10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy

When the information that fat is harmful to the human body became widespread in the world, people began to consume more processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sugar.

As a result, many became less healthy and began to rapidly gain weight. The age of obesity has arrived.

Times have changed, and today it has already been proven that fatty foods are not at all dangerous, on the contrary.

Consider 10 healthy foods that contain a large amount of fat.

10 Avocado

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Avocado is a very unusual fruit. It is high in fat, while other fruits are usually high in carbohydrates.

Calorie-wise, avocados are almost 80% fat, a percentage that is unusual even for most animal products. These fruits are rich in potassium and fiber.

Avocado increases the amount of “good” and reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the human body.

Such a fruit is very fatty and high in calories, but people who regularly eat it have less belly fat and weigh less than those who do not eat it.

9. Cheese

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Cheese is highly nutritious. To create one large slice of such a product, a glass of milk is used.

Cheese contains phosphorus, calcium, selenium, vitamin B12, and other useful elements. It has a lot of protein.

Like other high-fat dairy products, cheese significantly reduces the risk of type XNUMX diabetes.

Such a product promotes energy production, increases efficiency, develops memory and improves brain function.

It has a very good effect on blood formation, improves vision and the condition of nails, hair and skin.

8. Dark chocolate

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Dark chocolate tastes great and is also good for human health. Moreover, such a product is also very fatty (approximately 65% ​​of calories).

Dark chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, fiber. It helps lower blood pressure.

People who often consume dark chocolate are much less likely to suffer from heart pathologies than those who do not eat such a delicacy at all.

Some studies show that such a product protects the skin from sun damage and improves brain function.

When deciding which dark chocolate to buy, it is better to give preference to a product that contains at least 70% cocoa.

7. Whole eggs

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Previously, whole eggs were considered not very healthy foods, because the yolks contain a large amount of fat and cholesterol.

However, recent experiments have shown that in most people, egg cholesterol does not increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Whole eggs are rich in minerals and vitamins. They also contain a large amount of antioxidants that have a positive effect on vision, and they also have a very good effect on brain function.

Eggs are quite fatty, but they also have a lot of protein that promotes weight loss.

6. Oily fish

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Especially useful is such oily fish as herring, mackerel, salmon, sardine, trout. This meat has a lot of high-quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, which have a very good effect on the functioning of the heart. It contains a large amount of other important nutrients.

People who eat fish are generally healthier. They are less likely to suffer from depression, cardiovascular pathologies and other serious diseases.

If you don’t want or can’t eat these meats regularly, take fish oil. It is recommended to opt for cod liver oil: it contains a large amount of vitamin D and omega-3.

5. Nuts

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Nuts are an excellent source of vegetable protein. They are high in fiber and healthy fats. Nuts also contain a large amount of magnesium, vitamin E.

People who regularly use them have very good health and rarely get sick. They are less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Nuts stimulate the brain, prolong youth, make blood vessels more elastic, improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

4. Seeds of chia

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy People don’t usually perceive chia seeds as “fatty”, but they are high in fat (approximately 80% in calories).

They are anti-inflammatory, lower blood pressure and are very nutritious.

Chia seeds contain minerals, omega-3, fiber. They contain elements that can be compared in effect with medical antibiotics.

They speed up the healing process, improve health, but do not destroy the liver – unlike many medications.

3. High quality olive oil

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Olive oil is an important element of the Mediterranean diet, which has a very good effect on the human body.

This product contains powerful antioxidants, vitamins K and E. It can inhibit inflammatory processes.

Olive oil prevents the occurrence of heart disease, improves cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure.

2. Coconut oil and coconuts

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy People who consume coconuts and coconut oil often have very good health and rarely suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

The fats they contain help to get rid of belly fat, and they can also be beneficial for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Coconuts contain many vitamins, various micro and macro elements. They have a positive effect on the joints, prevent the occurrence of cancer, and normalize hormonal balance.

1. Natural yoghurt

10 Fatty Foods That Are Actually Healthy Natural fat yogurt is very beneficial for the human body. It prevents obesity, the occurrence of heart disease, significantly improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Unfortunately, low-fat yogurts with a high sugar content are more often sold in stores. It is better not to buy such products.

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