10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

Modern man knows little about Ancient Greece. Of course, everyone has heard about myths, philosophers and ancient buildings, but nothing is known about the way of life of the ancient Greeks. Reasoning about abstract things and about the eternal is fine, but the ancient Greeks also had to deal with more mundane issues.

Health, fashion, beauty, love – that’s what ordinary people thought about, they were little worried about reasoning on a philosophical topic. Yes, of course, in those days, there were no hospitals and beauty salons, but on the other hand, the ancient Greeks practiced interesting techniques and knew such things, many of which would make a modern person blush. Below is the top 10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks.

10 Doctors by the taste of earwax determined whether the patient was healthy

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

In ancient Greece, they did not take blood tests, did not do x-rays and other medical procedures. Of course, in those days, doctors did not even imagine that this was possible. They had a different way. They tasted the patient’s earwax, based on its taste they made a diagnosis. In their opinion, if a person fell ill, sulfur changed its taste. By the way, sulfur is the most harmless thing that doctors had to try. Diagnoses were also made on other physiological fluids.

9. Women were treated with mud

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

The ancient Greeks used rather unusual methods for treatment. After the doctor had tasted the patient’s bodily fluid and made a diagnosis, he had to prescribe a treatment. Women were treated with mud. In ancient Greece, it was believed that a woman is susceptible to impurities. It was worth smearing yourself with mud or using it as a medicine, as the disease receded. Dung compresses or drinks made from animal feces were considered common medicine. Such funds were used only for the treatment of the fairer sex. For men, there were other methods: treatment with folk remedies, milk and honey, fasting, wine. Surprisingly, as a medicine, patients were often prescribed methods that “healed” the soul: music, theatrical performances.

8. Instead of hygiene products used stones

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

In ancient Greece, there was no toilet paper, stones were used instead. They were small in size, reaching a maximum of 12 centimeters in length. The stones had a rounded shape, all irregularities were smoothed out so as not to get hurt. During excavations, it was found that the names of people were written on some stones. It turned out that the ancient Greeks wrote the names of their enemies on the stones. A funny incident happened in England, in the city of Chichester. For a long time, archaeologists thought they had found playing pieces, because names were scrawled on them. Only later did scientists understand what function these stones performed. Wealthy people used other means: sponges on a stick or old rags.

7. Potion made from sweat

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

More than one book can be written about medicine in Ancient Greece. Nowhere else have such diverse methods of treatment and preparation of medicines been used. Among the Greeks, a very popular remedy was a potion, the main ingredient of which was sweat. There was one requirement for the “secret ingredient”: sweat was taken only from athletes. Before the competition, the men smeared the body with olive oil. After the competition, they scraped off sweat and dirt with special scrapers. It remained only to pour the resulting liquid into bottles, and the mixture was ready. The inhabitants of ancient Greece believed that this medicine relieved muscle pain.

6. Men with large genitals were considered unattractive

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

Probably, everyone paid attention to the statues and drawings of ancient Greek gods or athletes. Nature rewarded them with harmony and strength, but for some reason deprived them of the size of manhood. On the contrary, the drawings of various demons and satyrs are ugly, but the size of their genitals is impressive. What’s the matter? It turns out that everything is simple. Large genitals were considered ugly, even vulgar. They were associated with stupidity and lust. In ancient Greece, tanned men with hairless chests, strong buttocks, broad shoulders, a small tongue and a small, thin penis were recognized as handsome.

5. Used unusual methods of contraception

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

In ancient times, women around the world used strange methods of contraception. Each country had its own “effective remedy” that did not work. But the women of ancient Greece excelled even here. Sneezing was considered the best remedy for unwanted pregnancy. A woman should have started sneezing immediately after intercourse. Interestingly, when a woman informed a man about her pregnancy, did he accuse her of not sneezing well enough? This was not the only remedy, the girls also used a mixture of honey and pine resin. The girls rubbed her genitals.

4. They were afraid that the dead would rise from their graves

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

The Greeks were very afraid that the dead would begin to rise from their graves. Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that stones were laid at the funeral of the dead? They hoped that the dead would not be able to get out of the grave. Jewelry and personal items were found in some graves. In 2015, the tomb of a warrior was discovered in Greece. She was even named the richest. Various jewels, a staff, six ivory combs and a mirror. It is not clear why the Greeks put it all in the grave. Maybe they thought that in the next world a warrior would want to comb and dress up, he would have to return for a comb and jewelry. So that the dead man would not worry, they collected everything he needed.

3. Athletes trained naked

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

Athletes in ancient Greece didn’t have to worry about form. They trained naked. Why it happened, no one knows. It is only known that when the Olympics were held, one of the athletes’ loincloth untied, only thanks to this occasion he won. It was then that nudity became a mandatory condition for the competitors. A little later, in ancient Greece, the cult of the body appeared, people began to be proud of their beauty. Surely, most readers paint indecent pictures in their heads. No, everything was very decent. Only men were allowed to the Olympic Games and other competitions. Therefore, outsider women could not admire other people’s husbands.

2. There were their own canons of beauty

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

All the girls and women of Ancient Greece dreamed of wide eyebrows, preferably fused. A woman with a unibrow was considered fashionable and beautiful. The girls did not know what to do, because cosmetics were banned. In ancient Greece, women were forbidden to wear makeup, the Greeks were literally obsessed with the idea of ​​female purity. But getters – independent women who did not obey any laws, drew such eyebrows for themselves. Shadows and eyebrow pencil were replaced by a mixture of tree bark juice and egg white. The beauty of the heterosexuals was envied by all the girls. But still there was one method. The girls glued animal hair to the bridge of their nose. Resin was used instead of glue. What women will not do to become attractive.

1. Instead of a ring, they gave an apple

10 facts about the life of the ancient Greeks that will make you blush

It was much easier for men in ancient Greece to court women. They did not ask for rings, serenades and restaurants. To propose to a girl you like, you had to throw her an apple. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of love and desire. In many myths of ancient Greece, this fruit is mentioned. What is the bone of contention worth, which became an indirect cause of the Trojan War. Before the wedding night, the young should eat an apple, it was also a symbol of fertility.

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