10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

Happy parents should diligently learn the topic of complementary foods. Complementary foods are any foods that are included in the diet of a baby up to a year. Milk and formula are not included.

Before you start nourishing the body of your daughter or son with the necessary nutrients, you should take a closer look. Is the child’s body ready for innovations in his life?

There are protective reflexes that are strictly not recommended to be neglected. If the baby pushes food out of the mouth, the time for complementary foods has not come.

If body weight has not doubled, there is no chewing reflex, the child begins to worry. It’s also too early to pick up a spoon.

New food is recommended to be given in the morning to monitor for possible adverse reactions.

10 An apple is a healthy fruit on a child’s menu

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

It contains sugars, which are natural sources of energy. The sweetness of the fruit is given by fructose, which is easily digested by the child’s body. The pectins contained in the product have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, promote the absorption of food.

It must be borne in mind that a healthy intestine protects the body from infections, which is important at such a tender age. Vitamins and minerals contained in an apple do not accumulate. Entering the human body, they are integrated into metabolic processes and excreted by the kidneys.

Particular attention should be paid to baked apples. They provide normal stool.

Greens affect the strength of teeth and bones. Reds affect the mental development of the child. Yellows are good for the eyes and nervous system. It is desirable to eat at about 7 months of age.

9. Egg yolk

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old


The most high-calorie part of a chicken egg. Of particular value is the presence of fats. They are essential building blocks of cells throughout the body.

B vitamins will become a powerful energy supplier. And one of the important ones is B12. Vitamin A contributes to the proper formation of the organs of vision. Phosphorus is invaluable for teeth and gums. It can be offered in nutrition at the age of 6 months.

8. Whole wheat bread

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

It is introduced into the diet for months. From the age of 7 months, white bread crackers can be given. From 8 months it is possible to increase the amount of white bread with the addition of its pulp to soups. From 9 months you can give fresh bread.

Fresh pastries harm the children’s body, as it contributes to the accumulation of weight. Bread is an easily digestible carbohydrate. A wonderful source of energy.

In combination with B vitamins, it works wonders in the body: the nervous and vascular systems, endocrine organs, and the brain develop.

7. Buckwheat

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

Most of the older generation grew up on semolina. Currently, there is no shortage of this wonderful cereal. It is ideal for a child, as it is easily absorbed by the body, does not cause allergies and is very nutritious.

This cereal contains a lot of iron, which goes to the construction of hemoglobin. Magnesium, which is also present here, forms the normal functioning of the nervous system, its inhibitory reactions.

And as a result, a restful sleep, cheerful waking up and a productive day. It is recommended to introduce complementary foods from 8 months.

6. Sea fish

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old


Rationally, sea fish dishes should be introduced into the diet at the age of 9-10 months. Fish, like meat, is a building material for a growing organism. Contain iodine, phosphorus, bromine.

Cod, pike perch, flounder are suitable for food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Medium-fat varieties include sea bass, trout. They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Meals are prepared 2 times a week.

5. Curd

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

Introduced into the diet no earlier than 7.5 – 8 months. This product contains a “scattering” of amino acids, including essential ones. Entering the body, they are quickly integrated into the protein metabolism of a little man. Spent on urgent construction needs.

Pediatricians recommend mastering the preparation of cottage cheese at home. The finished product should always be fresh, so it is recommended to cook it immediately before eating.

4. Butter

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

Buttered food has a pleasant and delicate taste. Appetizing. Easier, faster and better digested.

If a mother is creative in her use of oils, the more varied her child’s food habits will be in the future.

To correctly determine the amount of solid butter, it is necessary to melt it and calculate the required amount with a measuring spoon.

3. Vegetable oil

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

Introduced into the diet of infants at the age of 7-8 months. The benefit for the child is that the oil contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are responsible for the intellectual development of the child.

It is better to choose cold-pressed oils, unrefined and the last harvest. Olive oil is closest to mother’s milk, sunflower and linseed oils are suitable for introduction into the diet.

Dry skin, atopic dermatitis, a whiny, irritable, lethargic, sedentary state of the child should puzzle parents so that they reconsider the baby’s nutrition.

2. Broccoli is a type of cauliflower

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

The unique effect of the vegetable on the work of the intestines due to the presence of fiber in it is described. Phytoncides protect the body from infection by combining with vitamin C.

The presence of vegetable proteins very well complements the diet of the child. Minerals: iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

Cabbage is especially valuable for children in families of smokers. It helps to reduce inflammation of the lung tissue. It is recommended to introduce complementary foods from 7 months when breastfeeding.

1. Turkey

10 Foods Parents Should Introduce To Their Baby Before One Year Old

Turkey meat is the most dietary of all known. It is preferred because it is not greasy. And this means that it is well absorbed.

A small portion of the product is needed to saturate. Thus, the prevention of rotting of undigested pieces in the intestines, which can cause suffering in the baby, is carried out.

In terms of the amount of phosphorus necessary for the growth of bones and teeth, meat competes with fish.

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