10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

Everyone treats the signs of a disease differently – one runs to the doctor if he even has a small pimple, and the other refuses to visit the doctor even if he has a big wound.

The reasons why a person does not want to go to the doctor may be different – he simply does not like to go to the hospital, and he does not consider it necessary to do this because of a trifle.

However, if you notice the features of your appearance listed here, get over yourself and go to the doctor. Even if you do not have any disease, but it is simply a feature of your appearance, at least you will know about it.

10 Hair loss

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

Hair loss is normal, it should fall out a little during the day. On average, we lose 50 hairs per day. But if there are a lot of them, this is a reason for excitement.

Excessive hair loss can tell you about thyroid problems, a hormonal disorder, or that you are emotionally unstable.

Very often, when women lose their hair in large quantities, they are attributed to hormonal disorders. If androgens (male hormones) increase in a woman’s body, then the top of the head thins first.

9. exfoliated nails

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

The disease is called onycholysis. Before you start sounding the alarm, make sure you are a regular in beauty salons – peeling extended nails are a common problem that women face.

If you have not grown nails and are faced with such a problem, then be sure to visit a doctor, because onycholysis can talk about endocrine system disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and disruption of the central nervous system.

In addition, exfoliated nails are characteristic of skin diseases – psoriasis, eczema, etc.

8. Red eyes

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

If you sit at the computer or in front of the TV all the time, then red eyes only symbolize you that it’s time to relax. The eyes also need rest.

But if you are sure that the redness of the eyes has nothing to do with the technique you are looking at, and eye drops have become a regular procedure, it may be due to conjunctivitis, infectious diseases, arthritis that causes redness of the eyes. You can find out the reason only by contacting the hospital.

7. Nodules on the pupil

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

Nodules are the remnants of a thin, flexible film called a membrane. It supplies the lens of the eye with blood while the embryo is in development.

Within a few weeks after her birth, she atrophies. Nodules (they look like thin intertwining threads) that you see on the eye can cause small cataracts.

With such a disease, a person has clouding of the eye, and vision disorders may occur. This is a dangerous disease and you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

6. Dark whites of the eyes

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

If you begin to notice that the whites of your eyes have darkened – acquired a yellowish or bluish tint – this may indicate some kind of disease.

A yellowish tint indicates a liver disease, in which case a visit to a doctor is simply necessary, since malfunctions in the liver have a bad effect on the whole body as a whole.

A bluish-brown color means a genetic disorder that is associated with a lack of collagen – a person can easily break bones, lose hearing, and have problems with teeth. There is no cure, but therapy can alleviate your condition.

5. Increased hairiness in women

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

Increased hairiness in a woman is not only an unpleasant factor in terms of appearance, but it also speaks of a disease.

Increased hairiness is called hypertrichosis, and may be a sign of some kind of cancer. May be the result of nervous diseases, cerebral vascular disorders.

In addition, hairiness can mean that a woman has polycystic ovaries – it happens in those women who have reached childbearing age. If hair appears on the chest, abdomen, back, arms, then you need to see a doctor.

4. Increased sweating

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

If you’re nervous about getting a job or taking an exam, sweating is normal, as it often happens when you’re nervous.

But if you lead a quiet life, you have no reason to worry, then the conclusions may be as follows: in women, sweating occurs during menopause, with thyroid pathologies, with diabetes and heart problems.

In addition, if a person is oversaturated with any minerals, then the body tries to remove excess salts.

3. Yellowish skin tone

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

There are many reasons why skin can turn yellowish. He does not always say that everything is bad – for example, some vegetables and fruits cause this color, and carotenoids (vegetables and orange-colored fruits) can make a person very yellow.

With age, a yellow tint may indicate that a person consumes a lot of alcohol, he has liver infections, cirrhosis, etc. Only a doctor will help to identify the cause.

2. bulging belly

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

If a person is on a diet, goes in for sports, and his stomach is still growing, then there are reasons for this. An increase in the abdomen may indicate intestinal dysfunction – it is accompanied by constipation, diarrhea. This means that the digestive system is not working well and that it’s time to take a closer look at your diet.

It is worth including more healthy fruits in the diet, and it is better to refrain from eating harmful foods. A bulging belly can also mean hormonal fluctuations, talking about stress. During menopause, the belly also grows.

1. Dark circles and bags under the eyes

10 features of appearance that may indicate a latent course of the disease

Of course, dark circles can be hidden with cosmetics, but ignoring circles and bags under the eyes will not work for a long time. Sooner or later you will want to identify the cause and eliminate it.

You should visit a doctor, because dark circles can talk about problems with the pancreas, heart, kidneys.

But before you make an appointment with the doctor – make sure that you sleep as expected – 7-8 hours, rest, because bags under the eyes can indicate overwork and lack of rest.

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