10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Fashion … Attitude towards it is very ambiguous. Someone does everything not to lose sight of the latest trends, someone ignores it, someone openly laughs at fashionable images.

First of all, teenagers, young girls and boys follow fashion. Older people evaluate things from several angles, quality and convenience are important for them. Although among them there are also many who are not averse to dressing in fashion. For the most part, this applies to women.

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of fashion, many people do not think about their health. But some fashionable things can be harmful to health. If you are attentive to your well-being, and your own health worries you more than the latest trends, read our article.

Below are 10 items of clothing that will bring you nothing but health problems.

10 large bag

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

No one laughs at the joke that the contents of a one-room apartment can fit into a woman’s purse. This is partly true, although greatly exaggerated.

Women were very happy when large bags came into fashion. You can put a laptop in it, a book, work papers, a bottle of water, a pair of running shoes… The list can go on and on, but you get the point.

The weight of such a bag will impress even weightlifters. Girls do not think that they cause great harm to the body. Problems begin due to weight imbalance. Usually a woman carries a bag on one shoulder, it is constantly under load, her posture deteriorates.

Severe pain in the neck and back, dizziness – the consequences of carrying large bags. If you like large bags, carry them, just don’t load them too much. Healthy weight – 2 kilograms.

9. heavy jewelry

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

There is probably not a single woman in the world who would be indifferent to jewelry. Some of them are ready to decorate themselves every day. Girls put on heavy rings and earrings without worrying that along with the title of fashionista they can get several diseases.

Heavy chains, necklaces and bracelets harm women’s health. Often there are problems with the intestines, bladder, stomach. Wearing heavy rings will also provoke diseases, with each finger responsible for certain areas.

You may think that there is no connection between wearing jewelry and diseases of the internal organs, but this is not so. The harm from wearing heavy earrings is more obvious, they can stretch the earlobe and even tear it.

8. Push Up Bra

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Women adore this model due to the fact that such a bra lifts the chest, makes it more magnificent, draws the perfect décolleté line. Many are ready to wear them every day. Never do that.

The chest in Push Up takes an unnatural position. She rises up, part of her falls out of the edges of the cups in the armpits. The mammary glands are deformed, lose their elasticity.

Wear Push Up only in exceptional cases: for a party or for a date. For everyday wear, choose a more comfortable model.

7. Synthetic underwear

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Synthetic underwear looks much more advantageous than regular cotton. Although it’s no secret that it harms women’s health, fashionistas continue to dress up in synthetic lace.

Synthetic fibers do not absorb moisture well, such things do not allow air to pass through. Sweat and secretions remain on the tissue, increased body temperature creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Irritation may set in.

Lovers of lace panties should remember that they cannot be worn daily. Otherwise, you will have to treat candidiasis or other unpleasant gynecological diseases. Refuse to wear synthetic underwear every day, wear it only on special occasions.

6. Mini skirt

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Girls with slender legs (and not only them) love miniskirts. It’s beautiful, sexy. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this piece of clothing, except that fashionistas are ready to wear a mini-skirt in damp, dank autumn and frosty winter. An integral part of such an outfit are nylon tights.

Girls who dress like this, despite the weather, are at risk of getting the flu, SARS or acute respiratory infections. These are “flowers”, “berries” – cystitis, infertility and many other gynecological problems.

In addition, mini-skirts provoke the appearance of cellulite. The body stores fat where it needs to warm up.

5. Strongly tightening corset

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Corsets are called luxury items. Indeed, you won’t go to work in it, and you won’t go to the store for potatoes either … But no, as the famous Russian poet said, “there are women in Russian villages.”

Some girls are ready to wear a corset around the clock, they do not think that this thing causes severe harm to the body. It can lead to damage to the muscles of the back, compresses the internal organs and chest, breathing becomes difficult. If you choose too narrow a corset, the consequences can be very deplorable. You don’t have to wear this every day.

4. Slimming underwear

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Slimming underwear acts like a corset, although it is believed that it is less harmful. Manufacturers of slimming underwear have taken care of the composition, for the most part it is made of “breathable” materials and has no seams.

However, it is not necessary to abuse the slimming underwear. Blood circulation is disturbed, the muscles of the pelvic floor, the press and the spine weaken. Doctors recommend wearing slimming underwear no more than 12 hours a week.

3. Flat shoes

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Recently, flat shoes have become very popular. It is very comfortable and beautiful. Unfortunately, such shoes lead to foot deformity, sprains, tendons.

If you prefer ballet flats or flat-soled slippers, don’t be surprised if your legs get very sore, osteochondrosis, thrombophlebitis, arthritis, flat feet, and even an intervertebral hernia appear. Choose shoes with medium heels, 3 – 5 centimeters will be enough.

2. High-heeled shoes

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Many women cannot imagine themselves without traditional “hairpins”. Moreover, adult women are much more likely to choose shoes with high heels than young girls. Fashion is changeable, and more comfortable things are preferred lately. Although there were more than enough girls who always want to be “on top” at all times.

During prolonged wearing of shoes with high heels, the support shifts, the leg takes an unnatural position. There is a deformation of the joints of the fingers, varicose veins develop. In addition, favorite stilettos can cause back pain. High heels are a huge load on the spine.

1. Skinny jeans

10 fashionable things that are very unhealthy

Everyone’s favorite skinny jeans are also not as harmless as they seem. Prolonged wearing of them leads to varicose veins. They disrupt blood circulation and squeeze the stomach. This threatens not only problems with the legs, such as the development of vascular diseases, but also heartburn.

They limit the mobility of the hip joints, this leads to an additional load on the spine. Tight jeans have a very bad effect on the reproductive system of both women and men. Don’t wear them too often if you don’t want to earn serious health problems.

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