10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011’s Time

In the picture “Time” (2011) tells of a future in which humanity has found the opportunity to live forever. Now people are genetically born such that the aging of their body stops after 25 years.

In this reality, time has become the only currency that every person is trying to get at all costs in order not to die.

Each person has a concept of the time at his disposal thanks to a special clock implanted on his left hand, counting minutes in the opposite direction.

The rich and the poor differ from each other only in the supply of precious time. And oddly enough, even having found a peculiar way to defeat death, people could not overcome deceit, cruelty and social injustice.

For fans of science fiction films that deal with a dystopian future, we have compiled a selection of ten films similar to “Time”.

10 Rippers (2009)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time In 2025, people have learned how to make biomechanical human organs. Union Corporation is engaged in their implementation in cash or on credit, while the latter option is much more profitable for it from the commercial side.

However, if the debtor defaults, the organ will need to be returned to the owner company.

За органом приходит spender, which will be able to extract it without hindrance, even if such manipulation will inevitably lead to the death of the carrier …

9. Immortality Corporation (1992)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time Racing driver Alex Furlong gets into an accident on the track in front of his girlfriend Julie. But he does not die – he is transferred to the future by a time machine. It falls into 2009.

In this reality, a method has already been found by which it is possible to transfer the brain of an aging person to another “young” body.

However, if the procedure is repeated many times, the person will receive something similar to immortality, while the personality of the “donor person” will dissolve forever.

But anyone cannot be used as a donor so that his disappearance is not suspicious, and a donor cannot be taken from the past, since his disappearance in his own time will lead to damage to the chain of events and inevitable changes in the future.

Therefore, “donors” are found in the past from those who will die “by themselves”, and will do it in such a way that his body will not be found (a strong fire, an explosion, etc.).

time machine from Corporation “Immortality” delivers a potential donor to the future a moment before death …

8. Island (2005)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time The film is set in 2019. The Lincoln-Six-Eco lives in a society where survivors are protected as much as possible by staying in a special compound, eating on a schedule, and doing the specified exercise.

The main dream of every inhabitant of the complex is to find yourself in the most beautiful place on the planet – the one that survived the explosion the islandwhere everything is as it was before.

Lincoln-Six-Eco is among the lucky recipients of this honor. But in reality, everything is not so joyful. Lincoln’s entire life turns out to be untrue.

The people who surround him are just clones, and the island is not a dream resort at all, but the world of living people who need replacement organs.

7. Gattaca (1997)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time In the future, people all over the world have learned to create people without flaws, both physiological and mental.

Discussions on the topic of morality have faded into the background: now society is clearly divided into “fit” and “unfit” according to an unconditional criterion.

To give birth to a “fit” child, parents only need to go to the doctor, who will select the perfect combination of genes for mom and dad. “Unfit” children are born the old fashioned way, therefore they have many natural defects.

Vincent Freeman is exactly what an ideal society classifies as “second class”: he has poor eyesight, a sick heart and a short lifespan.

But, against all odds, he dreams of making a space flight.

Managing to mislead the security service “Gattaki”, Vincent was able to become an astronaut and now he has to prove by deed that he can be among the first.

6. Equilibrium (2002)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time Movie action “Equilibrium” unfolds in the future: the inhabitants of the Earth are strictly forbidden to feel any emotions in order to avoid the unfolding of the war. Under the ban are books, paintings, music, which can accidentally provoke strong feelings.

To maintain the established order, the forcible use of a special tool called “prozium” is used, which makes a person completely insensible.

John Preston is a government agent whose job is to look for all violations. However, even such serious and disciplined officials are characterized by weaknesses: one day he forgets to take another dose of prozium, which leads to the appearance of emotions in him.

The accidental spiritual rebirth of a law-abiding citizen brings him into real confusion …

5. The Beginning (2010)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time Dom Cobb is a lucky thief. He is one of the best at the dangerous trade of extraction: he steals valuable secrets from the depths of the human subconscious during sleep, when the mind is less protected.

Cobb’s unique talent made him a sought-after player in the world of industrial espionage, accustomed to dirty intrigues, but they also turned him into an eternal fugitive and took everything he once loved from him.

And now Cobb has the opportunity to fix everything. His last task can return everything back, but in order to carry it out, it is necessary to accomplish an incredibly difficult task – to return to start, initiate.

Instead of a successful theft, Cobb and his partners would have to do the opposite. Now their goal is not to steal the idea, but to implement it. If everything ends well, this will be the perfect crime.

But no calculations or professionalism can prepare the team for a meeting with the most dangerous enemy, which, apparently, foresees their every step…

4. Parallel Worlds (2011)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time This almost magical universe contains two large planets, two parallel worldwhere residents are not allowed to communicate with each other.

It so happened that one of the planets is the personification of the upper world, the elite, parasitizing on the representatives of the working class – poor people from the lower and dirty planet.

All contacts are closely monitored by special units of the border police, who liquidate violators of the established order on the spot.

But these two were destined to forever change the established way of life. Adam and Eden met on a high mountain when they were still children. A guy from a poor family and a rich girl from the Upper World, it would seem, what can they have in common?

Однако, вопреки всему у них получилось в секрете от всех пронести свою дружбу, а затем и большую любовь, чтобы в результате уничтожить сложившийся миропорядок.

3. The Surrogate (2009)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time In the future, people no longer need to leave their safe homes. They do not go to work, to institutes and do not meet friends. All these things are made for them by their real copies – surrogates.

At the request of customers, a copy can be forever young and healthy. Surrogates convey to the owners all the sensations that they themselves receive. They are better than people, because they do not get sick, do not age and have an ideal appearance.

The world is without flaws, but this is only at first glance, because there are those who do not like this arrangement. Among such dissatisfied and the policeman Tom Greer. He does not like such changes in society, because of which the world came under the authority robots…

2. Time Loop (2012)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time In the center of the plot – movement, time loops. Absolutely every person can be destroyed just because they accidentally interfere with someone from the future, or simply because they turned out to be wrong in the past.

An era has come when time jumps have become commonplace. However, along with this kind of progress, it becomes a habit to eliminate unnecessary and inconvenient people in a very original way – by sending them to the past.

1. Reality Changers (2011)

10 Fantasy Movies Like 2011s Time По случайности конгрессмену Дэвиду Норрису стало известно, что планета движется по заранее разработанному плану, за точным выполнением которого надзирают служащие в Бюро Корректировки люди в шляпах, наделенные сверхчеловеческими способностями.

But, it’s a shame that the plan does not provide for further meetings with the ballerina Eliza, the congressman’s lover.

David enlists the support of one of the employees of the Bureau and enters into an unequal battle with others, changing realitydefending the right to one’s own choice and personal happiness…

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