10 exercises to get strong arms in record time

10 exercises to get strong arms in record time


If it is in your plans to train to avoid flaccidity in the arms or improve your muscle mass in these, the personal trainer Antonio Ángel Moreno reveals the training that makes them look strong and light

10 exercises to get strong arms in record time

When summer arrives (even a few weeks before) our mind begins to think about what the daily or weekly training will be that we will do to get some abs worthy to show off at the beach, pool and at home with friends and family. However, rarely our attention is focused on other areas of our body equal to or more important than the abdomen, such as the arms.

The arms are part of that list of great forgotten, like the waist or the inner part of the thighs. Why, if we use them frequently to carry the shopping bag, we don’t give them a little of our time to strengthen them properly? Maybe that’s why, because we use them on a daily basis. We believe that it is enough for them to be strong, but it is not.

If it is in your plans to train to avoid sagging arms or improve your muscle mass, the CEO of Radical Trainer and coach Antonio Ángel Moreno insists on the importance of a warm up before starting exercises to strengthen arms: «All exercises, regardless of the area we want to work on, must always start with a warm-up. It is not advisable to train with cold muscles because it can cause injuries.

To do this, says the expert, you just have to stretch your arms at shoulder height and make movements in the shape of a circle. It is convenient to do this stretch for 30 seconds. Then we carry out the same movement to the reverse side for the same time. We always rest between exercise and exercise 30 seconds. It is important to keep track with the stopwatch so that the exercises are more effective.

“Depending on the level of the person, the whole body is heated for training or not. If it is a person with a medium or advanced level, it will only warm up the muscle group that works that day of training. The heating It can be 4 sets of 10 repetitions with a lower weight than we take to train in our first routine exercise », explains the fitness expert.

Flaccidity in the arms

La sagging arms it becomes more and more common over the years. This is due to the loss of firmness of the skin due to modifications in the connective tissue, but this problem can be stopped if a training approved by an expert is carried out. «Working and strengthening the area can prevent sagging. Exercise both biceps and triceps twice a week on alternate days and gradually gain weight in the arm routine each week, ”explains Antonio Ángel Moreno.

10 exercise workout

This would be the fitness circuit that the sports expert recommends to strengthen the arms:

1. Triceps on the floor. 14 reps

For this exercise you have to sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, we put our hands at shoulder height with the fingers pointing towards the hips. We lift our hips off the ground and then contract and stretch our elbows in a way that allows us to raise and lower the hips.

2. Military funds. 10-12 reps.

We place ourselves in the bottom position with our hands at shoulder height, the elbows have to be very close to the body and the feet apart. Once positioned, we bend the elbows and lower the body until the upper part of the arms is parallel to the ground.

3. Flexion and rotation. 10-12 reps.

We get into a flexion position, go down and do the flexion and as we go up we rotate the upper part and extend the arm upwards. Then we repeat with the other arm.

4. Left bicep curl with dumbbell standing. 12 reps

It is making your leg like a weight. We stand with our backs to a wall. We lift the right leg, bend forward and grasp the back of the right ankle with the left hand. We bring the ankle towards the shoulder as much as we can, then we go down and repeat.

5. Right bicep curl with dumbbell foot. 12 reps

6. Same as above, but with the other foot.

When finished, we repeat the 5 exercises again and thus complete 2 sets of each.

7. Jump rope without rope 30 seconds

It’s simple, you have to pretend to jump rope, but if you have it, much better.

8. Push-ups. 14 reps.

Standing face down, arms shoulder-width apart, elbows tucked in and close to torso and body from head to toe in a straight line. The hands should be below the shoulders with the index fingers pointing forward and the fingers spread. Another important detail to take into account about the support of the hands is that the posture is as if one wanted to grip the ground, keeping the pressure on the tips of the fingers and the palms, but not so much on the intermediate phalanges.

9. Burpees. 10 repetitions.

To do a burpees we start standing up and go down while maintaining the squat position, put our hands on the floor and stretch our legs and arms at the same time. We return to the starting position and jump from the squat position.

10. Arm scissors. 30 seconds.

Standing, we stretch our arms to the front and move them to the opposite side, passing one arm under the other and then vice versa.

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