Many viewers, looking at the fantastic films of the 80-90s, laughed, they say, such a scenario will not happen in our future. After a couple of decades, it turns out to be no laughing matter, because so many events have come true, and even with accuracy.
The authors and screenwriters seemed to be looking through a magic spyglass into the future, or they had an amazing gift of foresight.
Here are 10 old sci-fi movies that predicted our technological future to your surprise.
10 Terminator | 1984
The good old Terminator predicted how the hordes of robots and machines would face the remaining pitiful crowd of people in the underground. Yes, such a sad scenario has not yet unfolded, but combat robots have already been designed and, of course, they can be controlled.
The world behind the scenes may well resort to the war of machines against people, if it is in their interests. We don’t know about the emergence of their own functional intelligence and consciousness in machines, but the military “resources” themselves are ready to unleash such wars.
Oh, where are you, our “good” robot and hero-savior? By the way, Cameron was closest to the truth when he described the drones and reconnaissance aircraft that many countries now have.
9. 2001: A Space Odyssey | 1968
This film from the 60s saw the world in 40 years very advanced and futuristic. Mankind did not live up to Kubrick’s hopes, so in 2001 it was not yet ready to demonstrate space paths and lunar stations, and travel to other planets was even further away.
But still, the film presented the events that really happened. In 2019, we have an international space station, and the minds of this world are actively thinking about the possibility of the “Space Tourism” mentioned by the director.
Also mentioned in The Odyssey were the first concepts of tablets, which almost every teenager now has. Hela from the film may well be considered the prototype of the existing Siri.
8. Island | 2005
The film mentions the first guesses about the future development of sensor technologies. For example, the hero uses a touch screen table, and a few years later Microsoft announced the Pixelsense project, a device similar in concept and properties.
At that time, a lot of fictitious sensory devices, dummies, computer technologies were involved in the creation of the film. And now touch screens are installed on almost every modern device or device.
7. Forbidden planet | 1956
The cult film of the distant 1956 had high hopes for the future of mankind. It was assumed that the given pace of technological progress would be increased many times over, and we would still be able to fly freely in outer space. Such accomplishments are far away, but small communicators in the palm of your hand are quite commonplace.
According to the story, the crew commander uses a mini-device that allows video recording and can also be attached to clothing. Doesn’t it remind you of anything? Is this a prototype of modern DVRs, navigators and action cameras?
6. Dissenting opinion | 2002
The film was released in the years when people were madly happy with large cell phones with keypads. Tom Cruise in the film for the first time demonstrates gadgets with a touchscreen display, which is sensitive to the touch of a finger.
In today’s world, mobile and other devices are easily and simply equipped in factories with this technology. Minority Report also mentioned personalized advertising boards, the information on which could be switched depending on which person passed by. Guess if a similar technology is already being tested by modern scientists?
5. Back to the Future 2 | 1989
This collection simply could not miss at least one part of the famous franchise, which predicted the emergence of many technological devices. In the second part of the film, nano-glasses are mentioned, the functions of which were quite successfully implemented by Google Glass.
Of course, in the film, gadgets-accessories were designed to be very functional, but we are confidently approaching them with our smart watches from Apple and cool virtual reality helmets.
I would love to use self-lacing shoes, anti-gravity boards and flying cars. Let’s see what the next 20-30 years will offer us.
4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | 2004
The film is not so much about the future, but about unhappy love. But the idea of being able to erase unwanted memories from memory is very relevant for those who have had their heart broken.
Jim Carrey in the film decided to “cleanse the memory”, although it did not help him. Believe it or not, a similar procedure is already available for people. Of course, it’s still undergoing a series of tests, but certain areas of the brain that store bad memories are already known, as are the technologies to remove them.
3. Network | 1995
An interesting topic is raised in the film – the possibility of stealing the identity of other people, in order to then master their means. We are talking about the substitution of images of the retina, fingerprints, changes in the head, etc. Completely stealing a person’s identity seemed to be something impossible … until our time.
The fascination of people with social networks and the leap in communication technologies have led to the fact that you can find out the maximum information about the other person. If you wish, you can remotely change any elements of your personality in your profile or profile.
2. Recall all | 1990
Even 30 years ago, body scanning technology seemed like a real fantasy. Now people undergoing a similar procedure are undergoing screening or mandatory scanning at the airport.
Of course, the space stations and ports to Mars mentioned in the films are still far away, but modern airports are already slowly preparing for such changes.
1. The Cable Guy | 1996
A prophetic film about the common man’s passion for technology. Remember how the main character of the film dreams that in the future the phone, computer and TV will be able to be connected?
Already now you can watch several channels on a computer or TV, make purchases without leaving your home, play games online with a partner from another country.
Unfortunately, such a development not only did not solve the problem of loneliness, but even exacerbated it.
Now, watching these films, you no longer laugh, but thoughtfully shake your head and scratch your head. Yes, yes, years passed, and you did not notice how cars gradually take over the world, lazy people refuse to walk on their own two feet and bicycles, and social networks replace live communication.