10 films with the highest number of remakes

The main goal of the directors and producers who decided to take on the creation of a remake is to surpass the original by adding new special effects, introducing new interesting episodes into the script, and simply bringing a fresh look to the cinema either on all the favorite films or on long-forgotten tapes.

However, there are pictures that have inspired filmmakers more than once to create more and more new author’s versions, many of them have surpassed the original version.

Here are the top 10 films that have received the most remakes.

10 Seven samurai | 1954

10 films with the highest number of remakes This is the most famous film created by the greatest Japanese director Akiro Kurosawa. The film is set in the Land of the Rising Sun during the Azuchi-Momoyama era. At that time, the country was torn apart by internecine strife.

The inhabitants of one of the villages learn that soon they are going to be attacked by members of the equestrian gang. These bandits had already once taken a significant part of the crop from the peasants and kidnapped a young woman.

Now the villagers are faced with a difficult choice: to fight back the enemy, relying on their meager capabilities, or resign to fate and give the raiders everything they ask?

“Seven Samurai” became widely known all over the world and in many countries. In the following decades, directors made remakes of this film, trying to imitate the great master.

The most famous version of The Seven Samurai is John Sturges’ painting The Magnificent Seven.

9. Perfect strangers | 2016

10 films with the highest number of remakes Seven old friends are going to have dinner together. In the process of friendly communication, the hostess of the evening, and part-time experienced psychoanalyst Eva, persuades friends to play an unusual game: read aloud all the messages that come to the phone, and put the calls on the speakerphone.

Sweet fun turns into an awkward situation, because now the most incredible secrets of bosom friends have become clear.

Despite the fact that this picture was shot quite recently, its remakes have already appeared in many countries of the world. This plot should be known to the domestic audience from the film “Speakerphone”, which was released in 2019.

8. Lost world | 1925

10 films with the highest number of remakes This legendary film is based on the script by Arthur Conan Doyle himself. Journalist Edward Malone is about to write a report on a lecture in which the famous professor declares his willingness to prove the existence of prehistoric reptiles that have survived to our time.

To back up his words with facts, he recruits a group of volunteers to participate in the expedition. As a result, a group of daredevils, following a given route, find an isolated plateau in the Amazon basin. Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals live there.

This film at one time became a real breakthrough in cinema. And more than once he inspired eminent directors to create their own interpretations of The Lost World.

7. Batman | 1943

10 films with the highest number of remakes Many films have been made about Batman, in which the directors shared their views on the famous comic book hero. The Batman story was first filmed in 1943. In this part, Batman had to fight with the famous Japanese gang, terrorizing the whole city.

6. King Kong | 1933

10 films with the highest number of remakes This is the very first movie about a giant ape with a sensitive heart. In subsequent years, the story of the famous King Kong was filmed three times: in 1976, 1998 and 2005.

5. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | 1905

10 films with the highest number of remakes It is difficult to recall a literary hero more popular with filmmakers than the greatest detective of all time and concurrently the creator of the deductive method, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Directors around the world have repeatedly turned to the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle to create their tapes.

And now, when more than a century has passed since the first story about two unusual inhabitants of the mansion at number 221B on Baker Street was written, eminent directors undertake to film their versions of popular detective stories.

Many of their works become truly cult and gather millions of people (remember, for example, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson directed by Igor Maslennikov or the BBC series Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch).

4. Untouchables | 2011

10 films with the highest number of remakes Edmond Vidal spent his childhood and youth in a gypsy refugee camp. From an early age, he realized that the family is the most important value in his life. He was not ashamed of his origin and was faithful to his national traditions. He had a friend Serge, with whom he went to prison for petty theft.

This case inspired friends to organize a gang whose members were engaged in daring robberies. In the early 1970s, it became famous throughout the country, but it did not last long – four years later its leaders were detained by the police.

More than forty years have passed, Momon is already living a different life. He is trying to forget his criminal past, unlike his friend, who is now in prison and is not going to change his lifestyle…

3. Nikita | 1990

10 films with the highest number of remakes Nikita is a young girl with a very obstinate character. In a drug frenzy, she, together with friends, commits a robbery and kills a man.

The court sentenced her to capital punishment, but the sentence is not carried out. Later it turns out that people unknown to her are preparing the girl in a special school to carry out a particularly important and secret mission.

After this film, three more versions of it appeared on the screens: “Her name was Nikita” (1997), “No Return” (1993) and “Bullet” (1999).

2. Godzilla | 1954

10 films with the highest number of remakes The film tells about the giant reptile Godzilla. For millions of years she was in suspended animation at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, but in the mid-50s she suddenly came back to life.

Due to her sudden awakening, ships begin to disappear in the Sea of ​​Japan. Further, in the village on the island of Odo, terrible events begin to occur. Locals say that the mythological creature called Godzilla is to blame for everything …

After the release of this picture on the screen, a huge number of versions of the story about the prehistoric reptile were created. The best-known remakes are the version directed by Emmerich, and the later film adaptation by Gareth Edwards, which more closely resembles the original version.

1. Dr. No | 1962

10 films with the highest number of remakes This is the first film that marked bondomania, which stretched for almost half a century. The famous British actor Sean Connery became the first performer of the role of the legendary agent 007, and, according to many Bond fans, the best James Bond of all time.

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