What is the norm of cholesterol in the blood of men and women, what types of cholesterol are there, what is the norm of its amount in the blood, what is cholesterol in general, what is it, why did nature invent it, etc.?
Today, we will selectively consider several foods that contain high cholesterol.
TOP 10 foods high in cholesterol
1. Brains. Brains belong to the by-products of category 1. As a rule, by-products contain 20-80% water, 12-20% protein and up to 12% fat. For example, beef brains have a high protein content of 11.7 grams and a low fat content of 8.6 grams per 100 grams. Brains contain vitamins PP, B1, B2, E, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and iodine.
Brains are valuable for their high phosphorus content. In addition to the above, they contain lecithin, which is necessary for proper metabolism in the human body. However, in addition to lecithin, this product contains 2000 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams. Probably, it is not for nothing that people use brains very rarely (a calorizer), if not to say more – they do not eat them at all. However, in restaurants, such a dish is served and gourmets appreciate veal and beef brains more, because they are larger and more tender.
Brains are consumed in fried form.
2. Kidneys. They, like brains, belong to the by-products of the 1st category. The kidneys have a specific taste and smell, however, with proper preparation, you can get rid of them. To do this, they are soaked or blanched.
For a healthy person, properly prepared beef kidneys will be an exceptionally useful product. The main harm lies in the content of cholesterol. They contain about 1126 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams.
In the presence of chronic diseases, you should not use the kidneys or only after consulting with your doctor. I am glad that culinary dishes with kidneys, even if they are very tasty, are not particularly popular with the consumer.
However, in many restaurants, the kidneys are used for the preparation of salt pans, pickles, second courses.
3. Shrimps. All shellfish (shrimps, crayfish, crabs, lobsters) contain a large amount of cholesterol, which can introduce fat into the cell, and can also remove it. Shrimp cholesterol introduces fat into the cell. Therefore, of all seafood, shrimp is the most dangerous product from the point of view of high cholesterol. Shrimps do contain a lot of cholesterol compared to other seafood.
After eating just 130 grams of this popular seafood, we get a daily dose of cholesterol. 100 grams of shrimp contain 150 mg of cholesterol. It is a pity that we can eat such a useful product in such a small amount (calorizator). After all, shrimps are rich in protein, contain iodine, all fat-soluble vitamins-A, K, E and D, trace elements, in particular, potassium, magnesium, zinc.
If your cholesterol level is normal, then you can eat a small portion of shrimp 2 times a week, but if it is elevated, then you are prohibited from shrimp, or allowed in very small quantities.
4. Fish roe. An interesting fact is that the cholesterol content is the same in red caviar, black caviar,and capelin caviar. 100 grams of fish roe contains approximately 100 mg of cholesterol.
But the good news is the high content of Omega-3, Omega-6 and lecithin, which neutralizes the fatty alcohol contained in the eggs themselves. Caviar contains a rich set of vitamins and minerals, which makes it a healthy dish.
However, it is worth remembering about the content of cholesterol in caviar, and the presence of salt, vegetable oil and other preservatives when salting it (glycerin, sorbic acid, sodium benzoate, preservatives). This means that a person should not eat more than three tablespoons of caviar per day.
5. Pork. Pork meat is the most popular type of meat consumed worldwide, with the exception of some countries. It contains a lot of protein and fat, and therefore cholesterol. Eating one pork chop-standard, 200 grams, we get 200 mg of cholesterol, i.e. 100 grams of pork (medium fat) contains 100 mg of cholesterol, the meat is sweeter-88 mg.
When choosing pork, try to give preference to leaner pieces, trying to cook it without frying. The best option for cooking pork is in the oven in foil or in a slow cooker. You can also boil it, but in this case, the meat will give some of the nutrients to the broth.
Only animal products are rich in cholesterol. But do not give up completely from animal products, they contain a lot of useful and necessary vitamins and minerals for the body. You just need to limit their consumption.
6. Fish carp. It is considered a fatty fish that increases cholesterol. However, carp also contains fish oil, which is beneficial to the body. In addition, carp has a lot of vitamins and minerals, which makes it even more useful. Phosphoric acid contained in carp is involved in the construction of numerous enzymes (phosphatases) – the main engines of chemical reactions of cells. Phosphoric acid salts make up the tissue of our skeleton.
