10 films about transgender people

The topic of gender reassignment is always interesting, because the heroes of the films do not just change gender, but are in a real fight with society, defending themselves and their individuality. It’s good that there are more and more films about transgender people and minorities in general – so people learn to accept those who are not like them. Abnormal is a word that minorities don’t like when faced with condemnation. But what does it really mean? It means only cases that happen rarely, that’s all. But let’s see, maybe in the future this word will no longer be used at all, when there will be more and more people who are not afraid to show their individuality. These films are a must-see for everyone.

10 Soldier Girl (2003)

10 films about transgender people

The story is based on real events. This is the story of Barry Winchell, a 21-year-old soldier, and Calpernia Addams, a singer who plans to change gender. Winchell has always been straight, but in life everything happens, we do not know who we can love. Winchell met a transgender woman at a transgender bar, and unwittingly made a date with the still man. Feelings flare up between the two, their love relationship begins to develop, but soon Barry is faced with a misunderstanding of his colleagues.

9. Tomboy (2011)

10 films about transgender people

The picture attracts from the first minutes. It tells about a little transgender girl who is 10 years old. Laura with her family and little sister move to another city. She meets the girl Lisa, introducing herself to her as Michael … It is not difficult for her to pretend, because she is very similar to a boy. Laura falls in love with her girlfriend, they spend time together, communicate. Laura manages to make friends with other guys, but at one point her secret is revealed…

8. Breakfast on Pluto (2005)

10 films about transgender people

70s. Patrick Braden, nicknamed Kiten, is a transvestite from whom everyone turned away. Now he “kills” his time, wandering around Ireland in very extravagant clothes and no less extravagant behavior. He has bright hair and a charming smile. The guy exudes incredible charisma and charm. He is kind, sweet and naive, and really wants to find his own mother. Gradually, the audience begins to feel the soul of this hero, and with a smile on their face they watch the adventures of Kiten, trying to understand what is going on in this person’s soul. The role of the wonderful Kiten is played by Cillian Murphy, as if it was specially created for him.

7. Boys Don’t Cry (1999)

10 films about transgender people

The real story of Tina Brandon is a transsexual. If you are ready to cry and empathize, then you definitely should watch this movie. What are boys taught from childhood? Do not cry, be strong and in any situation to keep a sober mind. If you look at Brandon, he is no different from other guys, except for one thing – he is a girl. Brandon has long felt like a man, and moves to another city to start a new life. He meets love and understanding in the person of the charming Lana Tisdel, who does not know that a girl is hiding behind the image of a strong guy.

6. Yet Laurence (2012)

10 films about transgender people

Laurence is a 35 year old college teacher. He writes bestsellers, receives awards for his talents and is truly happy in a loving relationship with Fred, his girlfriend. There is complete understanding between them. The couple does not need money, they have everything, and their lives can only be envied. But at one point, Laurence stuns his beloved, telling her that he wants to change sex. It turns out that a man has long felt himself “locked” in his body, he feels like a woman. Will Fred accept his lover’s wish? The film will tell us about it.

5. Wong Foo, thank you for everything! Julie Newmar (1995)

10 films about transgender people

The plot of the film revolves around three beautiful transvestites. From New York they head to Hollywood to take part in a competition where drag queens will perform. The girls have to stop against their will in a quiet place called Snydersville. The fact is that their car broke down, and they will fix it only after 4 days. But the heroes of the film are optimistic and cheerful guys, and they try to take something good out of any situation for themselves. Gradually, the inhabitants of the godforsaken place become more joyful and optimistic, and all this thanks to the eccentric trio from New York!

4. Danish Girl (2015)

10 films about transgender people

20s, Denmark. The film is based on real events. Lily Elbe is a person who was not afraid to become the first transgender woman. Popular artist Gerda lives with her beloved husband Einar, their relationship can only be envied. But one day the girl could not find a model for her new picture, so she asked her husband to pose, wearing a woman’s dress on him. Putting on the dress, Einar felt a strange but pleasant sensation, but decided to hide it from his wife. The picture of Gerda became popular, but no one could have thought that her husband was depicted on it. Later it turns out that it was from the moment of posing that Einar began to feel like a woman, and he even decides to change his gender.

3. My life in pink (1997)

10 films about transgender people

Ludovic Fabre is 7 years old and dreams of being a girl. He never even doubted that he was a girl. It doesn’t seem strange to him to wear dresses and play with dolls. Even the sidelong glances of the neighbors and the dissatisfaction of the parents do not stop Louis. Gradually, misunderstandings and ridicule arise around the Fabre family. But isn’t it worse that a small, non-standard child is trying to be boxed in by his own parents, destroying his individuality, and with it, of course, all his talents?

2. Transamerica (2005)

10 films about transgender people

Bree is a transsexual who dreams of becoming a woman. He saves up money for surgery while working two jobs to finally become a full woman. One day, a call comes from his son Toby, who was born from a long-standing frivolous relationship. The call ruins the man’s plans, Toby asks to come and pick him up from the police, Bree flies to New York to rescue her son. When Bree gets her son out of prison, Bree asks him to come with him to Los Angeles, hoping that along the way he will be able to leave the guy with his stepfather. But will he want to leave him, because along the way, father and son get to know each other better.

1. Oh Rey (2015)

10 films about transgender people

Ray is a teenage girl who wants only one thing – to change sex as soon as possible. She is on excellent terms with her family – Dolly’s grandmother and Maggie’s mother. One day, Ray tells them about his desire, and her grandmother and mother are shocked by the news of the girl to change sex. At first, Dolly and Maggie do not take this idea seriously, hoping that Ray is temporary and will soon change her mind, however, she is very determined and firm in her desire to become a boy. Her loving family has no choice but to accept this fact and support their daughter and granddaughter.

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