10 golden rules to safely enjoy the sun

10 golden rules to safely enjoy the sun

Sunburns, melanomas, skin cancer… We can never be careful enough in the face of the sun. Here are 10 tips for safely enjoying the sun.

Rule n ° 1: Use sunscreen when you are in the sun, even if you are not prone to sunburn. Sunscreens do not prevent us from tanning: on the contrary, they protect us against UVA and UVB rays which affect the skin in a different way and lead to skin transformations. It is imperative to add cream every hour and after each swim.


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Practical advice

We advise people with fair skin, moles or freckles, a history of severe sunburn or melanoma (even family) or people who expose themselves to the sun frequently, to be screened regularly.

On the same subject :

> Our fact sheet on skin cancer > Sun protection: 20 questions and answers > Sun and vitamin D


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