10 Facts About Dr Pepper Drink

The famous Dr Pepper – one of the most popular carbonated drinks not only in the United States (where it comes from), but throughout the world. The success of Dr Pepper was made possible thanks to the unique taste of this carbonated drink, which remains a big mystery. Want to learn more about the soda that has taken the world by storm? Read on: interesting facts about Dr Pepper.

The Dr Pepper drink was invented by pharmacist Charles Alderton in the USA, Texas, the city of Wahoe in 1885.

The young man worked at Wade Morrison’s Old Corner and his weakness was sweet soda. It was he who came up with the idea to combine a carbonated drink and various fruit syrups that taste good. And so the idea of ​​invigorating Dr Pepper was born.

Dr Pepper Museum in the USA

It is the oldest soft drink brand in the United States of America.

He is a year older than the Coca-Cola brand (which was registered in 1886) and 8 years older than Pepsi (1893).

The origin of the name of this famous drink is not known for certain.

There are several legends about the origin of the name of the drink, but no one knows the true one. The most common version is this. The drink is named after Dr. Pepper. The owner of the pharmacy and the first seller of this soda was in love with his daughter. The doctor gave permission for the wedding of lovers, which, by the way, never took place. But the name of the drink remains.

First boxes for Dr Pepper

The advertising slogan of the brand is “Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4” (drink a little at 10, 2 and 4). What do these numbers mean?

Here’s the thing: A person’s blood sugar drops at 10:30 am, 2:30 am, and 4:30 pm. Consequently, a person gets tired physically and mentally. The manufacturer offers at this critical time to raise your vitality with this particular drink.

Dr Pepper slogan promotional posters

Dr Foots and Dr Pepper are two names for the same drink.

In the Netherlands, this drink is sold under the name Dr Foots.

Bank Design Dr Foots

Flaming Dr Pepper

This is an incendiary shot-cocktail, which does not contain the drink of the same name. Ingredients: a layer of amaretto and a layer of rum. The shot is set on fire and poured burning into a small amount of light beer. It tastes like Dr Pepper, hence the name.

Cocktail without Dr Pepper

Sauce for meat from a carbonated drink – this is also possible

Dr Pepper soda is the basis of the famous barbecue sauce. It has a very pleasant taste and is good to use with roasted brisket.

Sauce by Dr Pepper

The original bottle is a find for the collector

A glass bottle from Dr Pepper is a rarity that can be kept for a collection or sold for a good price. The fact is that the manufacturing company filed a lawsuit against a bottling company in Dublin, as the latter used cane sugar instead of regular sugar. The plant was forced to stop production and bottling of soda.

Rare bottles of Dr Pepper

Carbonated drink – part of the special rations of the military

There was a period of time when the drink was recognized as a necessary and indispensable source of nutrition. This happened during the Second World War, when sugar was issued on cards. Drink manufacturers have petitioned to include Dr Pepper in the diet of soldiers as an energy and invigorating drink.

The military also drank Dr Pepper

Recipe – 100 years of mystery

And finally, the most mysterious fact about Dr Pepper drink is its taste formula. For more than 100 years, the company that owns the brand has kept secret all 23 components that make up its composition. All that remains for lovers of this drink is only to guess what gives it such a unique taste. Perhaps it is amaretto, almonds, blackberries, black licorice, carrots, cloves, cherries, caramel, cola, ginger, juniper, lemon, molasses, nutmeg, orange, prunes, plums, peppers, rum, raspberries, tomatoes, vanilla. However, no one knows for sure!

Relevance: 10.11.2015

Tags: soft drinks

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