- 10 Pregnancy lasts 9 months
- 9. Too much salt is bad for health
- 8. Overweight from ill health
- 7. Milk is good
- 6. Honey is better than processed sugar
- 5. Humans only use 10% of their brain
- 4. Exposure to microwaves causes cancer
- 3. The language is divided into 4 parts
- 2. Yogurt improves digestion
- 1. Late night snacking causes obesity
During his life, every person has beliefs that he takes as true, but often he does not have objective grounds for this. It’s just that a person is reluctant to change his beliefs, but they prevent him from achieving his goal and paint a wrong picture of the world.
It is difficult to get rid of the prevailing firm opinion about something, but you do not have to think for yourself what kind of erroneous beliefs these are, because you have an article open to you that will tell you just about this.
10 Pregnancy lasts 9 months
Everyone is used to believing that a woman walks pregnant for 9 months, but this is not entirely true. Most often, from the moment of conception to the birth of a baby, it takes about 266 days, it turns out that the pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, and can last even 38, and this is in 80% of women.
Even knowing the day of conception, it is difficult to calculate the date of birth. Every pregnancy is different and a small percentage of babies are born on the expected date. 40 weeks is considered the norm of pregnancy, so you can think that a woman walks pregnant for 10 months.
9. Too much salt is bad for health
It is generally accepted that the frequent use of salt is harmful to health. This is a very controversial conclusion, because a lack of salt leads to depression, muscle spasm, and digestive disorders.
The daily need of our body for salt is up to 6 grams, but we eat more per day – the excess accumulates in various organs and does not allow the body to function normally.
Salt should be consumed, but not in large quantities – the rejection of it will have a bad effect on the body.
8. Overweight from ill health
We can often hear the phrase: “If a person is overweight, then he is unhealthy,” but this is not true. Why is a person unhealthy?
It is known that each of us has a predisposition to any disease – it may never make itself felt, existing with a person in a latent state all his life. This is completely normal.
Excess weight gives a person discomfort due to an unattractive appearance, there are sports and diets to eliminate the problem, but there is no big threat to life due to excess weight. A person who has problems with weight does not necessarily have to be ill with something.
7. Milk is good
Advertisements screaming about the benefits of milk for our body are a marketing ploy. Countries where people drink a lot of milk have the worst bone disease statistics.
Drinking cow’s milk can cause cancer in men – it’s all about the hormones given to cows on farms.
In addition, dairy products can cause allergies, if you really want to drink milk, then it is better to replace it with vegetable milk, such as, for example, coconut or rice – rice contains calcium, as well as valuable trace elements and vitamins.
6. Honey is better than processed sugar
If you want to replace sugar with honey, then you should not forget that 100 grams of honey contains 329 kcal – it does not win over a spoonful of sugar. Honey is sweeter than sugar and you will need less of it to sweeten your favorite drink, but too much of it can cause weight problems.
From a medical point of view, large and frequent consumption of sweets, whether honey or sugar, can lead to heart disease, liver problems, and diabetes.
5. Humans only use 10% of their brain
The fact that the human brain works at 10% is a neuromyth. People can indeed develop their intelligence through various exercises, but it is not true that they use only part of their brain.
At 10%, the brain is possible and works, but only during sleep. Various studies have shown that there is no part of the brain that is inactive. Different parts of the brain are responsible for our performance, and if it worked at 10%, it would not be able to cope with maintaining the functioning of our entire body.
4. Exposure to microwaves causes cancer
On the Internet you can find many frightening statements, some of them are not groundless, but a person who is capable of reflection can understand what is fiction and what is true.
After reading horror stories, a person can stop using the microwave and deprive himself of the pleasure of a delicious meal.
They say that microwaves can cause cancer, but if you observe the method of heating microwaves, it becomes clear that they produce radiation that heats the water molecules present in the product, which makes food hot. But this does not make the product harmful.
3. The language is divided into 4 parts
You may have heard the theory somewhere that the tongue is divided into four parts, and the taste buds of each of them are responsible for distinguishing between sweet, bitter, salty, sour foods.
However, this is completely wrong – there are not four tastes, but five, the fifth is umami, the taste of protein substances. There are thousands of taste buds on the human tongue, and they work together.
If you sprinkle salt on the tip of your tongue, you’ll get a salty taste that just proves the tongue map is wrong.
2. Yogurt improves digestion
It is commonly believed that yogurt improves digestion, but this claim is not entirely true. It only partially helps. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are considered “good bacteria” and help regulate the gut.
But when there are already many different bacteria in the body, how can you determine that it is the bacteria contained in yogurt that will benefit you? It is not normal to look for a solution to digestive problems in yogurt. It is better to drink kefir – it will be much more useful.
1. Late night snacking causes obesity
There is an opinion that night snacks, and in general eating after 6 pm, directly lead to weight gain. But it’s not.
You need to eat not before 6 pm, but about 3 hours before bedtime – by that time the digestive tract will have time to digest most of the food and rest at night will be easy.
Before going to bed, you can eat broth, pistachios, rice or a cheese roll – these foods can be eaten at night, they will not harm the figure.