10 effective methods of manipulating people

Hello dear blog readers! Manipulating people is an imperceptible influence on their subconscious in order to get the desired result. And today we will study the main and effective ways of influence.

Top Methods

1. Fear

Have you noticed that a person, frightened, then feels relief from the realization that everything is fine, that a terrible, dangerous or alarming situation has passed? He relaxes, his mind is busy thinking about what happened, the functions of defense mechanisms are weakly expressed … And do you know what all this means? That at this moment it is very easy to influence him. That is, it is time to ask for something that he did not agree to before.

The main thing is to do it gently and non-persistently, as if you were just about to ask, but you were interrupted by his reaction to some event. By the way, it can look quite organic if you are a leader, and subordinates do not hand over the project on time, do not give all the best at 100%, and so on. It’s worth it just to intimidate by casually saying something like this: “I was just considering your candidacy for the purpose of promotion, but, unfortunately, you are a little unable to cope with your duties …”.

Under fear of being fired or losing career prospects, for a while he will indeed do everything in his power to improve the quality of his work. The main thing then is to really fulfill your threats and promises, otherwise they will no longer trust your words, which will subsequently deprive you of authority in the eyes of employees.

2. Support

10 effective methods of manipulating people

During communication, when it is extremely important for you that the interlocutor agrees with you and supports some idea, before you start talking, nod and smile a little, as if you initially feel his support. The psychology of the masses is such that usually people tend to repeat some actions at the subconscious level.

This is due to instinct, the desire to belong to a group, not different from it. Therefore, we are not always able to give logical explanations for some of our actions, finding explanations that everyone did this, so I decided. So why not take advantage of this technique? By the way, it is with its help that most of the sales are made in the modern world.

Now it’s more important to show your potential client that the product is in great demand, there are a lot of subscribers, reviews … and voila, you shouldn’t even strain too hard on the advertising program. After all, if acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, and in general, the majority of the population chooses it, then this product is the best, why take the risk and take another one?

3. Thanks

Why do you think some companies give free pens to customers? Or do they do tastings in supermarkets? If you read the article «How to develop the ability to influence people’s decisions?» — you know about the method that Benjamin Franklin came up with. Let me remind you briefly: it consists in asking for a small favor from a person who does not treat you very favorably. Then, over time, she will change her mind.

So, when they do good to us, don’t you want to thank such a good person in return? Many people feel that they are now indebted to their virtue, and therefore they try to «repay debts.» So you tried a delicious sausage, which was carefully cut by a pleasant and smiling girl, and even then she gave a napkin to wipe your hands — how can you resist and not buy a stick of this sausage later? Even in a month, because the name and brand will «settle» in the subconscious.

So do good, especially to those people whose opinion or decision you want to influence. By the way, many people try to avoid the services of others, precisely because of the “debt” trap. So, for example, a girl may feel obligated when a man pays for dinner, which is why she offers to split the bill in half in advance in order to have freedom in making a decision.

4. Speech manipulation

When you try to deliberately evoke some kind of emotion using certain words. So you can change the mood of the interlocutor. When talking about any topic, try to use words that symbolize positive emotions.

For example, it is enough to repeat the words “happiness”, “success” or “joy” several times, as in the person with whom you communicate, these feelings will involuntarily begin to emerge. This technique is most effective when you reinforce it with facial expressions and intonation. How to do this correctly, you will learn from the article about non-verbal communication.

By the way, there is such a direction in psychology as NLP — Neuro Linguistic Programming. And one of his techniques is «anchoring». That is, when a person, when communicating with you, when remembering your personality, certain associations arise. I want to say that if you use the same speech manipulation at every meeting, for example, about joy, then over time this feeling will “anchor” in it. He will experience happiness at the thought of you, which means that now he is «on the hook.»

You can read more about NLP here.

5. Flattery

What kind of person does not like to be praised, or made to understand that they approve of his actions? The main thing is not to overdo it, so that praise does not turn into open flattery, which causes hostility to those who allow it to themselves. After all, even altruistic impulses are associated with the desire to receive approval, at least from oneself. And this is the most powerful motivation for a person.

