- Elena Ershova, 29 years old, commercial text editor
- Elina Akhmetkhanova, 25 years old, manager
- Polina Rodimkina, 38 years old, public figure
- Anna Bogdanova, 25 years old, manager-economist
- Natalia Shusharina, 48 years old, office manager
- Marina Molokova, 30 years old, instructor
- Yulia Orlova, 34 years old, master of manicure and pedicure
- Sasha Ruma, 32 years old, athlete
- Anastasia Bertser, 21 years old, model
- Inna Nekrasova, 35 years old, on maternity leave
- Natalia, 52 years old, medical worker
Pull yourself together and lose weight – many girls dream about this, especially before the New Year. And the heroines of Woman`s Day have already done it. They shared recipes on how to achieve a slender body.
Elena Ershova, 29 years old, commercial text editor
It was: 90 kg, now: 61 kg
Slimming time: half a year
Как: proper and fractional nutrition
– I am an example of how you can lose weight without rigid diets and sacrifice in the gym. For a year I have thrown off 30 kg, and will not return back to a “fat” life.
I was never thin, but when the scales showed 90 kg, I realized that it was time to change, and completely revised my diet. Eat more often, but at the same time reduced the portion size. At first there was withdrawal – about the first three weeks. The body was getting used to the new food system. I put myself on porridge cooked in water, baked chicken and cereals (rice, mung bean, chickpeas, bulgur). And the first results were not long in coming. Then I found out that I was pregnant, but I continued to eat right. As a result, she went to the maternity hospital to give birth two kilograms less than she was registered. After the first birth, I threw off 30 kilograms in six months! Friends stopped recognizing on the street.
Elena before losing weight …
At the same time, I have never denied myself goodies. If I wanted to eat a chocolate bar, I ate it. Just not the whole tile, but a small piece. But she shifted the epicenter of pleasure from quantity to quality. She relished and ate a tiny piece for so long as if she was eating a whole tile. I understood perfectly well that if I forbid myself to do something, I would definitely lose it.
Over time, my taste preferences have changed. I am no longer drawn to mayonnaise and sausage. Moreover, salted and fatty foods seem terribly unpalatable to me. I still eat often: about 6-7 times a day, I eat every three hours. A year ago she gave birth to her second child, but remained in shape. I walk a lot and do not give myself the opportunity to lie on the couch.
…and after
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Elena Ershova
I was lucky: my husband cooks very tasty. I even jokingly call him Zhenya Oliver. And he adjusted to my preferences: he adds eggplants to the lasagna, cooks without oil and mostly in the oven. And I, thanks to the fact that I eat every three hours, put myself a small portion – only 2-3 tablespoons of even very tasty food. My diet is usually as follows: in the morning – cereal porridge on the water, after three hours – a fruit snack, for lunch – soup, for an afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole. I have dinner with lean meat with a side dish cooked in the oven without oil.
Elina Akhmetkhanova, 25 years old, manager
It was: 152 kg, now: 86 kg
Slimming time: year
How: food diary, workouts
– I’ve always been big, about 90 kg. But when she gave birth to a daughter, she gained 152 kg. I relaxed, ate a lot and constantly. I made attempts to lose weight: I ate relatively well, did not eat fried and mayonnaise. I did fitness at home, according to the video. And even lost weight up to 15 kg. But then I typed them again …
Elina before losing weight …
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Elina Akhmetkhanova
What has changed this time? I had a familiar coach who supported me during a difficult period, so I started training under his guidance. He developed a nutrition and exercise program for me. I had to keep a food diary: write down everything I ate, when and how much. Also, the obligatory items were to drink 2 liters of water.
In the first two weeks of diet and sports, I lost a lot of weight: during this period, water, swelling, that is, the face immediately becomes thinner.
Redesigning the diet was not easy. It was easier at first because I had a powerful incentive and purpose. But when I reached the first results a month later, it began to disappear. And now sometimes, to tears, you want forbidden products: either flour, or pickled cucumbers, or sweets, or sausages. The main thing is to endure.
…and after
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Elina Akhmetkhanova
I cannot say that there was great support during the period of losing weight: everyone was used to the fact that I was either losing weight or getting better again. So no one paid any attention to me. But when I threw off 66 kg, my family and friends were delighted!
