10 features of the English mentality

We all live on the same planet, but in some things we are completely different. National character is based on historical society.

If we take a Russian person and an Englishman, then speaking about the same thing, they will understand different things. The reason for this is that every nation has its own truth. It is very difficult to convince someone, and is it necessary? After all, different people are interesting because everyone has their own values, habits and beliefs.

The difference does not alienate us from each other at all, but teaches us to look at things from different angles. In this collection you will learn about the peculiarities of the mentality of amazing Englishmen! Perhaps some features will seem similar to ours to you.

10 The culture of tea drinking

10 features of the English mentality

The British are true to their traditions – one of them is over 350 years old. They spend tea drinking in the circle of their relatives or close friends. At this time, it is customary to conduct sincere, warm or secular conversations.

The first tea party is at 6:00 am. The British can drink tea right in bed, because not everyone gets up that early.

At 8:00 they have breakfast (of course, there are always exceptions), brewing a fragrant flower from rolled tea leaves.

At 11:30 (lunch time) they also drink tea, then they can do it at 16:00 during work, and then after a busy long day at work. The British will never refuse to enjoy fragrant tea.

9. Love to the animals

10 features of the English mentality

The British simply adore animals and take care of them as if they were their own children. If you watch documentaries, English broadcasts, you will notice that several animals can live in one house.

In Russia, people usually get one dog or one cat, while the British can get several dogs or cats, or both.

However, they will never refuse other animals – for example, a parrot, an owl, a mouse, etc.

In the UK, a large number of animal welfare organizations are flourishing – there are no stray dogs or cats here, they are immediately taken to shelters. And if you want to take a new family member into your home, service workers conduct a very careful selection of future owners.

8. Home economics and gardening

10 features of the English mentality

It is unlikely that in England you can see a neglected garden. Everyone, without exception – whether they are laborers or royal families, take care of the garden.

A Sunday gardening radio show in the UK is called “Gardeners Question Time”. It discusses for hours questions that concern listeners: they get answers on how to prepare compost, at what time and how to prune different varieties of flowers, how to deal with pests and more.

The most important symbol of England is the oak, which has been growing for over 900 years. If you have watched the English TV series Miss Marple, then you must remember how the main character, the detective, takes care of her garden all the time.

7. Patriotism is in the genes

10 features of the English mentality

The British are convinced of their superiority, but are deprived of a vivid manifestation of their patriotism. It is with great difficulty that the inhabitants of this country are introduced, saying: “How proud I am that I am an Englishman,” which is very different from other nations.

Noisy patriotism is the lot of a notorious people who do not know their place. Anyone who is confident in his superiority does not need to shout about his loyalty to his homeland.

On the contrary, their self-irony, humor and self-skepticism do not allow other nations to look down on them. The English are patriotic and scrupulous in many matters, but they never show it.

6. Aristocracy in blood

10 features of the English mentality

From an early age, children are taught good manners and etiquette. The British have known since childhood how to behave with other people in public places.

All this is passed down from generation to generation, and little Englishmen grow up into gallant, aristocratic and reserved adults. They don’t show their emotions in public. If suddenly a loudly talking and nervous person walks around London, most likely it is a foreigner.

Even if an Englishman is overwhelmed by a storm of emotions, he will express them differently – with humor generously flavored with sarcasm. Another difference of the people is politeness. They will never be rude to an opponent, even if they despise him with all their hearts.

5. Personal space

10 features of the English mentality

Many people, coming to England, are amazed by the manners of the inhabitants – flattery is quite appropriate for them, they make compliments to others, the people of this country are always polite and courteous, it is unusual for them to emotionally show their feelings and speak in raised tones.

The British hardly talk about their merits, but they have a very developed self-esteem. As for personal space, in England everyone lives the way they want.

Neighbors, acquaintances never climb and do not discuss the private lives of others, and in public transport, British residents try to turn away – looks are inappropriate.

Strangers try not to get too close to each other on the street or in the store. Here everyone can express himself as he wants, and no one will judge him for it.

4. Safety concerns

10 features of the English mentality

The British are very concerned about their safety and their health. Workers, for example, at a construction site, must wear helmets. If a teenager decides to ride a skateboard, then most likely the parents will buy him protective equipment – for elbows and knees.

In public places, smoking is prohibited. People can only smoke outdoors. Narcotic substances are prohibited in the United Kingdom – their possession and distribution are subject to a large fine or imprisonment.

3. Ability to make plans

10 features of the English mentality

The British know how to make plans and do it a year ahead. We all know the phrase: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” This does not apply to residents of the UK. They can postpone things until later if they do not require urgency.

Almost no one lives in England without planning for several years ahead – a wedding is planned two years in advance, a visit to the doctor a year in advance, even funerals are planned in a couple of decades …

For planning, the inhabitants of the United Kingdom have a special calendar in which they paint their plans for the coming year.

2. The traditional view of the family

10 features of the English mentality

In the UK, couples without children are not considered families. That is, if you come with your loved one to this country, being married for 5 years, and you have no children, no one will call you family.

Here family and children are synonymous. If a person has parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, but no children of his own, then the English will say that the person has no family.

But everything is different with us, for us the family is relatives, close people with whom we live.

1. Special sense of humor

10 features of the English mentality

Probably everyone has heard that the British have a specific sense of humor. They themselves recognize it as one of their best virtues.

A foreigner may even be offended, because the British know how to ridicule and sometimes offend “for the sick”, without wanting to. They have this trait since childhood.

And insulting jokes must be answered in kind! Offensive words, in their opinion, are just the pinnacle of wit. Physiological jokes, caustic mockery, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, are characteristic of the gentlemanly breed.

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