10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

People’s opinions are divided: some of them believe in the existence of ghosts, and some do not. Those who are sure of their existence look very convincing …

By mistake, we can take some things for something else, for example, when we see photographs depicting strange translucent creatures, it becomes not entirely clear what it is and where it came from …

We cannot know for sure whether ghosts exist or not, but we can definitely find out about the existence of something otherworldly by reading these facts.

10 Law of energy conservation

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts


The first rule of physics is that energy cannot be destroyed, just as it cannot be created. It is permanent, and can only transform from one form to another.

Our consciousness is also energy, therefore, eternity is characteristic of it … And if after a person dies, consciousness leaves him, this does not mean that it cannot continue its life in a new form.

Scientists have not yet come up with a device with which one could see ghosts. But everything is ahead … after all, once upon a time, scientists without special equipment did not know about the existence of bacteria and viruses.

9. Glowing balls in photos

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

They are called orbs – these are translucent mysterious balls that appear in the picture. Translucent balls appear in the frame, according to the logical explanation of eyewitnesses, for such reasons: fine dust that has risen from the ground, drops of water or dirt, drops of moisture or glare. But only this and the orbs are completely different.

Everything that is visible to the naked eye before and at the time of shooting is not an orb. Orbs are mysterious creatures, in addition, it was found that they move at a very high speed – up to 800 km / h, and in any direction.

8. Mediums and Spiritualism

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

People are skeptical about séances, because there have been many frauds in history. However, it has not been proven that it is impossible to establish a connection with ghosts.

At the University of Arizona, Dr. Gary Schwartz conducts curious experiments in which participants become mediums (or those who claim to be mediums, but they themselves are not).

In his research, Schwartz finds those who are really a medium, he claims to use the most stringent control methods in his research, which prove the existence of ghosts.

7. Eyewitness accounts

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

It is known that small children can see ghosts, but over time they lose this ability and forget about what they saw. The dead can visit their loved ones, return, and according to one US poll, 28% of people have seen ghosts. This does not always mean that someone has a fantasy.

Ghosts can have different colors, sizes and shapes. Most often they live in forests, near the ocean, near historical monuments, and sometimes they appear in our homes … They can be seen quite by accident, defocused vision can help with this.

6. Electromagnetic radiation

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts


Electronic devices attract ghosts, the souls of the dead. Anyone who has watched the reality series Ghost Tracks knows that ghosts signal their presence through devices.

With the help of a special device – a converter, the electromagnetic field of the surrounding space is measured. All electrical appliances, wiring and our Earth have this field.

Sometimes the transducer measures electromagnetic radiation where there is no equipment or wiring … Does this mean the presence of a ghost? Maybe, but it could also mean an interaction with our world of something unknown to us …

5. Sounds on audio recordings

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

Sometimes you can hear strange sounds on the audio recording that were not there during the recording. If the music is quite specific, then the sounds may not even be noticed, mistaking them for effects. But especially attentive people may notice hissing, noise, footsteps or even voices … They can only be heard once after recording.

Naturally, sounds can be extraneous noise, and this can only be learned from those who recorded the music. But there are also cases when quite meaningful sentences that come from the other world are heard on the recording …

4. Strange sounds in the house

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

On an audio recording, extraneous sounds can only be heard during playback, but in your home you can hear them in real time. It may seem that someone is whispering in your ear, and this may even be accompanied by numbness or panic fear … You can hear the creaking or slamming of doors, disembodied voices, distant laughter, which can easily be mistaken for a hallucination …

It is very important to carefully consider the surrounding space – if the possibility of extraneous noise is excluded, then, most likely, strange sounds are caused by the presence of otherworldly forces.

3. Photos with ghosts

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

There are a lot of ghost photos on the Internet, but with a good knowledge of Photoshop, anyone can take a picture with a ghost that cannot be distinguished from the real one.

The proof of the existence of a real ghost in the photo is only an instant printout of the picture or uploading it to the computer (and it is important to make sure that when taking the photo there were no people nearby who could get into the frame, they can simply be considered a ghost in the distance).

Today it is not difficult to fake a photo, so you should look for reliable pictures taken many years ago.

2. Communication with incorporeal beings

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

If we managed to see a person talking to the “emptiness”, then most likely we would take him for a madman. Crazy people do exist, but this does not always mean that the person talking to the “emptiness” is not normal.

There are documented cases of people talking to ghosts the way we talk to each other.

This suggests that consciousness continues to live after death, but not everyone manages to see the ghost.

1. Disappearance and subsequent appearance of objects

10 facts confirming the reality of the existence of ghosts

This effect is called “PPO” (reappearance of the missing object). Usually a person knows for sure that he left the keys on this table or put a notebook on the cabinet.

But skeptical people start to distrust their memory, and think, “I just messed around and forgot where I put the thing.” But some object is missing, and the person begins to look for it. After some time, he finds it – safe and sound, and, as a rule, in a conspicuous place.

It feels like someone took the thing and then put it back in its place. Sometimes an item disappears for several days or even weeks, but appears exactly in the place where you can easily find it. This indicates the presence of a ghost in your home.

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