10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

As sad as it is, people die every day. And no matter how dreamed of stopping the moment and letting them live a little more, but a mere mortal does not have such power. It’s a pity. She would give an opportunity to enjoy the talent, charisma and charm of a dear person even for a second.

Russian cinema in 2018 lost many colorful and significant figures. They will be discussed in the article.

10 Mikhail Derzhavin

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

A simple viewer knows and loves Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin for those unique images that the actor has created throughout his creative activity.

His colleagues in the theater and film industry mourn the death of Derzhavin along with his devoted audience. Last year, Mikhail Mikhailovich died at the age of 81 after a long illness.

If someone wants to imprint in memory the image of a great artist, then the best way to do this is by watching immortal films with his participation, such as “Three in a boat, not counting the dog”, “My sailor”, “Impotent” and “Old nags” .

9. Lyudmila Senchina

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

Of course, viewers remember Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina to a greater extent in the form of a charming and charming singer, although she managed to light up several times in the cinema.

Residents of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation will surely remember songs performed by her, such as Cinderella, Forest Deer, Pebbles, Love and Separation.

In the cinema, she left not so many works, but which ones: “Armed and very dangerous”, “Magic Power”, “After the Fair”. Lyudmila also repeatedly took part in the filming of documentaries.

She died at the age of 67.

8. Oleg Tabakov

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, literally and figuratively, for many years was a legend of Soviet and Russian cinema. Do not count the list of his works in film and theater.

And how many heroes beloved by the hearts of the audience speak in the voice of Tabakov? One character of Cat Matroskin from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” is worth something.

It was Tabakov who was one of those people who became the “instigators” of the founding of the Sovremennik Theater. With the light hand of this sunny and bright artist, the famous “Snuffbox” appeared in 1987.

If Oleg Pavlovich had lived a little longer, then he would have turned 2018 in 83.

7. Nina Doroshina

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

At the age of 83, another wonderful artist died, namely Nina Mikhailovna Doroshina.

And although now not every Russian viewer will immediately remember her last name, they will definitely remember the most famous film in which Nina played one of the main roles. We are talking, of course, about the famous film “Love and Doves”.

In 1983, for participation in the play of the same name, Nina Mikhailovna received the First Prize at the All-Union Theater Festival.

6. Oleg Anofriev

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018


Another famous figure in Russian cinema, who left her audience and devoted colleagues at the age of 87.

Oleg Andreevich became famous throughout the Union not only for his roles in films, but also earned recognition as a film director, singer and songwriter.

At various stages of his life, he managed to take an active part in the activities of such theaters as the V. Mayakovsky Theater, the Mossovet Theater, the Film Actor Theater Studio.

For many things there is something to remember the wonderful Oleg Andreevich: for the songs, and for the vocals, and for the amazing roles in the cinema. It is a pity that such a man passed away, but his rich heritage will not let him be forgotten.

5. Dmitry Brusnikin

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018


Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin died in 2018 at the age of 61. In addition to a rich heritage in the form of theatrical and film work, Dmitry Vladimirovich also worked as a screenwriter and theater teacher. In 2006 he was appointed to the post of professor.

Surely the audience is familiar with such films as “A Place in the Sun”, “Turkish March”, “Detectives” and “Citizen Chief” and many others.

4. Tamara Degtyareva

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

In 1979, Tamara Vasilyevna became a laureate of the USSR State Prize. The desire to be an actress and conquer the public, changing images, became her vocation.

From 1970 until her death at the age of 74, Tamara worked tirelessly on the stage of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater.

Also, the actress was engaged in teaching activities on the basis of VGIK or, in other words, the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov. Her specialty was the subject of acting.

Among the bright roles of Tamara Vasilievna, the paintings “The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev” and “Eternal Call” stand out.

3. Roman Kartsev

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

The death of this man at the age of 79 was a real loss not only for devoted viewers, but for the whole of Russia. Roman Andreyevich is recognized throughout the country as the king of humor.

He happened to perform at the Moscow Theater of Miniatures under the direction of Mikhail Zhvanetsky himself. Roman Andreevich was so incomparable and beautiful in his work that in 1998 in Riga he became the Laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup.

In addition to the artist’s miniatures, one should not forget about his roles in the cinema, for example, Heart of a Dog, Promised Heaven and The Master and Margarita.

2. Stanislav Govorukhin

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

Whatever the role, the masterpiece. It is difficult to say otherwise about the work of Stanislav Sergeevich. In addition to large-scale roles in the films “ACCA”, “Marshal of the Revolution”, “Among the Gray Stones”, “The Return of the Butterfly” and many others, Stanislav also shone as a film director (“Angel’s Day”, “In Search of Captain Grant”), screenwriter ( “Smuggling”, “Ten Little Indians”), publicist, politician and public figure.

Govorukhin would have turned 2018 in 82.

1. Nikolay Karachentsov

10 famous Russian actors who died in 2018

An incredibly handsome and talented man passed away at the age of 73.

In 1967, still young, Nikolai Petrovich graduated brilliantly with honors from the Moscow Art Theater School. Whatever role he took on in the student theater, the marks and praises were always only the highest.

Although it is difficult to single out one of all the significant achievements of Karachentsov, it is definitely difficult to ignore his participation in the rock opera Juno and Avos. This role is considered one of the most important and significant among all theatrical works of Nicholas.

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