10 facts about the thyroid gland that you should know – Nutrition – Articles |

1. Location

The thyroid gland is located in the neck, in its anterior-lower part. It is located between the larynx and trachea. It’s a butterfly-shaped gland. It is made of two lobes connected by a strait. Its flesh consists mainly of vesicles. The thyroid gland weighs around 30-60 g and may enlarge during pregnancy.

2. Thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland produces three main hormones: thyroxin (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin. They are made of iodine and amino acids. They are formed in epithelial cells (T3 and T4) and C cells (calcitonin). Thyroxine and triiodothyronine can be stored in the intravesical gel.

3. Role

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are necessary for the development of the body, its metabolism, growth, thermoregulation, but also the work of the nervous system. The thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4 is mobilized by thyrotropin (TSH) produced by the pituitary gland. In turn, the production of calcitonin is related to the concentration of calcium in the blood. It plays a regulatory role in the calcium-phosphate metabolism, so it is important for bones.

4. Hypothyroidism

It is a deficiency of thyroid hormones as a result of a disturbance in their production. Hypothyroidism is observed in diseases such as Hashimoto’s disease (the most common cause of hypothyroidism), thyroid hormone resistance syndrome, hypothyroidism, and mental retardation.

5. Hyperthyroidism

W in the case of problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, it may appear overproduction of its hormones. Such a situation is observed in the case of the course of diseases such as Graves’ or hyperactive goitre, called also nodular.

6. Factors increasing the risk of thyroid diseases

There are many factors that increase your risk of developing thyroid disease. It should be mentioned here: family burden, type I diabetes, operations on the thyroid gland, Down’s syndrome, Turner syndrome, but also age or a stressful lifestyle. Women are more often affected by thyroid disease. The revealing factor may be pregnancy or menopause, during which there are hormonal changes in the body.

7. Disturbing symptoms of thyroid diseases

There are many symptoms of thyroid problems. We can mention here, for example, problems with body weight, weakness, anxiety, depression, hair loss, dry skin, swelling in the neck area, muscle pain, lowering body temperature.

8. Thyroid research

After the age of 35, it is worth checking the condition of the thyroid gland at least every 5 years. If you are concerned about any symptoms or have risk factors, check for them more often. The first marker most often recommended is the level of TSH. The more it is in the blood, the less thyroid hormones there are, and vice versa. The level of free thyroid hormones linked to FT3 and FT4 proteins is also tested.

9. Negative effect on the thyroid gland

A diet high in processed foods and low in vegetables and fruits worsens the condition of the body, including the thyroid gland. Additionally, stress can cause problems with the conversion of T4 to T3. It should also be remembered that fluorine, chlorine and bromine can displace iodine and interfere with thyroid hormones. Unfortunately, there are more of these elements in our environment than iodine. They are present in water, soil, food, cosmetics and chemicals. Hence, among others more and more common diseases of the thyroid gland.

10. Positive effect on the thyroid gland

Iodine is a very important element for the thyroid gland. So if we want it to be in good shape, we must take care of its proper level in the body. Equally important is one selenium and magnesium, which support the absorption of iodine. The diet should therefore include seafood, spinach, garlic, sesame, which contain iodine, or fish, meat, mushrooms, sources of selenium and seeds, nuts, whole grains which are additionally sources of magnesium. Vitamin D and iron are also important. We wrote about diet for thyroid problems in ‘Hypothyroidism’ and ‘Hashimoto’s Disease’.


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