

While working on the works, Dickens demanded from the servants an interesting “rider” of those times: a vase with fresh flowers, a gilded leaf with a picture of a rabbit, a paper knife and, which is also strange, a pair of bronze toads with swords. Agree, a truly unique set for creativity.

These are the interesting features of the geniuses. Think about it, maybe your funny habits that surprise others so much are a hint of a possible genius?

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