10 famous people who died while having sex

Sex is one of the most enjoyable processes in human life. However, even such an ordinary and attractive activity can be very dangerous.

We will introduce you to ten famous people who died during sex. It’s probably a pretty good death, don’t you think?

10 Nelson Rockefeller

41st Vice President of the United States. An active life position and indefatigable energy accompanied the whole life of this most interesting person. Fountained, burned and flogged with rods, nourished, raised the immediate environment. The same talented, broad-minded people.

Nelson is one of the richest family in America. And he had the honor to improve in the political field. One feature characterizes this clan.

The desire to keep all family secrets a secret, without disclosing, to keep closed. The mystery of Nelson’s death shook the world. The facts speak for the fact that qualified medical care began to be provided late, if we take into account the modern concept of the “golden hour” that provides hope for salvation. In this situation, there was practically no chance of survival.

A piquant detail was made public according to Nelson Rockefeller’s assistant. A heart attack claimed the life of a man during intimacy. An active life position manifested itself here, to the end.

9. Charlemagne

The first European emperor. According to various sources, he lived from 66 to possibly 72 years. Great commander. Strategist and tactician. Thus, he led a policy of conquest so that the family could freely flourish in the lands of present-day Europe.

A tall, handsome, lean man. Of course, he was not deprived of the attention of women. Six wives and three concubines. And they all had children. There were 18 of them in total.

Warrior boys. When their father died, they long and painfully experienced his loss. Girls – pebbles from a golden necklace, they were all around him.

Having such a rich, luxurious personal life, not one of the offspring during his lifetime arranged his own. The enlightener, the spreader of Christianity, took care of the succession, dividing the empire between his sons.

His life is surrounded by many secrets. The exhumation of the ashes was carried out several times. Pneumonia, severe gout with kidney damage, and an unknown transient fever were discussed as the cause of death.

Perhaps it was impossible to cheer up a decrepit body otherwise than with the help of young bodies in those days. Death in the arms of beauty from a heart attack is an act prepared by fate.

8. Pope Paul II

The Pope was known as an anti-humanist. A clever, prudent and cunning diplomat was an admirer of beauty. Including his physical data, he also highly appreciated.

The opponent of the reforms feared that his rule would be defeated. Despite the high post and the vow of celibacy, he still received the pleasures of the flesh. Modest. Sex with a servant boy, once turned into an untimely death of a clergyman.

7. Pope John XII

I don’t believe it. For a person with such an open face, a clear look, a sunny smile to be a fiend. Due to the fact that he primarily positioned himself as a public leader, and not a clergyman, carnal pleasures occupied the main place in his life.

The spiritual life of the parishioners probably did not interest the Pope at all. The citizens understood the rule of building a confession in their own way. In one of these spiritual encounters, a clergyman intercourse with a parishioner took place.

The offended spouse radically solved the mystery of confession. Death followed from the enraged husband of the woman. Judge not lest ye be judged.

One gets the impression that the development of only the physical side of life does not prolong it, but shortens it. And not in a heroic way.

6. David Carradine

American actor. His film work is striking in its versatility. Master of transformation. Master of virtuoso possession of the body. The directors who took David to shoot action films only benefited from this choice.

Life on stress hormones eventually depleted the body. Being young at heart, the actor did not want to put up with the weaknesses of the body. I needed doping. And he found it.

Autoasphyxia, a type of sexual game in which access to the brain or lungs is limited. Survivors describe unprecedented sensations. He passed away at the age of 72, not resigned to his wonderful age.

5. Michael Hutchens

Lead singer of the Australian rock band INXS. Sexually charismatic. Divinely good. Stunningly sexy. Delightfully extravagant. Trendsetter. And divine music.

In intimate relationships, he practiced sex asphyxia. Fatal error. It’s a pity. When will the earth give birth to such a musician next time.

4. Felix Fore

French politician. He left this world at the age of 58. He started as a successful businessman, politician, and minister of the sea. President of France.

Perhaps many wonderful projects would be realized by this undoubtedly talented person. Death intervened.

His favorite courtesan in that fatal meeting showed a master class in oral sex. Overwhelmed feelings led to the rupture of cerebral vessels. Acute cerebrovascular accident and death.

3. Henry Palmerston

British aristocrat. An outstanding politician with the greatest diplomatic achievements. A diplomat with a capital letter, who, depending on the circumstances and his own goals, could be familiar, comical, cynical. An egoist and trickster, he could famously get out of any diplomatic traps.

Karl Max painted about him, admiring. All Europe complained to the queen about her diplomat. She didn’t love him. And she always stood up for him. But nothing is alien to a person of such a flight.

He was loved by other women. Being a man of not very good health, in his mature years, one day, he made a romantic meeting on a billiard table and died. Of course, from a heart attack, due to an overdose of brightly flashed feelings.

2. Errol Flynn

Hollywood actor of Australian origin. Died at the age of 50. His film images are brave heroes, noble robbers, passionate lovers. At the same time, the most beautiful women in Hollywood worked in the professional workshop.

He is the legendary conqueror of women’s hearts. Chaotic, stormy, romantic nights. Sex scandals only fueled interest in the aging playboy.

The last passion of the actor was a girl at the age of 15. She had a huge influence on her chosen one. According to published data, death occurred in the arms of this enchantress.

But the Tasmanian devil, Robin Hood, Redbeard and many other images loved since childhood cannot be changed, no matter what their inspirer is.

1. Attila the Hun

One of the great conquerors of antiquity. The commander who led devastating, merciless, bloody campaigns. His power stretched from the Volga to the Rhine, where the control was carried out by fire and sword.

An imperious, intolerant of other people’s opinions, a vindictive person, nevertheless enjoyed success with the fair sex. He married his women.

The chroniclers claim that the death of the conqueror did not occur on the battlefield, but on the last wedding night. At your wedding. Passion and exorbitant libations claimed his life. Blood accompanied his entire fighting life. And it ended in a pool of its own blood.

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