Now I continue to train, but with a different coach. The food looks like this: in the morning, an hour after waking up, oatmeal porridge in milk half and half with water, add butter, salt and prunes there – 150 grams. Two hours later – another 150 grams of the same porridge. And then during the day, every 3-4 hours – vegetables and chicken breast.
Polina Rodimkina, 38 years old, public figure
It was: 93 kg, now: 55 kg
Slimming time: 17 kg went away in two months, the rest – within six months
How: first – strict fasting, then – diet – I’ve always been so okay, curvy, but the complexes haunted me – I thought it would not hurt to lose a few pounds. Half of my life I have experienced different diets, and once I managed to lose 25 kg. However, soon after that I got pregnant and gained 12. And after giving birth, not only those 25 kilograms returned, but even more than that! But I was only 26 years old, I wanted to wear beautiful outfits, and not these “tents”, which were all they put on me. Once I went to the market to buy a beautiful dress. She asked to let me try on a dress of the usual 44th size, but they gave me the 52nd! But this did not become a turning point for losing weight: I was just offended by the whole wide world, I blamed my husband for everything. This is so characteristic of women: to run themselves, and then expect chivalrous deeds from their husbands. Girls don’t give flowers to a wardrobe! But then I did not understand this and continued to gain weight.
Polina before losing weight …
The motivation for losing weight was the desire to get a divorce and find another man. One day I came across an advertisement for weight loss training with hunger. I liked this extreme approach then. I was not particularly interested in the accompanying theory about the modeling of eating behavior, habits, etc. The main thing is that hunger brought quick results – up to minus 1 kg per day, because I wanted to immediately become beautiful, slim and sexy. So I lived without food for 33 days. Then there was a smooth exit from it: gradually I introduced juices, kefir, mashed food, then protein into the diet. This period was the most difficult, because when the crumb gets into the mouth, it is very difficult to control yourself.
My mother supported me. Of course, it was important for her that the child was full, but she hid her emotions. Mom saw how I was changing: it was as if I was flying, I felt lightness, I noticed how much money we spend on food, but this is not the main thing in life! And one more observation – they feed us, catering everywhere. Only somewhere there is a feeling of slight hunger, you will not have time to look back, as you stand with a fragrant soft bagel in your hands.
…and after
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Polina Rodimkina
After hunger and the correct way out of it, I went to take tests. Everything was fine with me. The body was cleansed. After that, my life changed. I still had to learn to understand that happiness is not in food. Step by step I came to the point that I became indifferent to her. I gave up fried food a long time ago, physically I cannot eat potatoes, rice and pasta. But now I am gradually starting to use pickled, slightly salty and sweet, flour. My main products are: chicken breast, turkey, seafood, fish, lettuce, pearl barley, soups, vegetables and fruits (life hack: if you want an apple, then don’t bite it, but cut it into a plate, so you eat less). And, of course, 1,5 liters of water every day. At night I drink kefir or tea. Taboo: never have any alcohol and do not overeat in the evening, after 20.00. Every day I go for a walk, trying to implement yoga in my life, but I’m too lazy (laughs).
Now my daughter is growing. I need to teach her to be happy and beautiful. But as? Just be happy and beautiful yourself. And that’s how I feel. At 26 I was called “woman”, and at 38 – “girl.”
Anna Bogdanova, 25 years old, manager-economist
It was: 75 kg, now: 65 kg
Slimming time: three months
How: gave up sweet addiction
– I have never been thin and have always loved sweets. But after moving to Italy, I noticed that the usual size M became too small. My maximum weight was 75 kg. Back then, my diet consisted mostly of sweets. I could eat nothing at all, except chocolates, croissants and numerous cookies during the day. Sugar is a lot like drugs. When we consume sweets, we get an immediate release of dopamine, and then we experience pleasure. And when I didn’t eat the usual “snacks” in the morning, I immediately became capricious and irritable.
Anna before losing weight …
At some point I got tired of it, I began to read more about the dangers of sweets and sugar dependence. It’s not just “if you eat a lot of sweets, you ruin your teeth.” Overweight problems, disorder of the mechanism of the pancreas apparatus, increased cholesterol in the blood, excretion of calcium and other minerals from the body …
The fact is that sugar is simple carbohydrates that do not carry any benefit to the body. Therefore, I eliminated sweets from my diet. Instead, she began to eat fruits, dried fruits. And in three months she lost 10 kg!
