10 Gangster Movies Like 2015’s Legend

Who doesn’t love films about gangsters, showdowns, armed robberies, racketeering, arson and of course nightclubs where all these characters spend their evenings? A film with a special atmosphere and despite the fact that he was repeatedly criticized for using the most banal clichés of this genre, “Legend” became very popular and brought a lot of fees for the film team.

The highlight of this film was Tom Hardy, but even such a diamond was decorated with incredible roles by the producers. Yes, Tom Hardy plays a dual role in this bestseller. It should be noted that by choosing this actor for the main role, the director attracted most of the female population to television.

Of course, we cannot erase the memory in order to watch this picture again, but we suggest plunging into the list of films similar to “Legend” of 2015.

10 Raging Bull (2018)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

The film was released relatively recently. Filmed in South Korea, directed by Kim Min-ho. motion picture “Mad bull” says that everyone can change and turn off the path of crime.

The protagonist settled down and decided to devote the rest of his life to his family and be a law-abiding citizen. But, accustomed to a rich life, Kang Dong-chul decides to plunge into business and very risky. The wife did not support her husband in these endeavors and was very angry.

One day the main character returns home and realizes that he is at the scene of the crime, and the victim is his wife. She was kidnapped, and he will have to act only by legal means. But the incoming call changed his ideas and Kang Dong-chul again takes out his leather jacket to show everyone who is really worth fearing.

9. Big jackpot (2000)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

Despite the fact that the film was shot almost 20 years ago, director Guy Ritchie was able to perpetuate his work for many years. And not just to perpetuate, but to fall in love with every frame.

The protagonist Frankie is going to send a stolen diamond from England to America, but one very strange act changes his life completely. Betting on underground boxers plunges him into a whirlwind of incomprehensible events. Around Franky and his diamond, a whole field of undesirable actions is unfolding with the participation of Russian gangsters, unlucky robbers, cunning boxers and thugs. Everyone is trying to get scoop.

Crime comedies are definitely Guy Ritchie’s genre, and talented actors only add flavor to the famous director’s wine list. It will be fun!

8. Gangster Hunters (2013)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

Money rules the world. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this statement. And many people know that big money is not always obtained in an honest way. Director Ruben Fleischer once again decided to turn to the plots of the smoky and crime-smelling Los Angeles of 1949.

Gangsters are operating in the city, led by Mickey Cohen, without whose knowledge even a mouse will not slip through. The motto of the gang: “submit or die”, it is the first chosen by all the inhabitants, the government and even the cops. But without daredevils, who, apparently, have already prepared their wills, it can not do. And police officers John O’Mara and Jerry Wouters unite to fight back the head of the gang.

The atmosphere of the movieGangster hunters” is incredible, it’s easy to watch and you don’t have to worry too much about the plot. Everything is simple, but the unique style of America of those years pays for everything.

7. Donnie Brasco (1997)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

From the film, no one expected much, for the director it was the first work in this genre. But Mike Newell was able to surprise everyone and enter the list of classic films with a gangster theme. The developing actions cannot be called swift, but such a slow pace was not chosen by chance. The picture is based on real events, and for the protagonist, the trials lasted for years, which is what the director is trying to convey to us.

An FBI agent receives a secret mission – to go undercover into the thick of the enemy. To fulfill this mission, he has to break off all relations with relatives and friends, because now he Donny Brass. An elderly mobster becomes his friend, who trusts him and entrusts difficult cases. A new life for Donnie gives complete freedom and independence, but it’s never too late to return.

6. Johnny D. (2009)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

This film can be called a benefit performance of Johnny Depp. The actor here played simply amazing, as, indeed, always. We can say that the main part of the audience came to the cinemas because of the huge portrait of a Hollywood star in the entire poster and “accidentally” echoing the title with his first and last name – Johnny D.

But no, the plot deserves respect, as well as the actors in it. The protagonist is a well-known robber against whom no bank and no prison can resist. He takes money from the rich and gives alms to the poor. Doesn’t it remind you of anything? A kind of Robin Hood.

But the police do not give up, and many of his friends die in the shootings. And finally, the FBI makes Dillinger the main enemy of the country.

5. Gangster (2007)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

Ridley Scott loves to make films in this genre and invite Russell Crowe to join his team. And Russell Crowe, in turn, likes to play ambiguous and deep characters. Movie “Gangster” Definitely deserves attention and he is definitely on the list of favorites for many.

The main character Frank Lucas decides to create his own criminal empire. Surprisingly, the criminal business is built on the same principles as the legal one. Competition with other groups, production of the best goods and much more according to all the laws of the economic market.

He becomes a real idol for the underworld, but Richie Roberts, who is known as an honest policeman, comes on his trail.

4. Casino (1995)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

The film was made back in the 90s, but still “Casino” remains a cult classic among the crime genre.

The main character seems to be able to do everything. He works selflessly and accurately, because the river of money does not keep you waiting and flows right into his hands. The whole city is in his power: the police, the courts and other mafiosi. But his life is doomed to fail.

3. All the money in the world (2017)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

The film is an adaptation of the biography of Paul Getty. This man is an absolutely cinematic character, but his life would hardly have been put on public display if it were not for the story with his grandson. That’s what the movie is about.”All the money in the world“.

A grandson is kidnapped from an indecently rich man, but, to everyone’s surprise, he is not going to pay a ransom for him. Hope mother is only a security officer.

2. The Drunkest County in the World (2012)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

The main characters are three brothers who are completely different in character and temperament. But they are devoted to each other and value their family ties.

The action of the picture “The drunkest county in the world”set during Prohibition, the family is engaged in a then-forbidden business – bootlegging. Incredible lineup of the team, just dumps on the floor: Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Guy Pearce chained many people with enthusiastic faces at the screens.

1. Black Mass (2015)

10 Gangster Movies Like 2015s Legend

The film is about Whitey Bulger, a man who was able to hide from the law for 16 years. He was arrested only in 2011. Whitey, now in his 80s, has been accused of various crimes.

The history of the painting “Black mass” is based on real events, but with slight exaggerations. Either way, this movie is worth watching. The protagonists here are not gangsters, but FBI officers who turned out to be incorrigible bureaucrats, especially behind the wall of their office.

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