10 fashion products of 2019

In the modern world, not only clothes or accessories can be fashionable, but also food products that, it would seem, have nothing to do with fashion. This is not due to the emergence of radically new products, but rather the fact that people manage to find new ways of cooking and combining old ones.

Today we will analyze ten of these products, and, you can believe us, in 2019 you will certainly hear about them.

10 golden milk

10 fashion products of 2019

A huge number of useful properties are attributed to this miracle drink, among which are the regulation of cholesterol levels in the body, strengthening the immune and nervous systems, a beneficial effect on the skin, etc.

The drink is prepared as follows: a quarter cup of turmeric is diluted in half a glass of water with the addition of a pinch of ground pepper. Next, this mixture is cooked for several minutes with constant stirring. After that, you need to take almond milk, add a teaspoon of coconut oil and a quarter teaspoon of the turmeric mixture prepared earlier. All this is mixed, heated on the stove (do not boil), add honey to taste and eat.

9. alkaline water

10 fashion products of 2019

Alkaline or alkaline water is the latest trend among healthy lifestyle supporters, as well as people seeking to lose weight. Its difference from the usual one is that the pH level (acid-base environment) in it is 7-9 units. Manufacturers attribute to it a number of useful properties:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • help in the treatment of kidney stones and problems of the urinary system;
  • restoration of the liver;
  • removal of excess sugar from the body in diabetes;
  • adjustment of the acid-base balance of the body;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • increase immunity.

This is by no means a complete list, but it’s enough to make you think about buying alkaline water or making your own.

8. Drinkable Collagen

10 fashion products of 2019

Cosmetics manufacturers in commercials buzzed our ears about how collagen helps keep skin fresh and young, so even those who have never used cosmetics have heard of it. Now progress has stepped even further and drinking collagen has appeared on the market, which in 2019 has every chance of becoming the main beauty trend.

The product is of two types: animal and fish origin. If you believe the research of the Russian Association of Cosmetologists, then animal collagen is practically useless, since the human body perceives it as a foreign protein and does not absorb it well, without giving a rejuvenation effect. Fish, on the contrary, is able to moisturize and nourish the skin, increasing its elasticity and smoothing wrinkles.

7. marine phytoplankton

10 fashion products of 2019

This product appeared on the market a few years ago, but it is only gaining real popularity. It all started with the story of a certain Tom Harper, who, due to a malignant tumor, had only a few months to live. Being the owner of a shellfish farm (yes, there are such), he decided to try self-treatment with phytoplankton, which he fed these same shellfish. The result is a complete recovery and a significant improvement in health. Not surprisingly, after such success, he decided to start producing supplements based on these plants.

6. lotus root chips

10 fashion products of 2019

The lotus root, rich in vitamins and microelements, has been eaten for a long time, but now a new recipe has begun to gain popularity – chips from it. Not the most delicious root, after such preparation, becomes quite edible, although the huge amount of oil inspires some concerns about its benefits.

Everything is prepared very simply: the unpeeled lotus is cut into thin slices and soaked for 10 minutes in two glasses of water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar. Further, with the help of paper napkins, all moisture is removed and the root is fried in oil on both sides. At the end, the dish should be sprinkled with sea salt and dried seaweed powder.

5. blue matcha

10 fashion products of 2019

In 2018, one of the main food trends was matcha latte, which is made from powdered Japanese green tea leaves. Delicious and rich in antioxidants, it quickly gained popularity, but in 2019 it was replaced by blue matcha, which has nothing to do with it, despite the name.

It is made from Thai blue tea, which gives a stunning color, but little is known about its benefits. This product is practically not studied, but likes under photos with a miracle drink are definitely guaranteed to you.

4. Bee pollen

10 fashion products of 2019

Pollen contains nucleic acids, vitamins of different groups, macro- and microelements, phospholipids and antibiotics of natural origin. Such a nutritious product has been used for a long time, but earlier it was of a local nature, while now bee pollen conquers the whole world. It is noteworthy that you can use it from the age of 3, so many people improve their health with the whole family.

3. shaved ice

10 fashion products of 2019


This crushed ice dessert is considered one of the “chips” in Hawaii, although they did not come up with it – it was brought by the Japanese who immigrated to the islands. Ice is poured over with syrups (the most popular are guava, pineapple, mango) or toppings, but ordinary condensed milk is also suitable.

2. Moringa

10 fashion products of 2019

Another so-called “superfood” that is rapidly gaining popularity. The reason for this was the high content of antioxidants, vitamins and other useful substances. For example, it has 17 times more calcium than milk, and it is also rich in iron, magnesium, potassium and phospholipids. The main problem is that it is not so easy to get this curiosity: you will definitely not find it on the shelves of ordinary stores, so you will have to look in specialized places.

1. Kombucha

10 fashion products of 2019

Don’t let this unfamiliar word scare you, because in fact, kombucha is nothing more than a well-known kombucha. Widespread back in the 90s, it gradually lost its relevance due to the appearance of a huge number of carbonated drinks, but now it is being reborn and is at its peak again. Even in Russia there are already several manufacturers producing kombucha with different flavors.

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