We will tell you where the most common food irritants live.
A terrible tragedy happened in Moscow: a 25-year-old girl died at her own wedding. And all because of allergies: Alexandra should never eat nuts, and the candies served at the wedding “could contain particles of nuts,” as the label said … Anaphylactic shock developed rapidly – the arrived doctors could not save the girl …
And this is not an isolated case when people are killed by seemingly harmless products. The number of allergy sufferers is growing, doctors admit this with sadness. Anything can provoke the disorder: the environment, the wrong parental approach to child development, food. Moreover, the latter is a pure lottery. Allergens can be found in any food, even those that seem harmless at first glance. It can be difficult to calculate your personal trigger, but there is already an established category of products that most often provokes a negative reaction.
Almost 2 percent of people are allergic to this product. But the most offensive thing is that these 2 percent have to limit the consumption of not only milk, but also the products that are obtained from it: cheese, cottage cheese, butter, sour cream. Even a small proportion of milk in food can provoke an unwanted reaction. Therefore, if you are one of those for whom milk is contraindicated, pay attention to pasta, confectionery and pastries – they may include it. However, it is important not to confuse allergies with product intolerances. A doctor and several tests will help to understand the body.
Egg white is especially allergenic, because during heat treatment the allergen leaves the yolk, but remains in the protein. By the way, this is one of the foods that in most cases causes a reaction in young children. Eggs contain albumin, a powerful allergen that, when ingested, causes the body to produce antibodies. People who are allergic to eggs should also avoid mayonnaise, pastries, pastries, ice cream and puddings, bagged coffee with cream, meringues, and fizzy drinks.
The most dangerous nut to crack is peanuts. Although it is more attributed to legumes. But let’s put theory aside! The fact remains: the body’s reaction to peanuts is one of the most dangerous, up to the development of anaphylactic shock. Peanuts contain about 32 types of protein, 18 of which are the causative agents of allergies.
Legumes – soy, peas, chickpeas, certain types of beans, lentils – are also among the top most common food allergens. Most often, the reaction to legumes is closely related to soy allergy, since the latter product is found almost everywhere: in sausages, meat, sweets, semi-finished products … With the help of allergic reactions, the body rejects such an abundance of soy.
This is a separate type of food with a high level of allergenicity. A food reaction to them may not appear immediately, but after a while, which complicates its identification, especially in adulthood: after all, it is believed that an allergy to chocolate is a child’s share. Soy lecithin, nut fillers, or the presence of powdered milk, gluten and palm oil in the sweetness, rather than cocoa beans as many people think, are most likely to cause a strong reaction. Cocoa beans and cocoa butter just have a low level of allergenicity.
Another version of why people are allergic to chocolate is the presence in the product of chitin – “cockroach” protein. The fact is that colonies of these insects often multiply in cocoa beans. Nobody is going to separate the grain from the chaff, so the beans are processed with what is in them.
1 in 200 people have a grain allergy. The causative agents of the reaction are cereal pollen and vegetable proteins. The most non-allergenic of grains and cereals are rice, barley and buckwheat. The latter is considered the safest cereal, which is why complementary feeding of babies starts with it. And the leaders in allergenicity are wheat (it contains gluten), oatmeal, corn, rye and oats. It is not so easy to detect an allergy to cereals: often cereals are consumed along with meat, milk and other products, which are more sinful than porridge.
Beekeeping products often cause allergies in humans. The culprit is plant pollen or nectar. An undesirable reaction of the body to flower varieties of honey is especially often manifested. It is impossible to unequivocally judge the presence of an ailment only by a single reaction: perhaps, in your case, you are allergic to flower honey, and the body will not react so violently to other varieties. And, of course, do not forget about the amount of sweetness consumed: the daily dose should not exceed the permissible limits. For an adult, this is 2-3 tablespoons a day.
Doctors believe that most allergens are proteins. Therefore, seafood, as an almost pure protein, is quite logically present on our list. Moreover, it cannot be assumed that if there is an allergy to fish, then, for example, it will not be there. There will certainly be, and for scallops, too, and for squids.
Despite the fact that seafood is one of the most valuable types of food, rich in trace elements, vitamins and easily digestible proteins, these same proteins, and even in increased concentration, can play a cruel joke and cause severe food allergies, one of the most common among all. By the way, so you know: if you are allergic to seafood, you are also allergic to algae such as nori and seaweed!
The most undesirable types of meat for allergy sufferers are beef, pork, chicken and goose. In the meat of some brands of chicken, by the way, experts have found dangerous bacteria. Rabbit, lamb and turkey are considered to be the lowest allergenic foods. Therefore, baby food most often consists of these types of meat. Allergy as such is not always associated with the meat itself: often the cause of the reaction is a genetic predisposition, the presence of an increased sensitivity to dandruff and animal hair, to flavoring additives that are generously flavored with semi-finished products, sausages and other meat products, as well as the presence of additives and antibiotics in meat, with which the animal or bird was fed.
It would seem that salvation from allergies should be sought in vegetables and fruits. But here, too, not everything is simple. Tomatoes, radishes and radishes, beets and even carrots are where allergy sufferers should look for danger. It is believed that the red pigment contained in vegetables is to blame, because yellow tomatoes bred by breeders have a less pronounced allergic effect. Doctors believe that the reason for the body’s reaction to tomatoes is an irritant protein, which, although in small doses, is contained in tomatoes.
This food category is the same story as with vegetables. You need to pay special attention to the body’s reaction when eating strawberries, strawberries and lemon (these are the leading allergens), as well as raspberries, black currants, cherries, grapes and figs. Exotic fruits can often provoke allergies, but it is important to understand whether this is really an allergy or a reaction of the body to an unusual fruit.