10 good movies with Russian rap stars

In the 90s, a new genre of music appeared in the vastness of domestic show business – rap. Then the post-Soviet society perceived it rather contradictory and was considered something base, and the representatives of this musical movement could be counted on the fingers.

But, a little more than twenty years have passed and Russian rap has turned into a large layer of modern culture. Rap artists gather huge stadiums at their concerts, and millions of fans listen to their songs all over the country.

Some of the popular rappers between the creation of new tracks and performances on stage have time to act in films. And many of these works become successful and further fuel the public’s interest in their personas.

We present 10 films starring Russian rap artists.

10 Peter by Kasta | in 2017

10 good movies with Russian rap stars The picture is dedicated to the city on the Neva and the life of people in it. 4 independent short stories are shown here, in which there is a story about what would be the fate of the members of a famous musical group if they were lucky enough to be born in St. Petersburg.

Each of the components of the film is a drama, thriller, comedy and mysticism, but all of them are united by one theme and one city. If you are a fan of the Kasta group, then after watching the film “Piter by Kasta”, you can learn a little more about your favorite artists.

9. Beef: Russian hip-hop | 2019

10 good movies with Russian rap stars This musical drama is about the difficult path of the formation of Russian rap. It shows the “kitchen” backstage, large stadiums, as well as creative conflicts.

About 90 musicians known throughout the country took part in the filming: Decl, Basta, Timati, Guf and others.

8. Cottage for sale | 2005

10 good movies with Russian rap stars New Year’s Eve is an amazing time when the most incredible things can happen. The comedy “Cottage for sale” is about this. Confusion has developed around the dacha for sale.

The young poet Suren lives in a Moscow apartment. This person has a gentle character, so he cannot refuse his numerous relatives to stay. To find peace, the guy goes to his dacha near Moscow, which he bought not so long ago. But here an incredible story begins to unfold.

Other owners of the dacha come – a veteran hero and a synchronized swimming coach, who also took their numerous relatives. While this whole company was figuring out who actually has the right to a house, the New Year somehow imperceptibly came …

7. Empire V | 2019

10 good movies with Russian rap stars In this film, one of the roles is played by the popular rap artist Oksimiron.

The plot of the picture is based on the novel by Viktor Pelevin. A young man named Roman Shtorkin turns into a vampire. This happened as a result of a chance acquaintance with another vampire – Brama, who decided to commit suicide after a vampire duel. But before this can be done, he needs to transfer the language to another person – a special essence that turns a person into a vampire. Thanks to the “language”, the vampire gains the ability to read other people’s thoughts by tasting his blood …

6. Moats | 2008

10 good movies with Russian rap stars This is a common story that can happen to anyone. Here everything is ruled by a completely obvious hallucinosis, which has nothing to do with objective reality.

And most importantly, all the characters in the film speak in verse, thanks to which so many meanings can be packed into an hour and a half picture that would be enough for several episodes in prose. And most importantly – all this to the songs of Basta.

5. Hitler coat! | in 2008

10 good movies with Russian rap stars

Soviet intelligence officer Alexander hates the Nazis fiercely, but he has to spend time in their company every day, wear the uniform of the enemy, praise Hitler and surround himself with Nazi symbols. Such is his plight – to spy in the bosom of the enemy, constantly remembering his distant homeland.

Shura’s only joy is the incredibly beautiful partner Zina. But, at one point, clouds begin to gather over the scout: his “colleagues” begin to suspect Alexander of subversive activities. Now, not only he is under attack, but also his beautiful partner …

4. Heat | 2006

10 good movies with Russian rap stars Four bosom friends meet on one very hot day: one of them is demobilized, the other is a spoiled major, the third is an unrealized actor, the fourth is a popular rapper.

They all communicate peacefully in a cafe, but here’s the problem: they can’t pay with dollars, so the waitress asks them to go and exchange them. And so each of the friends, in search of an exchange office, gets into an interesting story …

3. Stories | 2012

10 good movies with Russian rap stars The film is about an aspiring writer whose manuscript, while in the publishing house, begins to influence the lives of those who read the line. The events described in the work begin to occur in reality with the heroes of the film.

2. Egor Shilov | 2017

10 good movies with Russian rap stars One of the roles in the film was played by the popular rapper Guf.

The protagonist of the picture is a courageous and noble officer of the Russian army. After a long service in hot spots, he decides to leave the service. This person is endowed with a strong will and strong moral principles; he cannot leave a friend in trouble.

One day, a former colleague of the hero and his good friend turned to him with a last request. The hero, without hesitation, agrees to help a friend. Quite by chance, the hero meets a young girl who told him her story. From her, he learns that by the will of circumstances she became an unwitting witness to the murder and the villains who committed this grave crime are aware of this.

Now the bandits have opened the hunt for the girl, they will do everything to keep her silent forever. And the main character will not let his conscience pass by the misfortune of this girl, so he decides to develop a plan to save her…

1. Gasholder | 2014

10 good movies with Russian rap stars This crime-musical thriller, with the participation of popular representatives of the national rap culture, such as Basta, Vadik QP, Oleg Gruz, Guf, etc.

Basta and the company from the Gazgolder club had a conflict with authoritative people. Trying to escape from the unfair reprisal, the rappers decide to carry out a really daring robbery as a warning to their enemies. The risks are great, but the opportunity to get the coveted jackpot is very tempting…

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