10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Everyone knows that alcohol has a bad effect on the human body, but speaking of this, they mean only strong drinks. In fact, even low-alcohol and beer must be taken into account. How it affects health and what problems it can create, we will analyze further.

10 Heart diseases

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Those who regularly drink beer may notice shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and feeling unwell after physical exertion. The fact is that drinking beer increases the load on the heart muscle. For example, if you drink 2 liters of a drink, the load will increase by about 2 times. Such an influence, of course, does not affect the work of the heart in the best way.

Another reason that contributes to disease is the composition of beer. It contains cobalt, it has a destructive effect on the walls of the heart. And since there is relatively little alcohol in beer, it is usually drunk in large quantities, respectively, and more cobalt enters the body.

9. Problems with the digestive tract

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

The most common problem after drinking beer is diarrhea. It occurs due to the fact that the ethyl alcohol contained in the drink, during the metabolism, forms another substance – acetaldehyde. It is very harmful to humans, so the body tries to get rid of it.

In addition, alcohol, getting into the stomach, irritates its walls and mucous membrane, which leads to unpleasant sensations – heartburn, pain, digestive problems, fermentation. If the decay products enter the intestines, diarrhea appears.

8. Alcoholism

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Beer is considered a dangerous drink in terms of addiction because no one takes it seriously, especially those who drink it all the time. Therefore, it is very difficult to convince a woman that she is addicted to alcohol. We used to think that this is a light cooling drink that you can drink in the heat or during gatherings with friends. “It’s just beer” is a phrase familiar to many. But since alcohol is still contained in its composition, addiction still appears, first beer, and then to stronger drinks. So, relaxing first with a can of beer, a woman may want something else and move on to whiskey, cognac or vodka.

7. Health problems in the unborn child

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Beer affects the hormonal background of men and women. Girls who drink this drink may develop ovarian dysfunction, and hormone production is reduced. A child whose mother regularly took beer may experience genetic disorders, problems with the proper formation of tissues and internal organs, including the brain. Hence – mental and mental abnormalities, poor functioning of the organs.

If you drink beer during pregnancy, the baby may not get enough nutrition, as alcohol constricts blood vessels and the umbilical cord. And this can lead to various functional deviations.

6. A radical change in behavior

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Usually girls drink beer in order to relax and relieve stress. If this does not happen, and for some reason a woman cannot drink, she becomes irritable, aggressive.

Added to this are other changes in behavior caused by the effect of alcohol on the body:

  • Depressive states;
  • Decreased maternal instinct and desire to take care of loved ones;
  • Sharp mood swings.

5. General decline in immunity

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

In women who constantly drink beer, adipose tissue begins to increase, body weight increases. Because of this, the work of the immune system is reduced, and the girl may begin to get sick more often. Her immunity can no longer cope with infections as well as before. No matter how strong it may be, drinking alcohol will make its own adjustments and gradually destroy the body’s natural defenses.

4. The appearance of extra pounds and cellulite

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

As we have already found out, beer disrupts the work of the heart muscle, because of this, the metabolism in the body slows down, and extra pounds appear. Alcohol also worsens the condition of the skin, it becomes less elastic, flabby, hence cellulite already occurs.

In addition, the composition of the beer contains yeast, which cause appetite. Therefore, girls either gorge themselves on fatty foods, or have a drink with various snacks: chips, crackers, fish. And salty foods retain water in the body, thereby causing fat deposits, swelling and wrinkles.


10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Hops, found in very large quantities in beer, contain hormones, namely estrogen. There are approximately 1 mg of estrogen per 300 kg of hops. In the process of processing, its amount is slightly reduced, but if you abuse beer, plant hormones affect those that are already in the girl’s body. Because of this, the hormonal background is disturbed, and light thin hairs can begin to become darker and thicker, sometimes hair appears at all in places where there were practically none. Growth can begin, for example, on the face in the chin area and above the upper lip, on the abdomen or chest.

2. Disturbed hormonal balance and infertility

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

The phytoestrogens found in beer can also cause more serious hormonal problems:

  • Enlargement of the uterus;
  • Obesity;
  • Decreased reproductive performance;
  • Early onset of menopause;
  • Irregular cycle;
  • The possibility of the appearance of cysts, tumors in the uterus, fibroids.

Due to one of the listed signs or their combination, infertility may develop. All these problems, even if they have been eliminated, aggravate the condition of the woman’s genitals and the body as a whole, so not all girls can subsequently have children.

1. Oncological diseases

10 facts about the effect of beer on the body of girls

Beer can actually cause cancer. This does not mean that a woman will get cancer from a few mugs. But the substances dissolved in this drink are carcinogens, which cause tumors and other consequences. In women, beer increases the likelihood of breast cancer. In addition, the alcohol contained in beer can change the structure of cells and lead to the division of cancer cells.

Also, during fermentation, aldehydes, methanol, ethers and other toxic compounds are formed in beer, which are very harmful to the body and contribute to the development of cancer.

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