10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

There is not a single person who would dream of meeting old age in insanity. We all want to maintain clarity of mind until death in order to take care of ourselves on our own, and not to put this burden on relatives and friends. To do this, it is important to constantly train your brain, as well as monitor your health. In addition, it will help improve cognitive abilities and better cope with daily responsibilities.

10 live actively

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Scientists have been able to prove that physical activity improves a person’s mental abilities. A group of Finnish researchers observed several pairs of twins. These people, who grew up in the same environment, had the same genes, but were different from each other. Those who exercised regularly had more gray matter than their less active siblings. These are not the only studies showing the positive effects of exercise on the brain. In 2014, scientists from the United States found that due to physical activity, a person’s long-term memory improves by 10%. In addition, norepinephrine is released during sports. This hormone affects learning and memory.

9. Take a nap in the middle of the day

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Daily rest helps to recover the brain, helps to get rid of unnecessary information. Even a short daytime nap helps restore memory and brain function. Scientists from America conducted a study. They monitored the speed of visual reactions in groups of students. In the group that was awake all day, by the evening it decreased by four times. And those students who were able to relax during the day, perceived the information in the same way as in the morning, and remembered everything faster. During the daytime, hormonal levels are regulated, which helps to remove the stress received in the morning.

8. Remember vitamins

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

In order for the brain to work “at full”, it must receive a number of vitamins. To protect the brain from premature aging, improve memory, it is necessary to take vitamins of group B. Vitamin C is needed to improve blood circulation in the brain. Vitamin E helps us to assimilate new information. This vitamin is also necessary for clarity of mind, sustained attention. It prevents the occurrence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Vitamin A helps to maintain vigor, cope with depression and blues. Children and students with increased mental stress should receive vitamins B5, B6, B1, A and K.

7. Say no to multitasking

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Our brain is designed in such a way that it needs to perform one task. If you load it with information, it affects the thought processes: they slow down. This makes it difficult to put thoughts in order, to weed out unnecessary information. As a result, the quality of work leaves much to be desired, and productivity decreases. Studies conducted at the University of London showed that people who solved several problems at the same time had a significant decrease in IQ. The mental abilities of such people were as if they had not slept for days or smoked marijuana.

6. meditate

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Meditation helps to clear the mind, calms. It improves concentration. A study was conducted in Belgian schools with 400 children. Some of them were engaged in meditation according to a special program. Six months later, the researchers found that these children had ceased to suffer from fears and anxiety, they had no signs of depression.

5. Get creative before bed

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

In order for the brain to develop, it must regularly perform non-routine tasks. Therefore, it is so important to change the type of activity from time to time: to read, to learn something, and also to perform creative tasks. You need to do art, to make your contribution to the transformation of the surrounding reality, even if you have never gone to art or music school.

4. Play words

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

From about the age of 24, the brain begins to lose neuroplasticity, it becomes more difficult for a person to absorb new information and remember what he already knows. To slow down this aging, the brain needs to be trained. Simple exercises are also suitable for this. The same word game helps to improve memory, develops logical thinking and improves memory.

3. Don’t give up pen and paper

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Now, when there is always a computer or laptop at hand, many have forgotten that you can write by hand. But, despite this, do not forget about the usual pen. You can keep a diary, writing down your impressions of the past day, write down in a notebook all the things you want to do, etc. Professor Virginia Berninger was able to prove that when writing by hand, brain regions responsible for memory and remembering new information are activated. In addition, handwritten information is easier to digest. Psychologists Pam Muller and Daniel Oppenheimer asked American students to listen to a lecture and take notes. Half of them chose a computer for this. The scientists then tested what the students were able to remember. Those who used a pen were able to remember the content and main point of the lecture more quickly, while those who typed on a laptop learned less, although they had detailed notes of the lecture.

2. learn another language

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Scientists were able to establish that in people who studied foreign languages ​​for about 3 months, the volume of gray matter increased significantly. The more one tried, the more noticeable were the changes. Bilingual people slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Children who communicate in two or more languages ​​remember information better, they have good abilities for both reading and mental arithmetic.

1. Be an optimist and not think about the bad

10 gifts for the brain that he needs every day

Feeling happy helps keep your brain healthy. If a person is an optimist, then he becomes less susceptible to depression and anxiety. And this is an excellent prevention of the occurrence of neurological disorders. Dr. Tali Sharos believes that about 80% of people are optimists, and this is good, because. they get sick less often and live longer than pessimists.

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