10 foods that cause headaches

If you are prone to migraines, you need to be especially careful with this food. After all, I would not want an ordinary snack to result in a headache attack.

When suddenly begins to throb in the temples or ache in the back of the head, we are ready to sin on anything: the weather, stress, overwork, problems at work, lack of sleep. But the whole thing may be in the wrong breakfast. We have collected products that can trigger a headache attack. Check if you have a reaction to them.

1. Artificial sweeteners

In this age of fitness and healthy eating, many people give up sugar. And there is nothing wrong with that, taking care of health and beauty is sacred. But still, it’s difficult to do without sweets. Therefore, sweeteners are used. You need to be very careful with them: many artificial sweeteners that are added to diet desserts and drinks can cause migraines. It is believed, for example, that one of the side effects of aspartame is exactly this.

2. Caffeine

Both too little and too much caffeine can make you feel uncomfortable. If you overdid it with coffee, tea, you may get a headache. And the flip side: if the body is drastically deprived of the supply of caffeine, it can also react with pain.

By the way, if you do not indulge in coffee often, then American scientists have good news for you: it turns out that a cup of cappuccino can stop an impending migraine attack or relieve it. But only if you don’t go overboard with this drink.

3. Alcohol

And we’re not even talking about a hangover. Even a glass of wine can hurt your head. Especially if the wine is red. This is because alcohol dehydrates the body. The brain and blood vessels react to this very sensitively, responding with spasms and headaches. Moreover, no pills will help here: you need to drink plenty of fluids and wait until the water balance is restored.

4. Sausage and meat delicacies

Ham and sausages, smoked-boiled brisket and sausages, carbonade and, in fact, sausage contain preservatives, thanks to which the color and taste of the products are preserved longer. These preservatives can release nitric oxide into the bloodstream, which in turn can cause migraines. In addition, these products usually contain a lot of salt. And this can also become a factor-provocateur headache.

5. Sodium glutamate

It is almost everywhere and in small quantities, our body even needs it. But scientists at the American Migraine Foundation estimate that in 10-15 percent of migraine-prone people, a taste enhancer can trigger a headache attack. Like many preservatives that are stuffed with some foods. Researchers do not advise reaching fanaticism, excluding all products with glutamate from the diet, but it is worth minimizing them. Moreover, it is often found in fast food, snacks, chips and other unhealthy food.

6. Chocolate

It contains both caffeine and beta-phenylethylamine, a substance that causes headaches almost as often as alcohol. In addition, there is also sugar in chocolate. Its excess also provokes migraines. So here’s an additional reason to stick to your diet a little and cut back on sweets in general and chocolate in particular.

7. Aged cheeses

Feta, blue cheese and parmesan cheese contain a lot of tyramine, a substance that is formed during the ripening of cheeses. The longer the cheese is aged, the more tyramine. And the more likely it is that along with a piece of Parmesan, you will get a migraine. Especially if you decide to wash it down with red wine.

8. Pickled and fermented foods

Pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, even kombucha can all cause headaches. The same tyramine, which is formed over time in sauerkraut and pickles, is to blame for this.

9. Cold foods

Temperature matters. The head can begin to ache simply due to the temperature difference: it is worth drinking ice cold water after a hot workout, eating ice cream under the scorching sun, and the vessels will react with an unfriendly spasm. Usually this is a sharp stabbing pain that can turn into a full-fledged migraine.

10. Salty food

Foods that are high in salt can trigger high blood pressure. Hence the headache. Therefore, all doctors in the world have joined forces and urged to reduce the amount of salt in the diet. This is one of the main factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Leading specialist of medical centers of LLC “MMC Dialine”

I love people, so they get well!

“Migraine is a chronic disease that needs to be treated with medication. We prescribe medications for all patients diagnosed with migraine after a complete examination. But you also need to monitor your diet. The diet will help relieve the condition. I would recommend not only to exclude the above foods from the diet, but also to lean less on avocados, plums, citrus fruits, nuts and legumes. “

And what is better to eat for migraines, read HERE.

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