10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

Intelligence is the ability to think, perceive, analyze, remember. Of course, first of all, it depends on heredity and upbringing. But if you do not load your brain with work, the intellectual level will begin to decline. Any person has the opportunity to develop intelligence on their own. But for this you will have to work long and hard. Scientists have long been interested in this issue, and a number of studies have allowed them to establish that the brain is not an immutable structure. Depending on external influences, its level may vary. If you want to increase it, then use the following ways to develop intelligence.

10 Think about difficult questions

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

Applicants of the famous universities of Cambridge and Oxford at the entrance exams are often asked questions that seem not at all related to the subject of study. They are quite tricky, but they allow you to understand what a future student is capable of. In addition, they train analytical thinking. Most people live ordinary lives: work, home, family. So such an average person is unlikely to be able to answer these questions. Try to think not only about where and how to spend the weekend and what to cook for dinner tonight. Just look at the world around you, anything will arouse your interest. Reflect on this question, and then look for the correct answer. If your answer matches it, put yourself a plus, if not, do not stop and develop your thinking further.

9. Learn to play a musical instrument

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

The established belief that listening to classical music increases intelligence has been refuted. Scientists conducted a number of studies in which groups of children participated. Participants from one group were engaged in singing, others learned to play musical instruments, and others were engaged in acting. Members of the fourth group did nothing. After a year, all children checked the level of intelligence. Above all, he was among those guys who were engaged in music. Therefore, fulfill your old dream – learn to play a musical instrument. This will not only increase your intelligence, but also make you a versatile interesting person.

8. Learn to think strategically

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

You probably thought that the ability to think strategically is useful only to fans of chess or other intellectual games. This is an absolutely wrong opinion. This ability will allow you to build the correct model in your head. It doesn’t matter what you want to plan and predict, a business plan or a to-do list for tomorrow. Without the ability to think strategically, any surprise will piss you off. Conversely, if you have developed strategic thinking, you will appreciate a variety of scenarios. No unexpected factors will spoil your plans.

7. Solve logic puzzles

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

At school, you regularly exercised your brain. And remember children’s magazines with endless tasks like “remove the match.” After all, then you were interested. Such small logical puzzles perfectly develop logic and creative thinking. Try playing them now. On the Internet, there are a lot of tasks and puzzles of various directions. You can find many printed publications in stores. Involve family members or friends in this activity. You will have a great time, get even closer, and most importantly, provide your brain with work.

6. Practice mindfulness meditation

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

How many people live on the machine, they just do not notice how time flies. At breakfast they think about the upcoming day, at work about personal problems. If you recognize yourself in this description, it’s time to act. Try mindfulness meditation. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, but do it consciously. Be here and now. Think only about what you are doing at the moment. Such practices will help you to establish self-control, develop memory, creativity. In addition, they are great at coping with stress. You may not be able to live consciously right away. Old habits formed over the years will not let you go so easily. Most importantly, don’t give up and you’ll be fine.

5. Learn to think outside the box

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

People often think in patterns. It has been formed since childhood. In one situation it is worth doing this, and in another it is so, if not, then “you are a bad boy.” Or a girl, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that people lose the ability to think outside the box. When you need to make a decision, try to discard all imposed stereotypes, relax, close your eyes. Think about your problem unconsciously. Listen to your thoughts, write down on paper everything that your brain advises you. Even if irrelevant words come to mind, write everything down. And then analyze, so you will find a solution to the problem. Gradually, you will get used to thinking outside the box, you will not need to conduct such sessions.

4. Train your memory

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

It is very important to train memory, it is a pity that in adulthood only a few do this. And people who believe that they do not need it, then begin to suffer from memory lapses. It all starts harmlessly: they forget where they put the keys, what the names of new acquaintances are. By old age, they may even begin to have serious memory problems. To avoid this, train it systematically. Learn poetry. So you will not only train your memory, but also expand your vocabulary, get acquainted with the wonderful world of poetry. Strain your visual memory, memorize pictures, unfamiliar places. There are many activity books available to help you train your memory.

3. Get enough sleep!

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

Of course, in order to engage in your intellect, you need to be healthy, in good shape, and most importantly, well-rested. Full sleep is able to restore memory and develop intelligence. American scientists led the experiment. Participants were asked to play a video game with intricate logic puzzles. Participants who got enough sleep on a regular basis were much more successful on the test. Some neurologists say that healthy sleep affects the quality of learning foreign languages. But even if you do not take into account the arguments of doctors, remember yourself at those moments in your life when you could not get enough sleep. Absent-mindedness, inability to catch the thread of the conversation, poor concentration. There can be no question of increasing the level of intelligence here.

2. Do math

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

When people graduate from an institute or other educational institution, mathematics disappears from their lives forever. The maximum that they consider is the money in the wallet. You must have heard Lomonosov say that mathematics puts the mind in order. Yes, she also develops intelligence and analytical skills well. Try at least for fun, do math. Choose the right support for you. There are many titles that will make you fall in love with math.

1. Learn foreign languages

10 Effective Ways to Develop Intelligence

To develop your brain, and along the way to do ordinary household chores, audio lessons will help you. You will be able to train your memory, increase the level of intelligence, plus the numerous benefits that knowledge of a foreign language gives you. You will be able to travel abroad without problems, you will not have to communicate with gestures in the hotel and in the store. You can watch foreign films without translation, read books in the original. It will also help you develop.

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