10 good reasons to donate blood

10 good reasons to donate blood

On 29/04/2016,

If you are between 18 and 70 years old, in good health and weigh more than 50 kg, you can normally donate blood, so what are you waiting for?

Here are 10 good reasons to do it, if you lack motivation!

1 / You save lives

Donate blood treats 1 million people each year in France.

2 / Every day, 10 donations are needed to meet the needs of patients

3 / It’s fast

The act itself lasts about 10 minutes. Including the interview with the doctor and the rest after the sample, it is 45 minutes maximum in total.

4 / You can do it 4 times a year if you are a woman and 6 if you are a man

5 / It’s a totally disinterested gesture

In France, blood donation is not remunerated and cannot be a source of financial profit.

6 / It’s easy!

There are 151 blood collection sites in France in addition to the 40 collections each year, you can necessarily donate blood near you!

7 / Blood transfusion is essential in the treatment of many pathologies

8 / There is no substitute for blood

9 / You are systematically notified by mail if an anomaly is detected in your blood

10 / It is a precious and perishable product that we all have!

So, donate your blood!

More information on donating blood and to find out about collection points near you, visit www.dondusang.net.

Source : EFS

Photo credit: shutterstock.com

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