Therefore, try to «consider» or understand what gives pleasure to the person you decide to influence. It is enough for someone to realize that his opinion is taken into account, for someone it is important to hear words about his significance, someone is looking for approval in the eyes, and so on. At Harvard one day, students decided to experiment.

They agreed that they would smile and periodically nod their heads when the teacher, moving during the lecture, would go to one side of the audience, and, accordingly, frown and non-verbally express dissatisfaction when in the opposite direction. I think you have already guessed that the students succeeded in this covert manipulation — the professor unconsciously «read» the information and no longer left the zone where he felt approval.

6. The mood of the interlocutor

10 effective methods of manipulating people

At the moment when you are communicating with someone, and your opponent is in a rage or anger, then, in order not to feel the negative consequences of his mood on yourself, having fallen, as they say, «under the hot hand» — never stand opposite him. Unconsciously, you will be perceived as an enemy, a feeling of anger activates defense mechanisms, which is why he may unreasonably attack you in advance, as if defending himself from a possible threat.

Therefore, having noticed a bad mood in a person important to you, stand next to each other, as it were, shoulder to shoulder. This will symbolize that you are nearby, his support and support.

7. “Alternative”

Create a trap by offering the interlocutor or client the so-called «false alternative». What does it mean? And the fact that he will have a choice without a choice. It’s like with small children who begin to rebel and demand that their opinions be taken into account. Suppose they decide to choose for themselves what to wear for a walk. But, without experience, in rainy weather they may well choose something completely light and inappropriate.

Therefore, parents are advised not to say that their children are still stupid in such matters, but to support their desire to be an adult, only by cheating a little — letting them choose not from a whole closet of clothes, but by offering a couple of options at their discretion. Then the child is dressed appropriately for the weather, while being pleased that he chose a set for himself.

Therefore, if you ask employees when they can redo the project, this or next week, the key word will be “redo”. They would have a chance to avoid this fate if you asked if they could change it, but using this manipulation technique will deprive them of their true freedom of choice.

8. Merits in advance

Have you noticed how selflessly an employee can give himself to work if he is given obligations that are a little higher than he is used to? Wanting to justify hopes and expectations, he will try to prove that he is worthy of a new position and will not give reason to doubt his competence. A person is afraid that others will decide that they were mistaken in him or find out that in fact he is not anything interesting.

Psychologists conducted an experiment during which athletes were awarded titles that they did not count on. In the future, they trained harder to justify their medal. They do the same with children. Notorious hooligans are assigned to keep order and discipline. Then even a deviant (you can learn more about this from this article), feeling that he is finally trusted, can radically change his behavior.

9. Always agree

10 effective methods of manipulating people

Use the enemy’s strength against him. I mean, if they are trying to prove something to you, agree, and then offer your own version of the further development of events. Let’s say your wife made a scandal that you became inattentive to her and the like. Instead of refuting her arguments, agree by saying that yes, indeed, something is true, lately you have completely forgotten about her.

Believe me, if at the same time you make a guilty and upset look, the conflict will be settled, and you will achieve your goal by offering a convenient way out of the situation for you.

10. I do not recommend using

There are ways that affect the emotional sphere of a person. They are especially successful when the person is not fully conscious, does not distinguish between his feelings and is not capable of interpreting his actions and explaining the origin of desires. It is highly recommended to use them in very extreme cases, and not with close people with whom relationships are valuable and important.

  • Pressure for pity. Usually the most powerful, oddly enough, is the victim. She, provoking aggression, subsequently causes pity and guilt in the tyrant and the offender, which will urgently need to be atoned for.
  • Anger. People can make any concessions, as long as a significant person stops being angry.
  • Anxiety and restlessness due to silence. Considering that someone is very upset that it’s not even a resource to communicate, you can go to great lengths to alleviate his condition.
  • Manipulation of hope or love.
  • Vanity or shame. It works especially effectively with people who are «greedy» for flattery and who want recognition. Due to internal insecurity and immaturity, they can take risks when they hear the provocative phrase “Are you weak?”.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Be careful in using tricks, because if they are excessive, you can be “bitten”. Good luck and accomplishments!

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