10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex

Interestingly, many famous personalities, scientists and prominent figures have never experienced carnal pleasure in their lives. Is there a connection between this?

It is possible that these people’s sexual energy was sublimated into intellectual activity and great deeds, so it was not for nothing that they did not waste time looking for a partner.

Here is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without sex. It is possible, and in some cases it is necessary. And this does not affect health in a bad way, and does not interfere with mental activity, as you can see. Let’s get acquainted with 10 world personalities who remained chaste until their death.

10 Joan of Arc

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex The cult personality Jeanne, as a pure girl, was able to change the course of world history. She will forever remain in the hearts of the French as a national heroine who accomplished a feat and was burned at the stake for her people.

The girl did not change her principles, including those related to the preservation of chastity. The warrior dressed as a man and claimed that she heard the parting voices of angels who helped her perform military exploits.

An immaculate girl was burned at the stake at the age of 19. There is also an alternative version in which Zhanna safely hid from the authorities, and later got married and even gave birth to children.

9. Mother Theresa

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex The great benefactor, who became a mother for a million destitute and a symbol of selfless love, simply could not help but take a vow of chastity in life.

She decided to devote her life only to the service of God, without taking a spouse and not giving birth to heirs. For her children were all living on our planet. So the woman proved her devotion to the Catholic Church and devotion to Christ.

The woman took care of the sick and dying, led a quiet and modest monastic life. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Prize for her deeds.

8. Herbert Spencer

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex The famous philosopher and scientist of the nineteenth century became that rare man who did not have sexual intercourse all his life. Thanks to the creative works of the sociologist, the theory of evolutionism was born.

Herbert was so focused on studying the organisms of the entire planet that he forgot about his own. In addition to the fact that he suffered from an advanced form of scoliosis, he also did not consider it necessary to spend his life energy on love affairs.

So Spencer died alone, forever preserved in his creations and teachings.

7. Isaac Newton

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex Yes, yes, a world-famous scientist and physicist also departed into another world as an absolute virgin. Throughout his life, Newton not only did not have a wife, but also close comrades.

He was obsessively immersed in science and spent all his free time on research. Isaac’s entourage claimed that he was a cold and prudent person, did not have a sense of humor and was not fond of art genres.

Also, Newton was an enviable workaholic who did not consider it necessary to waste valuable time on worldly entertainment, let alone honoring the flesh. Even for food and sleep, he was sorry to allocate time that could be forgiven with the only mistress of his life – science.

6. Joseph Cornell

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex Do you remember the famous American sculptor and artist, and also an avant-garde film director?

So, this man, despite his talents, was a real ascetic, having spent his whole life in a small wooden house. Asceticism also affected his way of life – Cornell had a lot of fans during his lifetime, but he never took a wife.

Joseph died at the age of 69, remaining celibate. This talented person turned all his thoughts into creativity, for which we are grateful to him.

5. Queen Elizabeth I (English)

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex Who doesn’t remember the famous Virgin Queen? If you think that Elizabeth is just the purest woman who has dedicated her life to a good cause, then make no mistake – she is very far from Mother Teresa.

The queen was tormented by internal demons – a thirst for undivided power and authority. For the sake of these goals, she did not hesitate to give up biological needs without marrying or having a child.

According to the ruler, she was going to remain married only for her state. Proud, ambitious and rather ambitious, the queen did a lot for England, concentrating her mind in the field of government.

4. Lewis Carroll

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex Author of numerous works, teacher and talented mathematician, Carroll is a controversial and slightly strange historical figure.

There were many rumors that Lewis wrote “Alice in Wonderland” for a reason – he was unhealthy drawn to little girls. He even took photos of the little ones in a semi-nude form, however, with the permission of their parents.

Lewis, despite the passion for little “girlfriends”, never took his wife’s life and was not convicted of love affairs. Everyone claims that he died a virgin, leaving no heir of his own.

3. Hans Christian Andersen

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex A children’s storyteller, Andersen decided not to turn his life into a fairy tale, without indulging in stupid pleasures with numerous admirers.

The author was a romantic, gladly published dramatic plays and romances. But he himself did not want to enter into any intimate relationships, and he did not really like children, so there was no talk of an heir.

Despite the specific appearance, many beauties dreamed of trapping the eminent writer, but in vain – he died a virgin.

2. Immanuel Kant

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex Brilliant works on German philosophy – that’s the whole legacy left by Kant. Children, grandson and great-grandchildren could not tell about the personal life of the philosopher, since they simply did not exist.

Kant did not marry and had no mistresses, he went into another world pure and innocent. His whole life was subject to a schedule, which was required, among other things, by his poor health.

Rumor has it that for some period of his life, Immanuel wanted to get married, but he could not support his wife. Interestingly, the German scientist was categorically against masturbation and considered it one of the worst sins.

And so Kant remained a virgin until his 79 years, after which he calmly died with a clear conscience.

1. Nikola Tesla

10 famous people who died without knowing the joy of sex A unique personality, experimenter and genius, author of incredible theories on teleportation and magnetism! Well, when, with a busy schedule, a great scientist could find time for young ladies?

Nikola had regular features and an extremely attractive appearance; young ladies followed him in droves. But Tesla was married all his life only to his work.

The scientist said that celibacy allows you to achieve maximum clarity and sharpness of the mind.

For these famous people, above all was duty, honor, the work of a lifetime and the opportunity to leave behind a more significant legacy than one or two children. Each of them has its own unique story.

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