Now my diet consists of cereals from various cereals, salads with chicken or shrimps, meat or fish baked in the oven. But never fried! Fruit should preferably be eaten in the morning. The last meal is 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you add physical activity to this, the result will not be long in coming.
Natalia Shusharina, 48 years old, office manager
It was: 96 kg, now: 70 kg
Slimming time: 1 – 1,5 of the year
How: stress, proper nutrition
– After the second divorce, I decided to completely change my life. I started swimming again, grew my hair (although all my life I went with a short hair) and began to eat right. It helped me lose 25 kilograms.
Natalia before losing weight …
I watched several TV shows about weight loss, took note of some rules and rebuilt my diet: I wake up at 7 am, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey. Half an hour later – breakfast: porridge on the water, a sandwich with butter and an egg. Hours at 10.00-10.30 – banana or apple. Then lunch – something lean and not fried. At 16.00 – cottage cheese or curd casserole. Dinner at 19.00 – salad, for example, vinaigrette or boiled fish. At night I drink a glass of kefir.
I do not starve, I eat all the time. I carry lunch and dinner to work in containers. My colleague was also inspired by looking at me. Now we are sharing recipes for non-nutritious dishes with each other.
I cannot say that I am not breaking my diet. If I go to a birthday party, I eat what is on the table. I just try not to lean on mayonnaise salads. I recently ate chips, and realized that they made me feel bad. I don’t drink carbonated water either. But I can afford fast food once a month if I want to.
I go in for sports – I swim with my daughter and granddaughter, I walk a lot, I lead an active lifestyle. At 48, I can wear my daughter’s dresses and I am often hailed on the street by a girl. I love it. And I don’t want to get fat anymore.
Marina Molokova, 30 years old, instructor
It was: 75 kg became: 60 kg
Slimming time: half-year
How: oxysize
– I’ve always been slim. But after the birth of her daughter Masha, she gained 15 kg and became very complex. From the very childhood I danced oriental dances, and from the age of 17 I earned a living from this. I always wanted to be a fitness instructor, but didn’t know where to start. Therefore, all that remained was to look at others and dream. But as they say, life will force and you will learn.
Once I caught the eye of Marina Korpan’s bodyflex and oxysize exercises (exercises for losing weight with the help of proper breathing. – Approx. I liked oxysize more, so I began to study it: I did it myself from the video, then I attended a master class in Moscow near Marina herself. But since I was previously engaged in oriental dances, I decided to combine the most effective dance movements for women with breathing exercises – this is how my own oriental fitness course appeared.
Marina before losing weight …
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Marina Molokova
With breathing exercises, kilograms melt due to the fact that with correct inhalation and exhalation, the fat cell is oxidized. All the visceral fat that envelops the internal organs is burned – this is how the volumes go. But if sagging skin occurs during diets, then with this technique this does not happen due to muscle tightening. The result of the classes is weight loss, pumping absolutely all muscles (even the fingers), getting rid of the double chin, nasolabial folds, cellulite, tightening the face oval, improving the quality of muscles, stretching and posture, getting rid of fatigue and puffiness. I began to teach classes and realized that it was mine!
At that time, I worked at the Ministry of Agroindustrial Complex: this is constant stress, which you jam and, of course, sedentary work. The first step towards being slim was the realization that I needed more activity. So I left the Ministry to find my own path and family.
At that moment, I had not yet fully gotten into shape, so my clients saw the effect of the exercises – I was losing weight before their eyes. For six months I threw off everything that I gained during pregnancy. Now I eat everything I want, and I don’t get better, because every day I have 2-3 hours of classes – it turns out about 10 hours a week. By the way, after I went in for sports, I can no longer eat junk food! Even when visiting my mother, I do not eat her fried pies.
Yulia Orlova, 34 years old, master of manicure and pedicure
It was: 110 kg, now: 83 kg
Slimming time: year
How: proper nutrition and exercise
– In the last 10 years, I looked in the mirror and saw a monster – a disgusting, swollen carcass! I hated myself and the whole world! And how disgusting it was outwardly, the same became my inner world: it became an evil, envious, quarrelsome woman! I believed that everyone around was to blame!
The reason for the weight gain is pregnancy, for which I gained 46 kg. And when I realized this, complexes began, and I began to gain even more – as if I was defending myself, growing new layers of fat. And I also started drinking … I just scored on myself! At all! I thought I was calmer, safer, and did not even understand how hard it is for the body!
