10 evidence that we know too little about the world

Sometimes it seems that a person has already solved all the riddles in the world. He knows what happened in the past. He has an idea of ​​how the Universe works, he even visited other planets. He learned how to perform brain surgery. He has achieved a lot. People who lived just a couple of centuries ago would call a modern person a sorcerer or would be accused of having connections with evil spirits. But, despite all these achievements, the world has not been fully explored, and there are still many mysteries that are unlikely to be solved. At least in the near future. Scientists are working in this direction, but to no avail. We bring to your attention 10 proofs that we know too little about the world.

10 What are the laws of the universe?

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

Based on the law of gravity, we can say that the Universe is preparing for the “Big Crunch”. This is the reverse process of the so-called Big Bang. But the universe is expanding. Not so long ago, scientists discovered that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. They even received a Nobel Prize for it. Only a few years later, other scientists expressed doubts about the veracity of this standard concept. Disputes “pundits” do not subside. They still cannot get to the bottom of the truth and do not know what happened to our Universe and what awaits it in the future. Ordinary people care little whether the universe is shrinking or expanding, but now they at least have general information, and do not believe that the world is standing on three elephants.

9. Why did life originate on Earth?

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

No one knows where life originated on Earth. 3,8 billion years ago, ribonucleic acid appeared, which is contained in the cells of all living organisms. Of course, there are more than enough versions of the appearance of life on Earth. The most common are the creation of God and the influence of ultraviolet rays. No matter how hard the scientists tried, no matter what versions they put forward, they did not find an answer to this question. Perhaps that is why, in the age of technological progress, some still believe that life on Earth was founded by God or alien civilizations.

8. Dinosaur Mysteries

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

At first glance, it seems that people know a lot about dinosaurs. They can be seen not only in feature films, but also in popular science films, not only in books of an entertaining nature, but also in encyclopedias. However, most of the information presented there is nothing more than inventions of scientists. True, they are based on what they managed to find out. Usually, researchers find small fragments, the remains of dinosaurs, and then they try to restore its appearance from them. So until now, scientists cannot answer the question of what the first dinosaur was, whether they were cold-blooded or warm-blooded, how they created pairs, how they hunted, and why nature rewarded them with such large sizes. Perhaps someday, thanks to new technologies, scientists will be able to find out the answer to all these questions.

7. Why do we sleep and why do we dream?

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

This is what excites not only scientists, but also all other people on Earth. They do not understand why we sleep, how dreams appear, and what they are for. Sleep is a physical human need. In the Guinness book, a record is registered: a person did not sleep for almost 19 days. He developed many health problems, in particular mental illness. Dreams, according to scientists, can prevent psychosis. But this is just one point of view. Actually, there are a lot of them. Someone claims that dreams are based on events already experienced by a person. Someone thinks that these are unrealized variants of events. Someone is sure that dreams will soon come true. These are just guesses.

6. What happens after death?

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

Another question that worries not only scientists. What happens when a person dies? According to the Orthodox religion, after death, the soul of a person goes to heaven or hell. There are other versions. According to one of them, the soul of a person from 1 to 40 days after death is able to return to Earth, during which time it must solve unresolved problems. After 40 days, she must go all the way from end to beginning and be freed from all karmic debts. Further, the soul is placed in a causal body (Spirit). Then a series of events take place, as a result, the soul is ready for a new incarnation. It is not known whether this is true or not, because the dead do not return and cannot tell what happened to them. But on the basis of studies devoted to the study of near-death experiences, assumptions have been made that human consciousness continues to exist after death.

5. Theories about the world change all the time

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

People are rather self-confident creatures, and very often they think that they are aware of everything that has happened and is happening in the world. Each time period has its own theory, which subsequently turns out to be ruthlessly crushed by other discoveries of scientists. In ancient times, the earth was represented as a flat disc or half an egg floating in the sea. Then scientists recognized that the Earth is motionless. Their followers disproved this theory. They claimed that all the planets revolve around the sun. Their descendants supported them, but added that the stars and the moon revolve around the earth. Only in the twentieth century, scientists were able to draw up a plausible picture, because telescopes, computers and other equipment appeared at their disposal. A man has been in outer space. But it is possible that in a few years this picture will change.

4. Why does a person need art?

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

Ever since the world came into being, people have been creative. About 30 thousand years ago, the first rock paintings appeared. At the same time, people began to manufacture figurines and figurines. But if a modern person is asked why he needs this, he is unlikely to be able to clearly answer. Beautiful phrases about self-expression do not count. Some scholars suggest that the art was invented to attract members of the opposite sex. That is, the instinct of procreation “worked” here. Now, no one will say whether this is true or a wild fantasy. However, people are so accustomed to the existence of art that they cannot live without it.

3. Mysteries of History

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

It seems to a person that he knows everything about history. This subject is taught at school. But many events have not survived to our times, some of them are greatly distorted. Take, for example, the history of Russia. There is no consensus on where the name “Rus” came from. No one can answer whether the Mongol-Tatar yoke really existed. There are many opinions on this subject, but not a single plausible answer. Have you ever wondered why Peter I tried to remake Rus’ in a European way? But historians suggest that it was replaced when visiting European countries. The real king was killed, and a foreigner was sent in return. There are many controversial questions, the answer to them is unlikely to be found.

2. Ancient literature

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

Despite the fact that literature has existed for a long time, very few ancient works have survived to this day. Moreover, nothing is known about the writers. So even about the famous Shakespeare, who is read even now, no one can say anything. There are suggestions that he did not exist at all, allegedly a group of playwrights worked under this pseudonym. And ancient Russian literature in general was not created for entertainment. She talked about religion, about important people, about some events in the state. Those works that are available to the modern reader have reached him with significant omissions and distortions. Only in the XNUMXth century did creations appear that can be attributed to fiction.

1. Gravity force

10 evidence that we know too little about the world

This is perhaps the most difficult riddle for scientists. Everyone knows that it is gravity that keeps a person on the surface of the earth. Large objects can attract smaller ones. While scientists figured out where gravity comes from, they came to interesting conclusions. Now they doubt whether it even exists. In any case, with the current level of science, the answer to this question cannot be found, as, indeed, to many other questions. Maybe in the future, humanity will be able to find out the truth, but this will definitely not happen soon.

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