10 famous men who wear makeup

Looking through the pages on the Internet, willy-nilly, you come across viral news like “10 girls without makeup.”

But the worst thing is when the caring Internet offers to get acquainted with how your favorite male stars look without makeup. What? When? When did men start wearing makeup in everyday life? What is going on with this world?

However, this is true – some stars consciously use cosmetics in everyday life and can even give you advice on how to choose the right eyeliner. They are not afraid of strange words like “primer” and “concealer”, but they are completely related to mascara.

Preparing for a grand event forces the representatives of the stronger sex to spend several hours near the mirror.

We understand that this is unpleasant to hear. Immediately you begin to sincerely miss the image of a real Slavic hero who washed himself in a stream, saddled a horse and rescued a ruddy girl from the clutches of an enemy. And now our knights themselves are ruddy-faced.

Well, let’s get acquainted with 10 male celebrities who know a lot about makeup.

10 Brian Molko

10 famous men who wear makeup The famous vocalist of the group Placebo, it seems, does not go out without makeup, just like a teenage girl. It looks like the man likes to dress up and make up, as new looks are practiced regardless of concerts.

Molko’s favorite makeup is thickly applied smoky eye shadow, which makes him easy to recognize.

It’s sad that in today’s world, paparazzi have to run after men, hoping to catch them without makeup.

9. Justin Bieber

10 famous men who wear makeup The singer is known for his eccentric antics and bravado. It would seem that there is something masculine in him, despite the tearful songs and the image of such a dandy.

But make-up artists and stylists are clearly overdoing it with the image of a cute boy. Photos pop up on the Internet every now and then, where Bieber is preening with either mascara or powder, creating the image of an “innocent baby”.

Someone even suspects that a bronzer was used in the image to give a glamorous swarthyness and an eyebrow styling agent.

Well, let’s wait until righteous anger overtakes the singer and he disperses the staff of makeup artists to appear in a natural male guise.

8. Jared Leto

10 famous men who wear makeup The singer and actor became famous for that heartthrob who conquers fans with charm, a marvelous male baritone voice and innocent blue eyes. Summer realizes that it is the latter that have a magnetic effect on beautiful ladies, so she does not hesitate to highlight her eyelids with shadows, and her eyelashes with mascara.

The guy mastered makeup professionally and could conduct master classes for fans. In general, eyeliner helps Jared make his eyes more expressive and deep.

Note that recently the man began to slowly abandon makeup and even grew a brutal beard. Of course, this doesn’t stop people from returning to the art of face painting for the roles of a drag queen or the Joker.

7. Boy George

10 famous men who wear makeup The star owns the highest level of male makeup, sadly it sounds. Boy regularly experimented with decorative cosmetics, settling on a real girlish make-up.

The earliest images were reminiscent of the creepy traditions of the eighties: oily eyeliner on the eyelids, vulgar bright shadows.

The English composer has already matured and matured, but still does not give up the emphasis on the eyes, masterfully applying permanent make-up to create a stage image.

Oh, and we thought that singers should attract with talent and voice, and not with “bright plumage”.

6. Billie Joe Armstrong

10 famous men who wear makeup The vocalist of Green Day has vast experience in applying high-quality make-up. For about thirty years, he paints himself on his own, and even before going on stage, he does styling or intricate hairstyles.

The man admitted that the famous American makeup artist Katherine von Drachenberg helps him create images. Together with a woman, Billy released a black eyeliner for the brand.

In Armstrong’s case, there is a clear connection between makeup and orientation. The musician does not hide his bisexuality, being married and twice a father.

5. Russell Brand

10 famous men who wear makeup The former husband of the famous singer Katy Perry painted his eyes all his life, with special emphasis on the lower eyelid. Eyeliner, black pencil and shadows have become the faithful companions of the showman. Thus, he approached (as it seemed to him) the image of a rock star.

I wonder if that’s why Katie left him – she couldn’t stand the competition in terms of profitable images? Or maybe tips on applying makeup from her husband are fed up?

Still, every fragile woman wants to see a strong man next to her, but the made-up husband Brand does not at first glance evoke such associations.

4. Steven Tyler

10 famous men who wear makeup The permanent leader of the rock band Aerosmith changed many girlfriends, and perhaps it was from them that he learned the art of brightly painting his face. Tyler uses not only the black eyeliner typical of rock, but also powder, lipstick, foundation. The performer complements his blatant image with nail polish and contrasting strands in his hair.

So we imagine how Stephen asks another young girlfriend for a cosmetic bag to “powder her nose”, otherwise he forgot his at home. It is funny and sad at the same time. But such a talented and brutal man, why these female images?

3. Ozzy Osbourne

10 famous men who wear makeup The image of a real man is closely intertwined with thick make-up, without which the 69-year-old singer does not appear in public. Make-up and styling for him is a common thing, without which it is a shame to go out into the street.

Despite the fact that Ozzy’s music and performance style gave him the nickname “great and terrible”, because the singer from afar resembles a real ghoul.

2. Marilyn Manson

10 famous men who wear makeup The leader of our review is a talented singer who has completely lost his individuality in the chosen stage image. Without makeup, Manson looks like an ordinary man, and even handsome in his own way.

Black strands, the abuse of white powder and eyeliner, lips red from lipstick – all this helps Manson achieve the desired image of a goth, a vampire.

In this way, the singer introduces the audience to his dark side or alter ego, which allows him to perform such strong songs.

1. Johnny Depp

10 famous men who wear makeup A naturally handsome man, Johnny Depp, would only need charm to fall in love with the hearts of his fans. But the actor decided that male attributes were not enough for him, so he uses makeup in everyday life.

Yes, yes, Depp puts on make-up not only for the role of the outrageous pirate Jack Sparrow. For a daytime make-up, a man uses an eyeliner, emphasizing the depth of his brown eyes.


It is not easy to write about such transformations in our society, nevertheless, a man must remain a man, even if he has a stage image. Let’s see what kind of new generation will grow up, given the legalization of LGBT communities and the participation of transgender people in key events.

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