Julia before losing weight …
- Photo Shoot:
- Personal archive of Yulia Orlova
Until I got sick. During 2016 I treated my back, but nothing helped. I thought stress and sedentary work were to blame. But the tests showed nothing bad. And my legs were taken away, I walked with a stick, I just screamed in pain, I had shortness of breath.
On December 30, 2016, I said to myself: “Enough!” And on January 3, while the whole country was eating Olivier, I was already in the hall. The first two months I was breaking like a drug addict: I needed a dose of brandy, cola and chips. Of course, I have been eating this for 10 years….
Thanks to proper nutrition and training, I lost 22 kg in 3 months. At first it was dumb to go to the hall – it seemed that everyone was looking at me with disgust. I had to overburden myself every day. And then I included protein and protein shakes in the diet, did home wraps three times a week, and went to pressotherapy six times a week.
…and after
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Yulia Orlova
If I could, then anyone can, that’s why I speak so freely about it. No time? No money? Wake up, please! I worked without days off and breaks, I support the whole family! Wealth did not fall on me. I just stopped buying alcohol every day, three types of sausages, sushi, two types of cheese, chocolates and 2 liters of cola … This is only a small part of my spending, but abandoning the “harmfulness”, I had enough money for a gym, a trainer, vitamins and new rags. Needless to say, it’s expensive. It is expensive to heal the back, legs and stomach. And by the way, my back doesn’t hurt anymore!
Sasha Ruma, 32 years old, athlete
It was: 59 kg, now: 51 kg
How: sports and nutrition
– Once, after a vacation, I was unhappy with my photos in a swimsuit. Then I thought, “What a bad photographer.” And then I realized that it was time to change my body, and went to the gym. You know, a coach is a good motivation: you know that they are waiting for you in the gym, and this greatly saves you from thinking “maybe postponed until tomorrow”. There were times when my legs did not go to the gym at all, but after working out, you go out and think: “It’s great that I did go!”
Sasha before losing weight …
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Sasha Rumu
I didn’t expect quick results, I just walked around, and the process itself was delaying me. I really loved this pain after training, and now I continue to love (laughs). When she is not there, I think that I did not give it all!
When you start, don’t expect a quick understanding and muscle sensation – it builds up over the years. Just listen to the coach and think about what you are working on – it is important to focus on muscle work.
…and after
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Sasha Rumu
Nutrition plays a major role in losing weight. Because you train only 1-3 times a week for 1 hour, and eat the rest of the time. You need a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, selected for your lifestyle, your activity. It is important to eat healthy fatty foods (especially for the female body) – this should become a lifestyle without diets, breakdowns and gluttony. Often in small portions.
Anastasia Bertser, 21 years old, model
It was: 82 kg, now: 60 kg
Slimming time: half-year
How: diet, fasting, now – proper nutrition
– I was always a big kid, but in the 2nd grade I took up swimming, and training held back my predisposition to be overweight. In high school, she quit sports and grew very fat in a year. In the summer of 2013, I went with friends to rest in Sochi. It was then that I felt uncomfortable on the beach, in other words, a hippopotamus. But thanks to active rest, I visually “tightened up” and threw off about 5 kilograms. And when I returned home, I asked myself the question: “What prevents me from making the figure that I want to see every day in the mirror?” In the fall, my friends were supposed to fly to the city, and I wanted to amaze them with my changes.
I followed the advice of a ballerina friend and went on a buckwheat diet. For a month I chewed buckwheat steamed for the night in the morning and in the afternoon. This gave a very good result. Then I began to monitor various groups on social networks, where a variety of diets were signed. I chose the hardest for a quick effect.
Anastasia before losing weight …
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Anastasia Bertser
The emotional background was already shaking, and it seemed to me that I was fat in any form. Replaced beautiful clothes with baggy T-shirts and sweatshirts. After the New Year, I sat down on a drinking diet for a month – I ate only sugar-free yoghurts, tomatoes with hot peppers whipped in a blender and low-calorie smoothies. Yes, I threw off 30 kilograms in just six months, but my body began to sound the alarm: my hair fell out in clumps, I fainted from lack of vitality. When the numbers on the scales “got up”, I got hysterical: how can it be – I do not indulge myself at all, but there is no result! Then I just went on hunger, for a whole month I drank only water, green tea and coffee. It was just a miracle that I did not reach anorexia, but it seemed to me that I was huge and ugly awful.
