10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Our brain is capable of amazing things, but for some reason it often behaves illogically and even incorrectly. In those situations where you need to make the right and reasonable decision – our brain can behave, let’s say, not very adequately … And we can’t do anything about it – all that remains is to accept what is happening.

What is the reason? The fact is that inadequate decisions provoke psychological effects – many people cannot even realize them.

What are these effects and what are they called, you will learn from the article. Perhaps some of them will remind you of someone!

10 The Dr. Fox effect

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Have you noticed for yourself that some lecturers or people in a conversation are outright nonsense, but they are so charismatic that you cannot get up and leave the hall or end the conversation?

A person inspires confidence in you and convinces you of the importance of his story, you become chained to the stories that you receive from this person – all sects and lectures of pseudoscientific theories are based on this.

We, looking at a person who skillfully speaks, knows how to control facial expressions, and gathers people around him, also become followers.

But if someone has really important knowledge, but does not know how to present it correctly, then they will not seem important to us – this is a minus of our psyche.

9. Dunning-Kruger effect

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Have you noticed how an experienced specialist in any field was insecure in making a decision, considering himself a gray mediocrity, and one who had no experience behind him imagines himself to be a real expert in any field?

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a misconception about one’s abilities.

This distortion is expressed in those situations when an inexperienced person begins to give advice and is sure that they are correct. A person considers himself a real genius, but he is mistaken and his advice is a failure.

An experienced specialist always doubts himself, and even despite the praise and applause, he believes that he knows very little.

8. Comfort zone

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Almost everyone has heard such a phrase that sounds at lectures, seminars, it is often used in books: “Get out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals,” but is it really necessary to get out of it?

The comfort zone is the place where a person feels comfortable and safe, and his level of performance can be called average. When a person gets into new conditions, he begins to turn on the brain.

There is a negative point – there is no anxiety in the comfort zone, and a person can easily learn. When he gets into new conditions, then his anxiety grows, and his productivity drops.

But with the expansion of the comfort zone, the learning zone also expands, capturing the anxiety zone. In this way, exciting things also become part of the learning and are overcome.

7. Crab bucket effect

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

This effect is familiar to everyone. Think about how you shared with your friends about wanting to change your life, try some interesting hobby, or tell your family that you want to move to another city and start a new life.

What did you get in return for that? Most likely, the following: “Why …” “What’s the difference where and how to live”, “So not bad.”

The effect lies in the experiment – when one crab was put in a bucket, he could easily get out of it, but when the bucket was filled with a large number of crabs, they could not get out, clinging to each other.

What does it mean? When you tell your friends that you want something new, they are afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone and want you to stay in the same place with them. Listening to them in this case is not recommended.

6. Emotional lead

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Each of us makes plans and dreams of something. As a child, everything was easier – it was enough to ask your parents for an expensive toy and wait for your birthday to be presented with it.

But have you noticed that even a very big dream, after its realization, disappointed you and did not bring the joy that you were waiting for? This can be explained.

When you set a goal for yourself and move towards it with all your efforts – all your thoughts about your dream, you have a lot of fears, anticipation and hopes. You are sure that you will achieve what you want.

But you have an emotional peak, because you know that the dream has almost come true – at this moment you are full of happiness. When the dream has come true, the peak of joy has already been passed, so emotions are weakened.

5. Deja vu effect

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Everyone knows the state of deja vu – you find yourself in a situation and think that it has already happened to you.

In fact, this state is due to the sophisticated game of our brain, which presents us with current memories in the form of past ones. This effect mainly occurs in active people or, conversely, tired and sick.

Deja vu is a glitch that occurs in the hippocampus (part of the limbic system of the brain). Responsible for the formation of emotions and the consolidation of memory.

The bottom line is this – in the event that happened to you a second ago, the brain finds some detail that flickers in the past, and the events of a second ago begin to seem to us like they happened a long time ago.

4. Choice constraint

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Have you ever noticed how you go to the store to buy new jeans, but there are so many that it’s hard to choose?

If the choice is still made, you will not be satisfied with the item you bought, and you will remember other jeans that you think might suit you better. But when the choice is very small, you buy a thing and are satisfied.

It is not easy to get rid of such an effect. It is difficult for us to choose something from a large number and be satisfied.

Maybe you should make the choice more limited in advance so as not to suffer? Visit smaller stores and write lists ahead of time. After the purchase, try to find the pros and feel free to rejoice in your new thing!

3. Survivor’s mistake

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

This effect is very common, and many people come across it, with whom something bad can subsequently happen. It is based on the story of a person who had a successful experience.

For example, one person decided to cure cancer in his own way, without the help of doctors, he creates his own channel on YouTube and tells his subscribers about it.

What is the downside here? It is that a person has followers, people follow the advice of the cured, refusing medical care, and die. This successful experience is only for one person, it does not mean that others will have the same.

This effect is used in all areas – in business, strategies to win a loved one … You have your own experience, and if someone succeeded, it does not mean that you will succeed. You have to decide for yourself what to do.

2. Blind Spot

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

Have there been situations in your life when someone diligently gave you advice and guidance? Most likely, this person felt almost a visionary and thought that he knew more, having a lot of experience and knowledge behind him.

But if this person is pointed out to his mistakes and comments are made, he will begin to defend himself, being sure that he is doing everything right.

According to research, everyone has experienced this effect at least once. People tend to see and notice mistakes in the life and behavior of other people, but for some reason they ignore their own (or simply do not see them).

In this case, only one thing can be advised – do not listen to those who are trying to teach you, and do not interfere in the lives of others yourself.

1. Sinister Valley

10 effects of the psyche that affect our brain

This effect, most likely, not everyone experienced, but it is very interesting. Do you like robots, animals or dolls?

When a person sees an object or a living being similar to it, he experiences great joy. But at some point, a person notices not an ideal, but too much similarity … A valley effect appears – this frightens a person.

We see that a person is in front of us, but we realize that he is somehow wrong. The following thought arises in my head: “What is this …” You can notice this technique in thrillers and horror films.

Now scientists are creating robots that resemble a person, but their movements are still different from human ones – unnaturalness causes anxiety and fear in a person.

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