10 female celebrities with a bad reputation

Being a famous person is a big test, which, unfortunately, not everyone successfully passes. You constantly need to take care of your own image, behavior and even the words that you publicly declare.

Along with popularity, money comes into a person’s life, and along with money, a feeling of permissiveness. Drugs no longer seem so inaccessible, offenses no longer scary, because you can always solve the problem with finances.

We have compiled a list of 10 famous girls, many of whom could not cope with the recognition that fell on them.

For some of them, popularity unforgivably overestimated the FPV, and for some, popularity ruined their whole lives.

10 Britney Spears

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation The most famous pop singer of her time, who did not pass the test of fame. Popularity literally fell on the girl: people recognized her talent, concert tickets were sold out on the day of sales, Spears was invited to act in films, participate in charity, TV channels fought for her attention.

A comfortable future and a happy life seem to have been secured. What exactly influenced Britney’s further behavior is not clear: drugs or psychological disorders.

Scandals, fights, drunken marriages in Vegas, head shaving, alcohol and countless rehab centers.

Recently, Spears tried to return to the scene, but for the younger generation, the personality of the singer is not interesting, and the old fans are not interested in new hits.

9. Miley Cyrus

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation The star of the Disney channel and the main actress of the TV series Hannah Montana. The audience simply adored the big-eyed cheerful girl Miley, but the image of the cute child Cyrus was clearly not to their liking.

As soon as the contract with Disney ended, the girl shaved off her long hair, put on shorter shorts, got rid of underwear and officially announced that the audience would no longer see the pretty girl Miley.

For several years, Cyrus behaved eccentrically: she danced vulgarly on stage, got naked, shone in scandals and shocked in every possible way. The singer played a bit in “bad girl”, and therefore it is not surprising that many Cyrus now dislikes.

8. Beyoncé

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation Beyoncé is not loved for her capricious nature and impossible requests. The singer’s rider has been publicly discussed more than once in the media: she requires a certain temperature of water in the bathroom, and a specific color of toilet paper, and even the installation of a new toilet bowl in the next hotel room.

In addition, many chuckle at the singer’s reverent attitude to her own photos. Beyoncé hates bad angles and concert photos, because in the process of singing it is impossible to control facial expressions. There are cases when she sued photographers for her unsuccessful pictures.

7. Courtney Love

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation Courtney Love has always been a bad girl, until one day the public awarded the singer the title of a terrible girl! The remnants of audience sympathy for Love collapsed when it became known that she was using heroin.

Creativity, and even more so the personality of Courtney, is of no interest to anyone now. If news about a woman appears on the Web, it is exclusively scandalous.

6. Amy Schumer

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation The star of the movie “Pretty Woman” Amy Schumer is hated by several members of the population at once. Here you have stand-up comedians who have repeatedly caught Schumer plagiarizing, and therefore do not respect the comedian and do not consider her a professional.

Close friends of Amy also do not treat the girl too well, because in many interviews she frankly admits that she would like to “sleep” with the husbands of her friends.

Yes, even fans of Schumer’s work are wary of the actress! After all, there is a case when a fan posted an unsuccessful selfie with Amy on his Instagram. She asked to remove the photo, the fan refused, and after that the poor guy began to receive threatening calls. Schumer on Twitter publicly stated that she encourages the actions of people who threaten a stranger with violence, since he does not want to remove the photo.

5. Michelle Rodriguez

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation The dislike for Rodriguez arose due to the fact that the actress was a lover of driving while intoxicated. Of course, the public was worried about such carelessness, because people are well aware of the deplorable consequences of drunken trips.

In the end, the actress got into an accident, driving, of course, she was in a state of intoxication. Michelle fled the scene of the accident, after which she was nevertheless detained and arrested for 6 months.

4. Nicole Richie

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation First of all, Richie is famous for her friendship with Paris Hilton. And after Nicole was glorified by liters of alcohol, drugs and specialized clinics that tried to cure Richie of addiction.

The girl can be safely called a playgirl, however, sometimes for “burning” she fell into the hands of the police. The fact is that Richie loved to drive a car while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

3. Lindsey Lohan

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation Lohan won the love of the audience even as a little girl. She was predicted to have a great future in her acting career, but Lindsey herself apparently had her own opinion on this. As soon as the age of the girl crossed the line of majority, the actress went into all serious trouble.

Drugs, alcohol, being late for filming, she repeatedly set up her colleagues on the shooting days with her tantrums and unwillingness to work. As a result, Lohan lost the location of important people in the Hollywood world and the door to the big cinema was closed for the girl forever.

2. Paris Hilton

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation Socialite and heiress of a multi-million dollar fortune. The girl is famous for her connections and the ability to spend inherited money.

Of course, in the life of a blonde beauty there are alcohol, drugs and drunk driving. Hilton has been in accidents and left crime scenes. There is nothing surprising in the fact that people do not like this girl.

1. Amanda Bynes

10 female celebrities with a bad reputation Another girl from our list, who won the hearts of viewers at a young age, and whose life eventually went downhill.

Bynes was a star of youth American films, she was predicted to have a good career, but drugs appeared in the girl’s life. The actress admitted that she took pills with her even to the shooting, which is why she could not remember the lines and concentrate on work.

In 2008, Amanda officially announced the end of her acting career, the producers stopped calling her in their films, the directors stopped offering roles. After it became known that Bynes had a serious mental illness – bipolar disorder.

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