I am one of the lucky few who got out of the water: my extreme weight loss did not affect my health. Once I saw myself in the mirror as I was – pale, with bad skin and hair, inadequately thin. And she began to slowly return food to her diet.
…and after
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Anastasia Bertser
Now my weight is 60–62 kilograms. Of course, I keep track of what and how much I eat, but now my main assistant is proper nutrition. I do not have a rigid diet, but I limit myself in calories. Using the formula, I calculated how many calories I need to eat to maintain normal weight – in my case it is 1770 per day. I keep a food diary, where in the evenings I write down everything I ate during the day. Food restrictions are insignificant: I don’t eat mayonnaise, ketchup and various sauces, I don’t add salt and sugar to food, I don’t eat bread. And in order not to break down, once a week I allow myself a harmful yummy. Recently, I have been doing a fasting day on the water once a week. I also drink 2–2,5 liters of water a day.
Every day is a sport. Since I am large in my physique and belong to the “endomorph” type, I understand that I will have to fight with my body all my life. Therefore, every day at home I do intense workouts – fat burning tabatas. They not only keep the body in good shape, but also block the appearance of cellulite.
Inna Nekrasova, 35 years old, on maternity leave
It was: 78 kg, weight: 65 kg
Slimming time: 4 month
How: counting proteins-fats-carbohydrates, walking
– I remember these feelings and thoughts, as if everything was yesterday: “How 78 kg ?! I – and 78 kg ?! This is not true, give me new scales, these are broken! “. At 34, I am used to being in good shape and weighing 58–62 kg. But after giving birth, I simply could not look at myself. It was not possible to establish nutrition: I knew how to count calories, fats-proteins-carbohydrates, but then I forgot to do it, then that very laziness rolled over. This went on for 8 or 9 months, until one day I saw how surprised my little daughter was looking at me when I was sorting through things under the code name “someday I will lose weight and put on”.
Inna before losing weight …
Looking at myself through the eyes of my daughter, I realized that I could not be proud of such a mother, and did not want to be like her. This was the turning point from which my weight loss after childbirth began. I had to figure out all the intricacies of counting proteins-fats-carbohydrates, methodically write down in a food diary everything that was sent to the mouth during the day. Enjoy long walks at a fast pace. Train yourself not to eat after 6 pm, but instead exercise at home after the child’s lights out. In general, boredom is deadly: exercise and proper nutrition – no miracle. But it took 13 kilos in 4 months.
Now I weigh 65 kilos, and before my ideal I still have a few extra pounds left to lose. But now I am sure that my daughter will grow up and will be proud of her mother, who was able to overcome fears, dissatisfaction with her appearance, laziness and began to do something in order to be young, beautiful, slim.
Natalia, 52 years old, medical worker
It was: 66 kg, now: 61 kg
Slimming time: 3-4 months
How: supplements, Nordic walking, portion reduction
– I am short – 156 cm, so all my life I tried to monitor what I eat in order to maintain the correct proportions. But at some point, she relaxed, and her favorite things became cramped. I was very angry with myself and asked my daughter to choose some kind of weight loss program. Before that, I had already tried to replace sweets with fruits myself, but this did not lead to the desired result.
Natalia before losing weight …
So, this program consisted of cocktails and jelly, which suppressed appetite. I am a pharmacist, this is a higher pharmaceutical education, so I carefully studied the compositions of the drugs. And she agreed.
In the morning I drank a cocktail that stimulated the body to remove fluid, 20 minutes before meals – jelly, which reduces appetite; before an afternoon snack – a drug that starts metabolism. In addition, during the day she drank 1,5 liters of water and divided meals by 3-4 times.
The basis of my menu: chicken, apples (I eat up to 1 kg per day) and green salads. I don’t cook for myself separately: what I cooked for my husband, I eat it myself, only in smaller quantities. I eat very little bread. I love fried potatoes, but they are only on holidays, because there is only cholesterol and starch. I eat the rest of the food.
Due to the fact that I work 13 hours a day, I have practically no time for sports. But when I succeed, I go in for Scandinavian walking. So, with the help of dietary supplements and walking, I lost 5 kg. Yes, this is not so much, but on the other hand, the volumes are mostly gone – I lost two whole sizes!