Fans of this fish will probably be upset to learn that they are not recommended to eat more than 100 grams of carp a day, because by eating only 100 of this fish, they will get as much as 250 mg of cholesterol. By the way, we also get a lot of cholesterol from sevryuga and horse mackerel (see the table below). But this amount will be quite enough for the body to receive useful substances.
7. Cheese. It is made from milk and lactic acid bacteria. Cheeses are high in protein, milk fat, and minerals. Cheeses are rich in vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, PP, C, pantothenic acid and others. Praises are sung about the benefits of cheese.
So it is, but if you look at the cholesterol content in 100 grams of hard cheese, then there is as much as 120 mg, in soft and salty cheeses-about 70 mg. The high cholesterol content is due to the fact that any cheese is made from milk containing milk fat. It is estimated that a kilogram of cheese contains more of it than a kilogram of meat.
And therefore, more than 160 grams a day of this beautiful product can not be eaten. But even this amount can give the body all the necessary useful vitamins and minerals.
8. Egg yolk. Most often they eat chicken, duck and goose eggs. But turkey eggs, quail eggs, ostrich eggs, and eggs of other birds are also eaten.
In a chicken egg, the yolk contains neutral fat-23%, protein-16%, phospholipids-11%, cholesterol-1.5% and minerals-3%. At the same time, 100 grams of egg yolk “give” us about 1200 mg of cholesterol. Of course, this is a lot, but the weight of a chicken yolk is only about 16-18 grams, respectively, 1 yolk contains about 200 mg of cholesterol, so you can use the yolks in moderation.
To reduce the level of cholesterol consumed with eggs, you should use 1 yolk of 2-3 eggs, take only the protein from the rest. The appearance and taste of such a dish will not change much, but the benefits will be higher.
And remember, do not use only raw eggs, always subject them to heat treatment.
9. Cream with a fat content of 20%. In its composition, cream 20% (medium fat content) contains several groups of vitamins: A, PP, A (PE), beta-carotene, B1, B5, B2, B6, B12, B9, E (TE), C, H, D, choline and chemical elements represented by calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, copper, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum and cobalt.
However, 70 mg of cholesterol is found in 100 grams of 20% cream. This means that eating more than 1.5 cups of cream a day is strongly not recommended because of the significant fat content, especially if there are problems with blood vessels and the heart.
Cream is good to add to tea and coffee or prepare a variety of sauces from them.
10. Butter. The product is high in fat and calories, which leads to an increase in cholesterol levels. Butter contains 185 mg of cholesterol in 100 grams. To get the daily norm of cholesterol, a person just needs to eat one large cake with butter cream.
However, along with the harmful properties, butter also benefits the body, it is rich in such fat-soluble vitamins as vitamins A, E, K, D, as well as vitamins C and B. Butter has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
Therefore, moderate consumption of butter will not harm your health. Every day you can eat 10-20 grams of butter, both as a separate meal, and as part of dishes.
We looked at the 10 foods with the highest cholesterol content – these are some kind of”record holders”. But how much cholesterol is contained in other foods that we consume every day or occasionally, only on holidays? Let’s start with the ” bad ” ones.
Cholesterol content in basic foods
Drawing a conclusion from the information read, we can say the following: the most dangerous for a person are not those products in which cholesterol is” off the scale”, but those that we use most often, considering that they only bring benefits, without taking into account such an indicator as the amount of cholesterol in this product. It is necessary to learn to eat properly and teach your children to choose more “correct” and healthy foods, to know the measure in foods rich in cholesterol.
When we sit down at the table for lunch or just a snack, we never think about the cholesterol contained in our dishes. To eat as much cake as you want, or to drink, for example, a couple of glasses of heavy cream, is not dangerous for us. Meanwhile, it is the acquired cholesterol that becomes the culprit for the development of many terrible diseases. We hope that this article will help you build your diet more correctly and be always healthy!
Jösses så många sakfel i den här artiklen! Pinsamt. Tar den värsta. Räkor är INTE farligt. räkor är HELT ofarligt att äta ur kolesterolsynpunkt eftersom de är högt i HDL (bra kolesterol) och lågt i LDL (dåligt kolesterol) och det sänker triglycerinvärdet.
Det är kvoten mellen HDL och LDLsom är nyckeln, inte mängden! FFS!