We are used to the fact that food is divided into harmful and useful: the first is categorically not recommended to eat, and the second should always be kept in your refrigerator.
But is it right that any products are completely excluded from the diet? After all, there are those that are very useful, despite the fact that they are called harmful.
As you know, everything is good in moderation, if you eat a lot, even though there are a lot of vitamins in some food, most likely it will harm you. It is necessary not to exclude any products, but to eat them wisely.
From this collection you will learn about products that are mistakenly included in the list of harmful.
10 Chocolate
Chocolate is a great mood booster. But for some reason, all the beneficial properties are attributed only to dark chocolate, without mentioning white.
White is not called useful, because it does not contain grated cocoa (unlike black), but white contains cocoa butter, it restores liver cells.
It also contains linoleic acid (a healthy fat related to omega-6), which helps to normalize blood pressure. White chocolate is a source of the hormone of joy – endorphin.
9. Cheese
It’s worth noting right away that processed cheeses and those in which chemicals are added are not related to healthy products. We are talking only about real cheese with rennet (substance of organic origin) and milk.
Nutritionists have repeatedly mentioned that high-quality cheese, or rather its regular use, reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, the product improves vision, the condition of hair and nails, and is useful for the nervous system.
Rennet cheese can be prepared independently, armed with simple recipes.
8. Ketchup
High-quality and the simplest ketchup consists of water and tomatoes, spices are also added to it. If we talk about harm, then it is less than good. The harm lies in low-quality products that contribute to the appearance of allergies and pancreatitis.
Ketchup contains lycopene (a natural antioxidant), it helps prevent the development of cancerous tumors, and is generally necessary for the human body.
7. Wine
Those who prefer to drink a glass of wine for dinner should not refuse it. This drink is able to support the heart. But you should know the measure – we are talking about a few glasses of wine a week, and not about a few bottles.
Wine prolongs youth, improves mood, sometimes it is taken for colds. It contains many useful elements: vitamins B and C, antioxidants, iodine, potassium, etc.
Modest doses reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, but this drink is not a panacea, as mentioned above – you need to know the measure in everything, otherwise it will do more harm than good.
6. Butter
How tempting butter looks on freshly fried pancakes… Delicious! You should not refuse it just because the product can cause diarrhea, flatulence or bloating. This, of course, can happen, but if you use a lot of oil.
Butter has more useful properties, but only if it is obtained from those cows that are fed grass, as well as hay.
The oil contains many vitamins: E, D, B, A, C, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2, which have a beneficial effect on the skin: tone it, make hair stronger, prevent blood clots from forming.
5. Red meat
Vegetarians believe that red meat is a harmful product that can cause cancer and heart disease.
However, doctors believe otherwise: red meat is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains such important vitamins as B6, E, B9, PP. It contains potassium, zinc, sulfur, chlorine, etc.
There is no scientific evidence that red meat is bad for blood cholesterol levels, and heart disease is not associated with its use.
But the pluses are confirmed: the bones become stronger, vitamin D is perfectly absorbed (one of the most necessary for the human body).
4. Popcorn
How great it is to sit down in front of the TV, holding airy, fragrant popcorn in your hand … This product is an American national dish, it was invented by the Indians in the time of Columbus, “exploding” corn kernels on a fire in a clay pot.
Popcorn contains fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, as well as lowering blood sugar levels.
In addition, those who are on a diet can also eat popcorn, because there are only 70 kcal in one bucket (if there are no dyes and additives). Popcorn is useful, you should not refuse it. But we are talking about a product without added salt and sugar.
3. Sushi
Sushi is a traditional dish in Japan made from rice and various seafood. Anyone who has tried these mouth-watering pieces at least once has always wanted supplements.
The dish is very tasty and should be consumed as often as possible – sushi contains a lot of protein, and fish is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are simply indispensable for the health of the human brain at any age.
The only thing you should not lean on is salty soy sauce.
2. Bacon
Bacon is salted pig meat. It is valued for its juiciness and low fat content, it is advised to be used by athletes, weakened people, those who need to gain weight.
The product contains many useful substances for the human body: it contains a lot of protein, choline (often consumed by pregnant women increases the mental abilities of the child, in addition, the substance helps the brain stay healthy).
Omega-3 fatty acids found in bacon are very good for the heart.
1. egg yolks
Due to the fact that egg yolks, according to some reports, have a lot of cholesterol, the product was “rejected”. But many medical studies have been conducted, and it turned out that patients with heart problems have normal cholesterol.
The benefit of egg yolks is that they contain 13 vitamins and 15 minerals, in addition, they include the most important proteins and easily digestible fats.
The egg is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, so the product is ideal for those who are on a diet. All components of the yolk are absorbed by humans very easily.