10 effective suppositories for endometriosis
Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women. It is accompanied by painful and heavy menstruation, cycle disorders, and the risk of infertility increases. We will find out how this pathology is treated, and whether suppositories will help with endometriosis

Endometriosis is a fairly common hormone-dependent benign pathology in which the uterine mucosa (endometrium) “leaves” the organ cavity. In this case, the endometrium can be in almost any part of the body, but is most often found in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

The most common symptoms of endometriosis are:

  • painful and prolonged menstruation;
  • menstrual cycle disorders;
  • prolonged “smearing” discharge before and after menstruation;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • anemia.

If you find these symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct a complete examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Effective treatments for endometriosis are:

  1. drug therapy with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs;
  2. surgery (laparoscopic removal of pathological tissues)1.

Suppositories are not the main treatment for endometriosis. However, since they have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects, they can be used as adjuvant therapy.2.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and best suppositories for endometriosis according to KP

1. Depantol

The drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories and contains dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine. Due to the combined healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, Depanthenol accelerates the restoration of the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina. With endometriosis, suppositories can be used after surgical treatment for the prevention of complications and rapid tissue healing.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

effectively relieves inflammation, promotes rapid recovery and healing of damaged tissues (for example, after surgical treatment of endometriosis).
some patients report uncomfortable packaging and itching on application.
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2. Galavit

A drug with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Endometriosis is considered an immune-dependent disease, and Galavit suppositories improve local immunity, accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues, help restore the menstrual cycle and reduce pain in the lower abdomen3.

Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years of age.

the drug improves immunity, helps to restore the cycle.
high price.

3. Antikan N Endometrin

Homeopathic preparation with local antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition contains extracts of propolis and licorice, oil of sea buckthorn, calendula and celandine, as well as extracts from wormwood and elderberry. Phytocandles help to normalize the menstrual cycle, prevent inflammation and the appearance of adhesions in endometriosis and other diseases of the female genital area.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to bee products, individual intolerance to the components

natural composition, a minimum of side effects (if there is no allergy).
not found in all pharmacies.
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4. Ichthyol

Ichthyol suppositories are often prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of endometritis, prostatitis and salpingo-oophoritis. The composition contains ichthammol, which has anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic and antiseptic effects. It is worth considering that after the introduction of the candle, they can leak out and stain the laundry.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to ichthammol, age up to 18 years (for rectal use).

effectively relieves inflammation, affordable price.
unpleasant odor, can cause burning at the injection site and stain laundry.
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5. Indomethacin

The active ingredient of suppositories is indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with proven efficacy. Candles weaken or eliminate pain in endometriosis and other inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to NSAIDs, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, internal bleeding, heart failure, arterial hypertension, liver and kidney failure, bronchial asthma, blood diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

effectively relieves pain and inflammation.
many side effects and contraindications.

6. Diclofenac

The trade name of the candles is the same as the name of the active substance. Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a strong analgesic effect. As already mentioned, endometriosis causes pain in the lower abdomen. If for some reason it is impossible to use analgesics inside, these suppositories are prescribed as symptomatic therapy.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to NSAIDs, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, active gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease, severe renal, hepatic and heart failure, pregnancy (III trimester), lactation.

quickly and effectively relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
burning sensation when applied, a large list of contraindications.

7. Gexicon

Hexicon suppositories are used in cases where a secondary microbial infection joins the underlying disease (endometriosis). Candles can be used before surgery and invasive procedures to prevent infectious and inflammatory complications. The composition contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine, which relieves inflammation, helps to cope with profuse discharge, accompanied by burning and itching.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

affordable price, pronounced antimicrobial effect.
local allergic reactions are possible.

8. Propolis D

Homeopathic suppositories with propolis are used as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent in the treatment of various diseases, including endometriosis, and also help speed up recovery after surgery on the pelvic organs.

Contraindications: age up to 18 years, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and other bee products.

budget drug, a wide range of applications.
not found in all pharmacies, can cause allergic reactions.
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9. Longidaza

Our rating is opened by Longidaza candles, which are available in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories. The drug based on the enzyme hyaluronidase with the addition of cocoa butter has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

The manufacturer recommends the use of suppositories for such gynecological diseases as endometriosis, chronic endometritis, as well as for the prevention of adhesive processes and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Contraindications: malignant tumors, pulmonary bleeding, acute renal failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.

the drug is well tolerated by patients, side effects and allergic reactions are rare.
quite high price.
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10. Polyoxidonium

An immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, available in the form of tablets, injections, rectal and vaginal suppositories.

Polyoxidonium suppositories are often used to treat various infectious and inflammatory diseases. The drug accelerates the healing of tissues after operations and minimally invasive procedures, including those on the pelvic organs.

Polyoxidonium can be used to treat endometriosis along with other drugs and surgery.

Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity, pulmonary bleeding and hemoptysis, malignant neoplasms, acute renal failure, age up to 12 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

accelerates tissue healing, increases local immunity.
there is no consensus among doctors about the effectiveness of the drug.

How to choose suppositories for endometriosis

Manufacturers produce suppositories in the form of vaginal or rectal suppositories. The latter are used in cases where an analgesic effect is needed or for a wide impact on the body. Vaginal suppositories act locally4, reducing inflammation and helping the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

Reviews of doctors about suppositories for endometriosis

Most doctors are inclined to believe that there is no evidence-based scientific basis for suppositories in the treatment of endometriosis. Thus, suppositories can only be used as an adjunctive therapy: relieve inflammation, reduce pain, increase local immunity. They do not affect the treatment of the underlying disease – only hormone therapy or surgical treatment will help here.

Popular questions and answers

Key questions about endometriosis and its treatment are answered by gynecologist Alena Chumikanova.

What causes endometriosis?

– The exact cause of the disease has not yet been found out. There are several theories for the origin of endometriosis:

• genetic predisposition;

• violation of the immune balance;

• transfer of some endometrial cells into the pelvic cavity during menstruation;

• hormonal disbalance.

Can you get pregnant with endometriosis?

The chances depend on the severity of the disease. With a mild form of pathology, the possibility of a healthy pregnancy is reduced to about 50%. The higher the severity, the less chance of conception. In the event that pregnancy does occur, the risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage increases due to hormonal imbalance.

What can not be done with endometriosis?

– With endometriosis, it is recommended to avoid excessive overheating of the body. It is better to refuse to visit baths and saunas and take hot baths. Many are interested in the issue of sexuality. Doctors do not prohibit sexual intercourse. But the fact is that most women suffering from this disease experience pain, which can only intensify during sexual intercourse. Constipation is also characteristic of endometriosis. Therefore, we do not recommend eating foods that can exacerbate this problem. 


  1. Immunological aspects of endometriosis. L.V. Adamyan. Attending physician No. 4/2020, art.37-47. https://journal.lvrach.ru/jour/article/view/109/107?locale=ru_RU
  2. Endometriosis as a frequent pathology in gynecology. I.Sh. Daubasova. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Medical University, 2013. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/endometrioz-kak-chastaya-patologiya-v-ginekologii
  3. Immunomodulatory therapy in the rehabilitation program for patients with chronic endometritis. Shurshalina A.V., Dubnitskaya L.V. Russian Bulletin of an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, 2006. http://elib.fesmu.ru/elib/Article.aspx?id=142019
  4. Endometriosis: from the difficulties of diagnosis to new possibilities of therapy. V.N.Prilepskaya, E.V.Ivanova, A.V.Tagiyeva, A.B.Letunovskaya. Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after V.I. acad. IN AND. Kulakov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2012, p. 4-8. https://journals.eco-vector.com/2079-5831/article/view/33251

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