10 foods that will never turn into fat

Lately it’s not fashionable to be fat. What people don’t go to to get a slender figure. There are a lot of weight loss methods, but they need to be selected individually. It is enough for someone to limit themselves to sweets, someone even gets fat from water. At least they think so. But in order to lose weight, you do not need to deny yourself everything. One has only to learn how to eat right, as the figure will return to normal. An important condition for losing weight is to control the daily intake of calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Don’t worry, you won’t have to scrupulously count calories and eat lettuce for the rest of your life. You can easily achieve the perfect figure if you know some secrets of losing weight. It turns out that there are foods that are not deposited in fat. Include them in your diet, and those extra pounds will start to go away.

10 beans

Beans are a source of protein, vegetarians can replace meat with it. And it also contains potassium, magnesium, vitamins of group B. In addition, beans have a large amount of fiber, it must be consumed by those who decide to lose weight. It has almost no fat, but a lot of carbohydrates. But do not worry, these carbohydrates will not be deposited on your waist. Legumes have a very low glycemic index and are unable to raise blood sugar levels. That is why beans are recommended to include in your diet for people with diabetes. Most people do not want to eat it for fear of flatulence. There is a solution, just soak it in water for several hours. Substances that cause it, during this time will be able to split. The undoubted advantage of beans is its long digestion. After such a dinner, you will not want to eat for a long time.

9. Brown rice

Fans of white rice know firsthand that after eating it, the appetite is played out with renewed vigor, literally in a couple of hours. Swap white rice for brown and you’ll never have this problem again. Brown rice has a low glycemic index, so it does not cause spikes in blood sugar, and therefore increase appetite. It contains a large amount of fiber, it is indispensable for those who want to lose weight. Many adherents of a healthy lifestyle do not eat brown rice. They admit that even despite all the usefulness of this product, it tastes disgusting. It turns out that the process of cooking it is different from ordinary rice. To make it soft and tasty, it must be soaked. After cooking, cover it with a towel and leave for 15 minutes.

8. Lentil

Lentils belong to the legume family. It, like beans, has a low glycemic index, contains B vitamins and potassium, and is slowly absorbed. Lentils hold the record among all legumes in terms of protein content. It differs from beans and peas in thinner skin. Thanks to her, lentils cook faster. It does not require soaking, that is, it is much more convenient to cook it. However, not everyone will like its taste. Beans and peas have much more admirers than lentils. Still, it is worth trying it, maybe you will like this taste, and you will use lentils regularly.

7. Potatoes

All losing weight consider potatoes, if not enemy No. 1, then at least enemy No. 2. But in fact, potatoes are several times fewer calories than in the favorite product of nutritionists – buckwheat. Potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. After using it, you do not want to eat for a long time. It is very tasty, and this is important for losing weight. Why, then, are potatoes considered harmful to the figure? The thing is that most people are used to eating potatoes, flavoring it with butter, fat sour cream, mayonnaise. Fried in lard or butter, baked with fatty pork and cheese, french fries, chips – these foods will not help you lose weight. But potatoes boiled in uniform, boiled with herbs, as part of the first courses, you can safely eat and not worry about extra pounds.

6. Dairy produce

Everyone knows that when losing weight, it is worth including cottage cheese and kefir in the diet, preferably fat-free. Dairy products contain easily digestible protein and calcium. Thanks to them, you can reduce weight and speed up metabolic processes. That’s just the choice of them should be approached more than responsibly. Read the label carefully. Choose foods that are free of sugar, flavors, and artificial sweeteners. Also, do not get carried away with low-fat foods, they are not at all as good as you think. Calcium from dairy products is absorbed much better with milk fats. And low-fat foods are very often rich in additives that are harmful to the figure, which give them taste.

5. Farro

In Russia, this cereal is little known to anyone. She is very popular in Italy. It is an ancient crop of wheat. It is rich in protein, fiber and nutrients. In addition, the gluten in farro breaks down during cooking. Of course, subject to proper preparation of cereals. It can be eaten by people who have gluten intolerance. The cereal is very dense, it takes a long time to cook. To chew it, you have to work hard. This contributes to rapid weight loss, because most people do not chew their food properly. The feeling of satiety after its use persists for a long time. The only drawback of cereals is that the cooking process is not very fast.

4. Wine

According to scientists, red wine promotes weight loss. It speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation, strengthens the body. Also, red wine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Of course, we are talking about small doses of the drink. If abused, it will only bring harm instead of good. Wine contains a special substance – resveratrol, which not only breaks down fat cells, but also slows down the aging process. There is a red wine diet. A day is allowed to drink one bottle of wine and eat 300 grams of cheese. But it is better not to use such extreme methods for losing weight, otherwise you can undermine your health. Just allow yourself to drink a glass of good wine with dinner, but be careful, wine increases appetite.

3. Fruit

Not all fruits are good for weight loss. Some of them contain high amounts of sugar. Most nutritionists recommend caution in eating fruits, but you should not be afraid. Eat high-calorie fruits before lunch, at least before dinner. They will be a good snack, satisfy your hunger and please you with taste. Banana, grapes, persimmon – these are the foods that do not need to be eaten in the evening. Fruits are a source of fiber, its consumption is very important when losing weight. If you want to say goodbye to extra pounds, choose not very sweet fruits, their glycemic index is lower. These are grapefruit, orange, pears, apples, apricots.

2. Oat

Oats are a dietary product that many associate with animal feed. In fact, in the old days, oats were not the last place on the tables of many rich people. It contains many vitamins, minerals and … calories. But oats perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. A real treasure for those who want to lose weight and improve their health will be oatmeal. Oatmeal is also a storehouse of vitamins, but you need to boil it in water. But cereals should be without additives, sweeteners and flavors.

1. Rice quinoa

Rice quinoa grows in South America. Prices for it are quite high, so not everyone can afford to use it regularly. Rice quinoa is a source of protein. Its composition is very balanced, it contains up to 20 types of amino acids. Rice quinoa is often used to make porridge, which tastes like rice porridge. It is added to confectionery, soups, salads. It has a low glycemic index and is rich in iron. It can be eaten without fear.

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